# Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import json import os import re import ssl import socket import tempfile import requests from eventlet.green import subprocess from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import encodeutils from oslo_serialization import base64 from six.moves.urllib.request import Request from six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError from six.moves.urllib.error import URLError from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen from sysinv.common import constants from sysinv.openstack.common.keystone_objects import Token from sysinv.common import kubernetes as sys_kube # Subcloud sync status ENDPOINT_TYPE_DC_CERT = 'dc-cert' SYNC_STATUS_UNKNOWN = "unknown" SYNC_STATUS_IN_SYNC = "in-sync" SYNC_STATUS_OUT_OF_SYNC = "out-of-sync" DEPLOY_STATE_DONE = 'complete' MANAGEMENT_UNMANAGED = "unmanaged" MANAGEMENT_MANAGED = "managed" AVAILABILITY_OFFLINE = "offline" AVAILABILITY_ONLINE = "online" CERT_NAMESPACE_SYS_CONTROLLER = 'dc-cert' CERT_NAMESPACE_SUBCLOUD_CONTROLLER = 'sc-cert' DC_ROLE_UNDETECTED = 'unknown' LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF dc_role = DC_ROLE_UNDETECTED def update_admin_ep_cert(token, ca_crt, tls_crt, tls_key): service_type = 'platform' service_name = 'sysinv' sysinv_url = token.get_service_internal_url(service_type, service_name) api_cmd = sysinv_url + '/certificate/certificate_renew' api_cmd_payload = dict() api_cmd_payload['certtype'] = constants.CERTIFICATE_TYPE_ADMIN_ENDPOINT resp = rest_api_request(token, "POST", api_cmd, json.dumps(api_cmd_payload)) if 'result' in resp and resp['result'] == 'OK': LOG.info('Update admin endpoint certificate request succeeded') else: LOG.error('Request response %s' % resp) raise Exception('Update admin endpoint certificate failed') def verify_adminep_cert_chain(): """ Verify admin endpoint certificate chain & delete if invalid :param context: an admin context. :return: True/False if chain is valid * Retrieve ICA & AdminEP cert secrets from k8s * base64 decode ICA cert (tls.crt from SC_INTERMEDIATE_CA_SECRET_NAME) * & adminep (tls.crt from SC_ADMIN_ENDPOINT_SECRET_NAME) * & store the crts in tempfiles * Run openssl verify against RootCA to verify the chain """ kube_op = sys_kube.KubeOperator() secret_ica = kube_op.kube_get_secret(constants.SC_INTERMEDIATE_CA_SECRET_NAME, CERT_NAMESPACE_SUBCLOUD_CONTROLLER) if 'tls.crt' not in secret_ica.data: raise Exception('%s tls.crt (ICA) data missing' % (constants.SC_INTERMEDIATE_CA_SECRET_NAME)) secret_adminep = kube_op.kube_get_secret(constants.SC_ADMIN_ENDPOINT_SECRET_NAME, CERT_NAMESPACE_SUBCLOUD_CONTROLLER) if 'tls.crt' not in secret_adminep.data: raise Exception('%s tls.crt data missing' % (constants.SC_ADMIN_ENDPOINT_SECRET_NAME)) txt_ca_crt = base64.decode_as_text(secret_ica.data['tls.crt']) txt_tls_crt = base64.decode_as_text(secret_adminep.data['tls.crt']) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as ca_tmpfile: ca_tmpfile.write(txt_ca_crt.encode('utf8')) ca_tmpfile.flush() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as adminep_tmpfile: adminep_tmpfile.write(txt_tls_crt.encode('utf8')) adminep_tmpfile.flush() cmd = ['openssl', 'verify', '-CAfile', constants.DC_ROOT_CA_CERT_PATH, '-untrusted', ca_tmpfile.name, adminep_tmpfile.name] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() proc.wait() if 0 == proc.returncode: LOG.info('verify_adminep_cert_chain passed. Valid chain') return True else: LOG.info('verify_adminep_cert_chain: Chain is invalid\n%s\n%s' % (stdout, stderr)) res = kube_op.kube_delete_secret(constants.SC_ADMIN_ENDPOINT_SECRET_NAME, CERT_NAMESPACE_SUBCLOUD_CONTROLLER) LOG.info('Deleting AdminEP secret due to invalid chain. %s:%s, result %s, msg %s' % (CERT_NAMESPACE_SUBCLOUD_CONTROLLER, constants.SC_ADMIN_ENDPOINT_SECRET_NAME, res.status, res.message)) return False def