1. Rename CGCS to StarlingX for .spec files Test: After the de-brand change, bootimage.iso has been built in the flock Layer and installed on the dev machine to validate the changes. Please note, doing de-brand changes in batches, this is batch9 changes. Story: 2006387 Task: 39524 Change-Id: Ia1fe0f2baafb78c974551100f16e6a7d99882f15 Signed-off-by: Sharath Kumar K <sharath.kumar@intel.com> De-branding in starlingx/config: CGCS -> StarlingX 1. Rename CGCS to StarlingX for .spec file 2. Rename TIS to StarlingX for .service files Test: After the de-brand change, bootimage.iso has been built in the flock Layer and installed on the dev machine to validate the changes. Please note, doing de-brand changes in batches, this is batch10 changes. Story: 2006387 Task: 36202 Change-Id: I404ce0da2621495175ad31489e9ad6f7b0211e26 Signed-off-by: Sharath Kumar K <sharath.kumar@intel.com>
17 lines
368 B
Desktop File
17 lines
368 B
Desktop File
Description=General StarlingX config gate
Before=serial-getty@ttyS0.service getty@tty1.service
# Each config service must have a Before statement against config.service, to ensure ordering