Wei Zhou 6ef1e829fd Restore containerized platform using Ansible restore_platform playbook
This commit is to support platform restore for AIO-SX using
restore_platform playbook:
 1. During AIO-SX restore, the restored ceph crushmap is loaded through
 2. Bypass vim when unlocking controller-0 for the first time.
 3. When unlocking controller-0 for the first time, app_reapply is
    skipped for stx-openstack application.
 4. After controller-0 is unlocked, ceph backend task is set to None.

Change-Id: I36d27b162334e5a2f0371793243f2301b5fec1eb
Story: 2004761
Task: 33645
Signed-off-by: Wei Zhou <>
2019-07-17 17:10:12 -04:00

424 lines
10 KiB

class platform::config::params (
$config_uuid = 'install',
$hosts = {},
$timezone = 'UTC',
) { }
class platform::config::certs::params (
$ssl_ca_cert = '',
) { }
class platform::config
inherits ::platform::config::params {
include ::platform::params
include ::platform::anchors
stage { 'pre':
before => Stage['main'],
stage { 'post':
require => Stage['main'],
class { '::platform::config::pre':
stage => pre
class { '::platform::config::post':
stage => post,
class platform::config::file {
include ::platform::params
include ::platform::network::mgmt::params
include ::platform::network::oam::params
include ::platform::network::cluster_host::params
include ::openstack::horizon::params
# dependent template variables
$management_interface = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::interface_name
$cluster_host_interface = $::platform::network::cluster_host::params::interface_name
$oam_interface = $::platform::network::oam::params::interface_name
$platform_conf = '/etc/platform/platform.conf'
file_line { "${platform_conf} sw_version":
path => $platform_conf,
line => "sw_version=${::platform::params::software_version}",
match => '^sw_version=',
if $management_interface {
file_line { "${platform_conf} management_interface":
path => $platform_conf,
line => "management_interface=${management_interface}",
match => '^management_interface=',
if $cluster_host_interface {
file_line { "${platform_conf} cluster_host_interface":
path => '/etc/platform/platform.conf',
line => "cluster_host_interface=${cluster_host_interface}",
match => '^cluster_host_interface=',
else {
file_line { "${platform_conf} cluster_host_interface":
ensure => absent,
path => '/etc/platform/platform.conf',
match => '^cluster_host_interface=',
match_for_absence => true,
if $oam_interface {
file_line { "${platform_conf} oam_interface":
path => $platform_conf,
line => "oam_interface=${oam_interface}",
match => '^oam_interface=',
if $::platform::params::vswitch_type {
file_line { "${platform_conf} vswitch_type":
path => $platform_conf,
line => "vswitch_type=${::platform::params::vswitch_type}",
match => '^vswitch_type=',
if $::platform::params::system_type {
file_line { "${platform_conf} system_type":
path => $platform_conf,
line => "system_type=${::platform::params::system_type}",
match => '^system_type=*',
if $::platform::params::system_mode {
file_line { "${platform_conf} system_mode":
path => $platform_conf,
line => "system_mode=${::platform::params::system_mode}",
match => '^system_mode=*',
if $::platform::params::security_profile {
file_line { "${platform_conf} security_profile":
path => $platform_conf,
line => "security_profile=${::platform::params::security_profile}",
match => '^security_profile=*',
if $::platform::params::sdn_enabled {
file_line { "${platform_conf}f sdn_enabled":
path => $platform_conf,
line => 'sdn_enabled=yes',
match => '^sdn_enabled=',
else {
file_line { "${platform_conf} sdn_enabled":
path => $platform_conf,
line => 'sdn_enabled=no',
match => '^sdn_enabled=',
if $::platform::params::region_config {
file_line { "${platform_conf} region_config":
path => $platform_conf,
line => 'region_config=yes',
match => '^region_config=',
file_line { "${platform_conf} region_1_name":
path => $platform_conf,
line => "region_1_name=${::platform::params::region_1_name}",
match => '^region_1_name=',
file_line { "${platform_conf} region_2_name":
path => $platform_conf,
line => "region_2_name=${::platform::params::region_2_name}",
match => '^region_2_name=',
} else {
file_line { "${platform_conf} region_config":
path => $platform_conf,
line => 'region_config=no',
match => '^region_config=',
if $::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role {
file_line { "${platform_conf} distributed_cloud_role":
path => $platform_conf,
line => "distributed_cloud_role=${::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role}",
match => '^distributed_cloud_role=',
if $::platform::params::security_feature {
file_line { "${platform_conf} security_feature":
path => $platform_conf,
line => "security_feature=\"${::platform::params::security_feature}\"",
match => '^security_feature=*',
file_line { "${platform_conf} http_port":
