Tao Liu 0b4f304be9 Configurable Host HTTP/HTTPS Port Binding
In order to avoid conflicts with containerized services
binding to standard HTTP (80) / HTTPS (443) port numbers,
the default port numbers are changed to 8080 and 8443.
Furthermore, CLI commands are provided to allow binding
to alternate port numbers.

List of changes:
. Add service parameters for HTTP and HTTPS port
. Configure the lighttpd ports via puppet and use port
  8008 for platform horizon
. Add http port to platform.conf for the config scripts
. Support helm repo URL update
. Add helm-toolkit plugin for location override
. Override Armada manifest location
. Add installer base URL option to pxeboot-update
. Add a patching run time class to restart patch-agent
  when the port config is changed
. Add a semantic check to block port config when a
  patching operation is in progress or a host is not
  in unlocked/enabled state

CLI commands for viewing and updating port numbers are:
system service-parameter-list --service http
system service-parameter-modify lighttpd port http=8090
system service-parameter-apply  lighttpd

Tests Performed:
Non-containerized deployment installation and sanity
AIO-DX: Sanity and Nightly automated test suite
2+2 System: Sanity and Nightly automated test suite
2+4+6 System: Sanity and Nightly automated test suite

Kubernetes deployment on VBox:
AIO-SX: application apply and launch instance
AIO-DX: application apply and launch instance
2+2 System: application apply and launch instance

HTTP/HTTPS port configuration
Enable/Disable https

Story: 2004642
Task: 28592

Change-Id: I65029e0c15aaf626acb56ab71e7bbde64c7e76a8
Signed-off-by: Tao Liu <>
2019-02-06 12:47:00 -06:00

136 lines
3.3 KiB

class openstack::swift::params (
$swift_hash_path_suffix = 'swift_secret',
$service_name = 'openstack-swift',
$service_enabled = false,
$api_port = 8080,
$api_host = '',
$fs_size_mb = '25',
) { }
class openstack::swift::firewall
inherits ::openstack::swift::params {
if $service_enabled {
platform::firewall::rule { 'swift-api':
service_name => 'swift',
ports => $api_port,
class openstack::swift::haproxy
inherits ::openstack::swift::params {
if $service_enabled {
platform::haproxy::proxy { 'swift-restapi':
server_name => 's-swift',
public_port => $api_port,
private_port => $api_port,
class openstack::swift::api {
include ::openstack::swift::firewall
include ::openstack::swift::haproxy
class openstack::swift
inherits ::openstack::swift::params {
include ::platform::params
include ::openstack::keystone::params
if $service_enabled {
if str2bool($::is_controller_active) or
str2bool($::is_standalone_controller) {
class { '::swift::keystone::auth':
configure_s3_endpoint => false,
class { '::swift':
swift_hash_path_suffix => $swift_hash_path_suffix
include swift::proxy::healthcheck
include swift::proxy::proxy_logging
include swift::proxy::authtoken
include swift::proxy::keystone
include swift::proxy::container_quotas
class { 'swift::proxy':
account_autocreate => true,
proxy_local_net_ip => $api_host,
port => $api_port,
pipeline => ['healthcheck', 'authtoken', 'keystone', 'container-quotas' , 'proxy-logging', 'proxy-server'],
swift::storage::loopback { '1':
require => Class['swift'],
base_dir => '/srv/loopback-device',
mnt_base_dir => '/srv/node',
byte_size => '1024',
seek => $fs_size_mb*1024,
# remove dependency on xinetd
class { '::rsync::server':
use_xinetd => false,
address => $api_host,
use_chroot => 'no',
class { 'swift::storage::all':
storage_local_net_ip => $api_host,
object_port => '6200',
container_port => '6201',
account_port => '6202',
account_pipeline => ['healthcheck', 'recon', 'account-server'],
container_pipeline => ['healthcheck', 'recon', 'container-server'],
object_pipeline => ['healthcheck', 'recon', 'object-server'],
# Turn on support for object versioning
allow_versions => true,
$rings = [
swift::storage::filter::recon { $rings: }
swift::storage::filter::healthcheck { $rings: }
ring_object_device { "${api_host}:6200/1":
region => 1, # optional, defaults to 1
zone => 1,
weight => 1,
ring_container_device { "${api_host}:6201/1":
zone => 1,
weight => 1,
ring_account_device { "${api_host}:6202/1":
zone => 1,
weight => 1,
class { 'swift::ringbuilder':
part_power => '10',
# number of replicas can not be more than the number of nodes
replicas => '1',
min_part_hours => '1',
require => Class['swift'],
class openstack::swift::runtime {
include ::openstack::swift