# # Files in this package are licensed under Apache; see LICENSE file. # # Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Aug 2016: rebase mitaka # Jun 2016: rebase centos # Jun 2015: uprev kilo # Dec 2014: uprev juno # Jul 2014: rename ironic # Dec 2013: uprev grizzly, havana # Nov 2013: integrate source from https://github.com/stackforge/puppet-sysinv # class sysinv::db::mysql ( $password, $dbname = 'sysinv', $user = 'sysinv', $host = '', $allowed_hosts = undef, $charset = 'latin1', $cluster_id = 'localzone' ) { Class['sysinv::db::mysql'] -> Exec<| title == 'sysinv-dbsync' |> Database[$dbname] ~> Exec<| title == 'sysinv-dbsync' |> mysql::db { $dbname: user => $user, password => $password, host => $host, charset => $charset, require => Class['mysql::config'], } # Check allowed_hosts to avoid duplicate resource declarations if is_array($allowed_hosts) and delete($allowed_hosts,$host) != [] { $real_allowed_hosts = delete($allowed_hosts,$host) } elsif is_string($allowed_hosts) and ($allowed_hosts != $host) { $real_allowed_hosts = $allowed_hosts } if $real_allowed_hosts { # TODO this class should be in the mysql namespace sysinv::db::mysql::host_access { $real_allowed_hosts: user => $user, password => $password, database => $dbname, } } }