dc_get_subcloud_sysinv_url(subcloud_name, dc_token): """Pulls the sysinv platform URL from the given token""" url = dc_token.get_service_admin_url(constants.SERVICE_TYPE_PLATFORM, constants.SYSINV_USERNAME, subcloud_name) if url: LOG.debug('%s sysinv endpoint %s' % (subcloud_name, url)) return url else: LOG.error('Cannot find sysinv endpoint for %s' % subcloud_name) raise Exception('Cannot find sysinv endpoint for %s' % subcloud_name) def dc_get_service_endpoint_url(token, service_name='dcmanager', service_type='dcmanager', region=constants.SYSTEM_CONTROLLER_REGION): """Pulls the dcmanager service internal URL from the given token""" url = token.get_service_internal_url(service_type, service_name, region) if url: LOG.debug('%s %s endpoint %s' % (region, service_name, url)) return url else: LOG.error('Cannot find %s endpoint for %s' % (service_name, region)) raise Exception('Cannot find %s endpoint for %s' % (service_name, region)) def update_subcloud_ca_cert( token, sc_name, sysinv_url, ca_crt, tls_crt, tls_key): api_cmd = sysinv_url + '/certificate/certificate_renew' api_cmd_payload = dict() api_cmd_payload['certtype'] = \ constants.CERTIFICATE_TYPE_ADMIN_ENDPOINT_INTERMEDIATE_CA api_cmd_payload['root_ca_crt'] = ca_crt api_cmd_payload['sc_ca_cert'] = tls_crt api_cmd_payload['sc_ca_key'] = tls_key timeout = int(CONF.endpoint_cache.http_connect_timeout) resp = rest_api_request(token, "POST", api_cmd, json.dumps(api_cmd_payload), timeout=timeout) if 'result' in resp and resp['result'] == 'OK': LOG.info('Update %s intermediate CA cert request succeed' % sc_name) else: LOG.error('Request response %s' % resp) raise Exception('Update %s intermediate CA cert failed' % sc_name) def get_subcloud(token, subcloud_name): api_url = dc_get_service_endpoint_url(token) api_cmd = api_url + '/subclouds/%s' % subcloud_name LOG.info('api_cmd %s' % api_cmd) resp = rest_api_request(token, "GET", api_cmd) return resp def load_subclouds(resp): sc_list = [] for obj in resp['subclouds']: sc = {} sc['name'] = obj['name'] sc['management-state'] = obj['management-state'] sc['availability-status'] = obj['availability-status'] sc['sync_status'] = obj['sync_status'] for ss in obj['endpoint_sync_status']: sc[ss['endpoint_type']] = ss['sync_status'] sc_list.append(sc) return sc_list def get_subclouds_from_dcmanager(token): api_url = dc_get_service_endpoint_url(token) api_cmd = api_url + '/subclouds' LOG.debug('api_cmd %s' % api_cmd) resp = rest_api_request(token, "GET", api_cmd) return load_subclouds(resp) def is_subcloud_online(subcloud_name, token=None): """Check if subcloud is online""" if not token: token = get_token() subcloud_info = get_subcloud(token, subcloud_name) if not subcloud_info: LOG.error('Cannot find subcloud %s' % subcloud_name) return False return subcloud_info['availability-status'] == AVAILABILITY_ONLINE def update_subcloud_status(token, subcloud_name, status): api_url = dc_get_service_endpoint_url(token) api_cmd = api_url + '/subclouds/%s/update_status' % subcloud_name api_cmd_payload = dict() api_cmd_payload['endpoint'] = ENDPOINT_TYPE_DC_CERT api_cmd_payload['status'] = status resp = rest_api_request(token, "PATCH", api_cmd, json.dumps(api_cmd_payload)) if 'result' in resp and resp['result'] == 'OK': LOG.info('Updated subcloud %s status: %s' % (subcloud_name, status)) else: LOG.error("Failed to update subcloud %s status to '%s', resp=%s" % (subcloud_name, status, resp)) raise Exception('Update subcloud status failed, subcloud=%s' % subcloud_name) def rest_api_request(token, method, api_cmd, api_cmd_payload=None, timeout=45): """ Make a rest-api request Returns: response as a dictionary """ api_cmd_headers = dict() api_cmd_headers['Content-type'] = "application/json" api_cmd_headers['User-Agent'] = "cert-mon/1.0" try: request_info = Request(api_cmd) request_info.get_method = lambda: method if token: