#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # All Rights Reserved. # import subprocess from cgtsclient.common import utils from cgtsclient import exc from collections import OrderedDict from cgtsclient.v1 import isystem as isystem_utils from cgtsclient.common import constants def _print_isystem_show(isystem): fields = ['name', 'system_type', 'system_mode', 'description', 'location', 'contact', 'timezone', 'software_version', 'uuid', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'region_name', 'service_project_name'] if isystem.capabilities.get('region_config'): fields.append('shared_services') setattr(isystem, 'shared_services', isystem.capabilities.get('shared_services')) if isystem.capabilities.get('sdn_enabled') is not None: fields.append('sdn_enabled') setattr(isystem, 'sdn_enabled', isystem.capabilities.get('sdn_enabled')) if isystem.capabilities.get('https_enabled') is not None: fields.append('https_enabled') setattr(isystem, 'https_enabled', isystem.capabilities.get('https_enabled')) if isystem.distributed_cloud_role: fields.append('distributed_cloud_role') setattr(isystem, 'distributed_cloud_role', isystem.distributed_cloud_role) if isystem.capabilities.get('vswitch_type') is not None: fields.append('vswitch_type') setattr(isystem, 'vswitch_type', isystem.capabilities.get('vswitch_type')) data = dict(list([(f, getattr(isystem, f, '')) for f in fields])) utils.print_dict(data) def do_show(cc, args): """Show system attributes.""" isystems = cc.isystem.list() _print_isystem_show(isystems[0]) @utils.arg('-n', '--name', metavar='', help='The name of the system') @utils.arg('-s', '--sdn_enabled', metavar='', choices=['true', 'false'], help='The SDN enabled or disabled flag') @utils.arg('-t', '--timezone', metavar='', help='The timezone of the system') @utils.arg('-m', '--system_mode', metavar='', help='The system mode of the system') @utils.arg('-d', '--description', metavar='', help='The description of the system') @utils.arg('-c', '--contact', metavar='', help='The contact of the system') @utils.arg('-l', '--location', metavar='', help='The location of the system') @utils.arg('-p', '--https_enabled', metavar='', choices=['true', 'false'], help='The HTTPS enabled or disabled flag') @utils.arg('-v', '--vswitch_type', metavar='', choices=['ovs-dpdk'], help='The vswitch type for the system') def do_modify(cc, args): """Modify system attributes.""" isystems = cc.isystem.list() isystem = isystems[0] # Validate system_mode value if its passed in if args.system_mode is not None: system_mode_options = [constants.SYSTEM_MODE_DUPLEX, constants.SYSTEM_MODE_DUPLEX_DIRECT] if isystem.system_type != constants.TS_AIO: raise exc.CommandError("system_mode can only be modified on an " "AIO system") if isystem.system_mode == constants.SYSTEM_MODE_SIMPLEX: raise exc.CommandError("system_mode can not be modified if it is " "currently set to '%s'" % constants.SYSTEM_MODE_SIMPLEX) mode = args.system_mode if isystem.system_mode == mode: raise exc.CommandError("system_mode value already set to '%s'" % mode) if mode not in system_mode_options: raise exc.CommandError("Invalid value for system_mode, it can only" " be modified to '%s' or '%s'" % (constants.SYSTEM_MODE_DUPLEX, constants.SYSTEM_MODE_DUPLEX_DIRECT)) mode_text = "duplex" if mode == constants.SYSTEM_MODE_DUPLEX_DIRECT: mode_text = "direct connect" warning_message = ( '\n' 'The system will be reconfigured to AIO %s.\n' 'The controllers need to be physically accessed to reconnect ' 'network cables. Please check the admin guide for prerequisites ' 'before continue.\n' 'Are you sure you want to continue [yes/N]: ' % mode_text) confirm = raw_input(warning_message) if confirm != 'yes': print "Operation cancelled." return print 'Please follow the admin guide to complete the reconfiguration.' field_list = ['name', 'system_mode', 'description', 'location', 'contact', 'timezone', 'sdn_enabled','https_enabled', 'vswitch_type'] # use field list as filter user_fields = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in vars(args).items() if k in field_list and not (v is None)) configured_fields = isystem.__dict__ configured_fields.update(user_fields) print_https_warning = False patch = [] for (k, v) in user_fields.items(): patch.append({'op': 'replace', 'path': '/' + k, 'value': v}) if k == "https_enabled" and v == "true" : print_https_warning = True try: isystem = cc.isystem.update(isystem.uuid, patch) except exc.HTTPNotFound: raise exc.CommandError('system not found: %s' % isystem.uuid) _print_isystem_show(isystem) if print_https_warning : print "HTTPS enabled with a self-signed certificate.\nThis should be " \ "changed to a CA-signed certificate with 'system certificate-install'. "