path => $platform_conf,
line => "http_port=${::openstack::horizon::params::http_port}",
match => '^http_port=',
class platform::config::hostname {
include ::platform::params
file { '/etc/hostname':
ensure => present,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0644',
content => "${::platform::params::hostname}\n",
notify => Exec['set-hostname'],
exec { 'set-hostname':
command => 'hostname -F /etc/hostname',
unless => 'test `hostname` = `cat /etc/hostname`',
class platform::config::hosts
inherits ::platform::config::params {
# The localhost should resolve to the IPv4 loopback address only, therefore
# ensure the IPv6 address is removed from configured hosts
resources { 'host': purge => true }
$localhost = {
'localhost' => {
ip => '',
host_aliases => ['localhost.localdomain', 'localhost4', 'localhost4.localdomain4']
$merged_hosts = merge($localhost, $hosts)
create_resources('host', $merged_hosts, {})
class platform::config::timezone
inherits ::platform::config::params {
exec { 'Configure Timezone':
command => "ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/${timezone} /etc/localtime",
class platform::config::tpm {
$tpm_certs = hiera_hash('platform::tpm::tpm_data', undef)
if $tpm_certs != undef {
# iterate through each tpm_cert creating it if it doesn't exist
$tpm_certs.each |String $key, String $value| {
file { "create-TPM-cert-${key}":
ensure => present,
path => $key,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0644',
content => $value,
class platform::config::certs::ssl_ca
inherits ::platform::config::certs::params {
$ssl_ca_file = '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ca-cert.pem'
if str2bool($::is_initial_config) {
$docker_restart_cmd = 'systemctl restart docker'
else {
$docker_restart_cmd = 'pmon-restart dockerd'
if ! empty($ssl_ca_cert) {
file { 'create-ssl-ca-cert':
ensure => present,
path => $ssl_ca_file,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0644',
content => $ssl_ca_cert,
else {
file { 'create-ssl-ca-cert':
ensure => absent,
path => $ssl_ca_file
exec { 'update-ca-trust ':
command => 'update-ca-trust',
subscribe => File[$ssl_ca_file],
refreshonly => true
-> exec { 'restart docker':
command => $docker_restart_cmd,
subscribe => File[$ssl_ca_file],
refreshonly => true
if str2bool($::is_controller_active) {
Exec['restart docker']
-> file { '/etc/platform/.ssl_ca_complete':
ensure => present,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0644',
class platform::config::runtime {
include ::platform::config::certs::ssl_ca
class platform::config::pre {
group { 'nobody':
ensure => 'present',
gid => '99',
include ::platform::config::timezone
include ::platform::config::hostname
include ::platform::config::hosts
include ::platform::config::file
include ::platform::config::tpm
include ::platform::config::certs::ssl_ca
class platform::config::post
inherits ::platform::config::params {
include ::platform::params
service { 'crond':
ensure => 'running',
enable => true,
# When applying manifests to upgrade controller-1, we do not want SM or the
# sysinv-agent or anything else that depends on these flags to start.
if ! $::platform::params::controller_upgrade {
file { '/etc/platform/.config_applied':
ensure => present,
mode => '0640',
content => "CONFIG_UUID=${config_uuid}"
class platform::config::controller::post
include ::platform::params
# TODO(tngo): The following block will be removed when we switch to Ansible
if str2bool($::is_initial_config_primary) {
# copy configured hosts to redundant storage
file { "${::platform::params::config_path}/hosts":
source => '/etc/hosts',
replace => false,
file { '/etc/platform/.unlock_ready':
ensure => present,
if ! $::platform::params::controller_upgrade {
file { '/etc/platform/.initial_config_complete':
ensure => present,
file { '/etc/platform/.initial_controller_config_complete':
ensure => present,
file { '/var/run/.controller_config_complete':
ensure => present,
class platform::config::worker::post
include ::platform::params
if ! $::platform::params::controller_upgrade {
file { '/etc/platform/.initial_config_complete':
ensure => present,
file { '/etc/platform/.initial_worker_config_complete':
ensure => present,
file { '/var/run/.worker_config_complete':
ensure => present,
class platform::config::storage::post
include ::platform::params
if ! $::platform::params::controller_upgrade {
file { '/etc/platform/.initial_config_complete':
ensure => present,
file { '/etc/platform/.initial_storage_config_complete':
ensure => present,
file { '/var/run/.storage_config_complete':
ensure => present,
class platform::config::bootstrap {
stage { 'pre':
before => Stage['main'],
stage { 'post':
require => Stage['main'],
include ::platform::params
include ::platform::anchors
include ::platform::config::hostname
include ::platform::config::hosts