request_info.add_header("X-Auth-Token", token.get_id()) request_info.add_header("Accept", "application/json") if api_cmd_headers is not None: for header_type, header_value in api_cmd_headers.items(): request_info.add_header(header_type, header_value) if api_cmd_payload is not None: request_info.data = encodeutils.safe_encode(api_cmd_payload) request = None try: request = urlopen(request_info, timeout=timeout) response = request.read() finally: if request: request.close() if response == "": response = json.loads("{}") else: response = json.loads(response) except HTTPError as e: if 401 == e.code: if token: token.set_expired() raise except URLError: LOG.error("Cannot access %s" % api_cmd) raise return response def get_system(token, method, api_cmd, api_cmd_headers=None, api_cmd_payload=None, timeout=10): """ Make a rest-api request Returns: response as a dictionary """ LOG.debug("%s cmd:%s hdr:%s payload:%s" % (method, api_cmd, api_cmd_headers, api_cmd_payload)) response = None try: request_info = Request(api_cmd) request_info.get_method = lambda: method if token: request_info.add_header("X-Auth-Token", token.get_id()) request_info.add_header("Accept", "application/json") if api_cmd_headers is not None: for header_type, header_value in api_cmd_headers.items(): request_info.add_header(header_type, header_value) if api_cmd_payload is not None: request_info.data = encodeutils.safe_encode(api_cmd_payload) request = urlopen(request_info, timeout=timeout) response = request.read() if response == "": response = json.loads("{}") else: response = json.loads(response) request.close() except HTTPError as e: if 401 == e.code: if token: token.set_expired() LOG.warn("HTTP Error e.code=%s e=%s" % (e.code, e)) if hasattr(e, 'msg') and e.msg: response = json.loads(e.msg) else: response = json.loads("{}") raise except URLError: LOG.error("Cannot access %s" % api_cmd) raise finally: return response def get_token(): """Get token for the sysinv user.""" token = _get_token( CONF.keystone_authtoken.auth_url + '/v3/auth/tokens', CONF.keystone_authtoken.project_name, CONF.keystone_authtoken.username, CONF.keystone_authtoken.password, CONF.keystone_authtoken.user_domain_name, CONF.keystone_authtoken.project_domain_name, CONF.keystone_authtoken.region_name) return token def get_dc_token(region_name=constants.SYSTEM_CONTROLLER_REGION): """Get token for the dcmanager user. Note: Although region_name can be specified, the token used here is a "project-scoped" token (i.e., not specific to the subcloud/region name). A token obtained using one region_name can be re-used across any subcloud. We take advantage of this in our DC token caching strategy. """ token = _get_token( CONF.endpoint_cache.auth_uri + '/auth/tokens', CONF.endpoint_cache.project_name, CONF.endpoint_cache.username, CONF.endpoint_cache.password, CONF.endpoint_cache.user_domain_name, CONF.endpoint_cache.project_domain_name, region_name) return token def _get_token(auth_url, auth_project, username, password, user_domain, project_domain, region_name, timeout=60): """ Ask OpenStack Keystone for a token Returns: token object or None on failure """ try: request_info = Request(auth_url) request_info.add_header("Content-type", "application/json") request_info.add_header("Accept", "application/json") payload = json.dumps( {"auth": { "identity": { "methods": [ "password" ], "password": { "user": { "name": username, "password": password, "domain": {"name": user_domain} } } }, "scope": { "project": { "name": auth_project, "domain": {"name": project_domain} }}}}) request_info.data = encodeutils.safe_encode(payload) request = urlopen(request_info, timeout=timeout) # Identity API v3 returns token id in X-Subject-Token # response header. token_id = request.headers.get('X-Subject-Token') json_response = request.read() response = json.loads(json_response) request.close() # save the region name for service url lookup return