
46 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2022 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Client side of the conductor RPC API using ZeroMQ backend.
import os
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from sysinv.common import constants
from sysinv.conductor.rpcapi import ConductorAPI as BaseConductorAPI
from sysinv.conductor.rpcapi import MANAGER_TOPIC
from sysinv.zmq_rpc.zmq_rpc import ZmqRpcClient
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class ConductorAPI(ZmqRpcClient, BaseConductorAPI):
def __init__(self, topic=None):
if topic is None:
host = CONF.rpc_zeromq_conductor_bind_ip
# It is expected to have a value assigned
# if we are using default value, puppet was not executed or
# there was an issue.
# We can still use it in case conductor is running locally
# otherwise we try to communicate using controller hostname
if host == "::" and not os.path.isfile("/var/run/"):
host = constants.CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME
port = CONF.rpc_zeromq_conductor_bind_port
super(ConductorAPI, self).__init__(host, port, topic)
def call(self, context, msg, topic=None, version=None, timeout=None):
return super(ConductorAPI, self).call(context, msg, timeout)
def cast(self, context, msg, topic=None, version=None):
return super(ConductorAPI, self).cast(context, msg)
def fanout_cast(self, context, msg, topic=None, version=None):
return super(ConductorAPI, self).fanout_cast(context, msg)