Token(response, token_id, region_name) except HTTPError as e: LOG.error("%s, %s" % (e.code, e.read())) return None except URLError as e: LOG.error(e) return None def init_keystone_auth_opts(): keystone_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('username', help='Username of account'), cfg.StrOpt('auth_uri', help='authentication uri'), cfg.StrOpt('password', help='Password of account'), cfg.StrOpt('project_name', help='Tenant name of account'), cfg.StrOpt('user_domain_name', default='Default', help='User domain name of account'), cfg.StrOpt('project_domain_name', default='Default', help='Project domain name of account'), cfg.StrOpt('region_name', default='', help='Region name'), cfg.StrOpt('auth_url', default='', help='Authorization url') ] keystone_opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='keystone_authtoken', title='Keystone options') cfg.CONF.register_opts(keystone_opts, group=keystone_opt_group.name) endpoint_opts = keystone_opts[:] endpoint_opts.append( cfg.StrOpt('http_connect_timeout', default=10, help='HTTP connection timeout') ) endpoint_cache_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='endpoint_cache', title='Endpoint cache') cfg.CONF.register_opts(endpoint_opts, group=endpoint_cache_group.name) def get_subcloud_secrets(): """get subcloud name and ICA secret name pairs from k8s secret Every subcloud comes with an ICA entry in k8s secret :return: dict of subcloud name and ICA secret name pairs """ secret_pattern = re.compile('-adminep-ca-certificate$') kube_op = sys_kube.KubeOperator() secret_list = kube_op.kube_list_secret(ENDPOINT_TYPE_DC_CERT) dict = {} for secret in secret_list: secret_name = secret.metadata.name m = secret_pattern.search(secret_name) if m: start = m.start() if start > 0: dict.update({secret_name[0:m.start()]: secret_name}) return dict def get_subclouds(): """get name of all subclouds from k8s secret Every subcloud comes with an ICA entry in k8s secret :return: list of subcloud names """ subcloud_secrets = get_subcloud_secrets() return list(subcloud_secrets.keys()) def get_intermediate_ca_secret_name(sc): return '{}-adminep-ca-certificate'.format(sc) def get_sc_intermediate_ca_secret(sc): secret_name = get_intermediate_ca_secret_name(sc) kube_op = sys_kube.KubeOperator() return kube_op.kube_get_secret(secret_name, CERT_NAMESPACE_SYS_CONTROLLER) def get_endpoint_certificate(endpoint, timeout_secs=10): url = urlparse(endpoint) host = url.hostname port = url.port if timeout_secs is not None and timeout_secs > 0: # The call to ssl.get_server_certificate blocks for a long time if the # server is not available. A timeout is not available in python 2.7. # See https://bugs.python.org/issue31870 # Until the timeout= option is available in # get_server_certificate(), we first check if the port is open # by connecting using a timeout, then we do the certificate check: sock = None try: sock = socket.create_connection((host, port), timeout=timeout_secs) except Exception: LOG.warn("get_endpoint_certificate: connection failed to %s:%s", host, port) raise finally: if sock is not None: sock.close() return ssl.get_server_certificate((host, port)) def get_dc_role(): global dc_role if dc_role == DC_ROLE_UNDETECTED: token = get_token() service_type = 'platform' service_name = 'sysinv' sysinv_url = token.get_service_internal_url(service_type, service_name) api_cmd = sysinv_url + '/isystems' res = rest_api_request(token, "GET", api_cmd)['isystems'] if len(res) == 1: system = res[0] dc_role = system['distributed_cloud_role'] LOG.debug('DC role: %s' % system) else: raise Exception('Failed to access system data') return dc_role def get_isystems_uuid(token): uuid = '' sysinv_url = token.get_service_internal_url(constants.SERVICE_TYPE_PLATFORM, constants.SYSINV_USERNAME) api_cmd = sysinv_url + '/isystems' res = rest_api_request(token, "GET", api_cmd)['isystems'] if len(res) == 1: system = res[0] uuid = system['uuid'] else: raise Exception('Failed to access system data') return uuid def enable_https(token, system_uuid): ret = True sysinv_url = token.get_service_internal_url(constants.SERVICE_TYPE_PLATFORM, constants.SYSINV_USERNAME) api_cmd = sysinv_url + '/isystems/' + system_uuid patch = [] patch.append({'op': 'replace', 'path': '/https_enabled', 'value': 'true'}) resp = rest_api_request(token, "PATCH", api_cmd, json.dumps(patch)) if resp['capabilities']['https_enabled'] is True: LOG.info('Enable https patch request succeeded') else: ret = False LOG.exception('Enable https failed! resp=%s' % resp) return ret def upload_request_with_data(token, url, **kwargs): headers = {"X-Auth-Token": token.get_id()} files = {'file': ("for_upload", kwargs['body'],)} data = kwargs.get('data') timeout = kwargs.get('timeout') try: req = requests.post(url, headers=headers, files=files, data=data, timeout=timeout) req.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: if 401 == e.response.status_code: if token: token.set_expired() raise except requests.exceptions.InvalidURL: LOG.error("Cannot access %s" % url) raise LOG.info('response from upload API = %s' % req.json()) return req.json() def rest_api_upload(token, filepath, url, data=None, timeout=30): """ Make a rest-api upload call """ LOG.info('rest_api_upload called. filepath=%s, url=%s, data=%s, timeout=%s' % (filepath, url, data, timeout)) try: file_to_upload = open(filepath, 'rb') except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return upload_request_with_data(token, url, body=file_to_upload, data=data, timeout=timeout) def update_pemfile(tls_crt, tls_key): LOG.info('Updating temporary pemfile') try: fd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pem') with open(tmppath, 'w+') as f: f.write(tls_crt) f.write("\n") f.write(tls_key) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise finally: if fd is not None: os.close(fd) return tmppath def list_platform_certificates(token): """Lists platform certificates using the sysinv API :param token: the token to access the sysinv API """ sysinv_url = token.get_service_internal_url( constants.SERVICE_TYPE_PLATFORM, constants.SYSINV_USERNAME) api_cmd = sysinv_url + "/certificate" return rest_api_request(token, "GET", api_cmd) def update_platform_cert(token, cert_type, pem_file_path, force=False): """Update a platform certificate using the sysinv API :param token: the token to access the sysinv API :param cert_type: the type of the certificate that is being updated :param pem_file_path: path to the certificate file in PEM format :param force: whether to bypass semantic checks and force the update, defaults to False """ LOG.info('Updating %s certificate. pem_file_path=%s' % (cert_type, pem_file_path)) sysinv_url = token.get_service_internal_url(constants.SERVICE_TYPE_PLATFORM, constants.SYSINV_USERNAME) api_cmd = sysinv_url + '/certificate/certificate_install' data = {'mode': cert_type, 'force': str(force).lower()} response = rest_api_upload(token, pem_file_path, api_cmd, data) error = response.get('error') if error: LOG.info('Failed. Certificate not installed. Error=%s' % error) else: LOG.info('Certificate successfully installed') # cleanup try: os.remove(pem_file_path) except OSError: LOG.exception('Failed to remove temp pem file %s' % pem_file_path) class TokenCache(object): """Simple token cache. This class holds one keystone token. """ token_getters = {'internal': get_token, 'dc': get_dc_token} def __init__(self, token_type): self._token = None self._token_type = token_type self._getter_func = self.token_getters[token_type] def get_token(self): """Get a new token if required; otherwise use the cached token""" if not self._token or self._token.is_expired(): LOG.debug("TokenCache %s, Acquiring new token, previous token: %s", self._token_type, self._token) self._token = self._getter_func() return self._token