Sun Austin eeff51a8bb Fix: "dict" issue for Python 2/3 compatible code
Replace dict.iteritems() with dict.items()
Replace dict.itervalues() with dict.values()

Story: 2003433

Change-Id: Icba67b1fe19d807e6af86a8cca875ce3f120b367
Signed-off-by: Sun Austin <>
2018-12-18 11:03:00 +08:00

671 lines
23 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# All Rights Reserved.
from cgtsclient.common import constants
from cgtsclient.common import utils
from cgtsclient import exc
from cgtsclient.v1 import ethernetport as ethernetport_utils
from cgtsclient.v1 import icpu as icpu_utils
from cgtsclient.v1 import ihost as ihost_utils
from cgtsclient.v1 import iprofile as iprofile_utils
import math
def _get_interface_ports_interfaces(iprofile, interface):
interface.ports = None
interface.interfaces = None
if interface.iftype != 'vlan' and interface.iftype != 'ae':
ports = iprofile.ports
if ports and hasattr(ports[0], 'interface_uuid'):
port_list = [ethernetport_utils.get_port_display_name(p)
for p in ports if p.interface_uuid and p.interface_uuid == interface.uuid]
port_list = [ethernetport_utils.get_port_display_name(p)
for p in ports if p.interface_id and p.interface_id ==]
interface.ports = port_list
interfaces = iprofile.interfaces
interface_list = [i.ifname for i in interfaces if i.ifname in interface.uses]
interface.interfaces = interface_list
def get_portconfig(iprofile):
pstr = ''
for port in iprofile.ports:
pstr = pstr + "%s: %s" % (ethernetport_utils.get_port_display_name(port), port.pdevice)
port.autoneg = 'Yes' # TODO(jkung) Remove when autoneg supported in DB
if port.autoneg != 'na':
pstr = pstr + " | Auto Neg = %s" % (port.autoneg)
if port.bootp:
pstr = pstr + " | bootp-IF"
pstr = pstr + '\n'
return pstr
def get_interfaceconfig(iprofile):
istr = ''
for interface in iprofile.interfaces:
istr = istr + "%s: %s" % (interface.ifname, interface.networktype)
if interface.networktype == 'data':
istr = istr + "( %s )" % interface.providernetworks
_get_interface_ports_interfaces(iprofile, interface)
if interface.ports:
istr = istr + " | %s | PORTS = %s" % (interface.iftype, interface.ports)
if interface.interfaces:
istr = istr + " | %s | INTERFACES = %s" % (interface.iftype, interface.interfaces)
if interface.iftype == 'ae':
istr = istr + " | %s" % interface.aemode
if interface.aemode == 'balanced':
istr = istr + " | %s" % interface.txhashpolicy
istr = istr + " | MTU = %s" % interface.imtu
istr = istr + '\n'
return istr
def get_ifprofile_data(cc, iprofile):
iprofile.ports = cc.iprofile.list_ethernet_port(iprofile.uuid)
if iprofile.ports: # an 'interface' profile
iprofile.portconfig = get_portconfig(iprofile)
iprofile.interfaces = cc.iprofile.list_iinterface(iprofile.uuid)
iprofile.interfaceconfig = get_interfaceconfig(iprofile)
def do_ifprofile_list(cc, args):
"""List interface profiles."""
profiles = cc.iprofile.list_interface_profiles()
for profile in profiles:
profile.portconfig = get_portconfig(profile)
profile.interfaceconfig = get_interfaceconfig(profile)
field_labels = ['uuid', 'name', 'port config', 'interface config']
fields = ['uuid', 'profilename', 'portconfig', 'interfaceconfig']
utils.print_list(profiles, fields, field_labels, sortby=0)
def _print_ifprofile_show(ifprofile):
fields = ['profilename', 'portconfig', 'interfaceconfig', 'uuid',
'created_at', 'updated_at']
field_labels = ['name', 'port config', 'interface config', 'uuid']
data = [(f, getattr(ifprofile, f, '')) for f in fields]
utils.print_tuple_list(data, field_labels)
metavar='<if profile name or uuid>',
help="Name or UUID of if profile")
def do_ifprofile_show(cc, args):
"""Show interface profile attributes."""
iprofile = iprofile_utils._find_iprofile(cc, args.ifprofilenameoruuid)
get_ifprofile_data(cc, iprofile)
if not iprofile.ports: # not an 'interface' profile
raise exc.CommandError('If Profile not found: %s' % args.ifprofilenameoruuid)
metavar='<if profile name>',
help="Name of if profile [REQUIRED]")
metavar='<hostname or uuid>',
help='Name or UUID of the host [REQUIRED]')
def do_ifprofile_add(cc, args):
"""Add an interface profile."""
ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostnameoruuid)
# create new if profile
data = {}
data['profilename'] = args.iprofilename
data['profiletype'] = constants.PROFILE_TYPE_INTERFACE
data['ihost_uuid'] = ihost.uuid
iprofile = cc.iprofile.create(**data)
except Exception as e:
raise exc.CommandError(str(e))
suuid = getattr(iprofile, 'uuid', '')
iprofile = cc.iprofile.get(suuid)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('If Profile not found: %s' % suuid)
get_ifprofile_data(cc, iprofile)
metavar='<if profile name or uuid>',
help="Name or UUID of if profile")
def do_ifprofile_delete(cc, args):
"""Delete an interface profile."""
for n in args.ifprofilenameoruuid:
iprofile = iprofile_utils._find_iprofile(cc, n)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('if profile delete failed: %s' % n)
print('Deleted if profile %s' % n)
def get_cpuprofile_data(cc, iprofile):
iprofile.cpus = cc.iprofile.list_icpus(iprofile.uuid)
iprofile.nodes = cc.iprofile.list_inodes(iprofile.uuid)
iprofile.platform_cores = get_core_list_str(iprofile, icpu_utils.PLATFORM_CPU_TYPE)
iprofile.vswitch_cores = get_core_list_str(iprofile, icpu_utils.VSWITCH_CPU_TYPE)
iprofile.shared_cores = get_core_list_str(iprofile, icpu_utils.SHARED_CPU_TYPE)
iprofile.vms_cores = get_core_list_str(iprofile, icpu_utils.APPLICATION_CPU_TYPE)
def get_core_list_str(iprofile, function):
istr = ''
sep = ''
for cpuFunc in iprofile.core_assignment:
if cpuFunc.allocated_function == function:
for s, cores in cpuFunc.socket_cores.items():
istr = istr + sep + "Processor %s: %s" % (s, cores)
sep = ',\n'
return istr
return istr
def do_cpuprofile_list(cc, args):
"""List cpu profiles."""
profiles = cc.iprofile.list_cpu_profiles()
for profile in profiles:
profile.platform_cores = get_core_list_str(profile,
profile.vswitch_cores = get_core_list_str(profile,
profile.shared_cores = get_core_list_str(profile,
profile.vms_cores = get_core_list_str(profile,
field_labels = ['uuid', 'name',
'processors', 'phy cores per proc', 'hyperthreading',
'platform cores', 'vswitch cores', 'shared cores', 'vm cores']
fields = ['uuid', 'profilename',
'sockets', 'physical_cores', 'hyperthreading',
'platform_cores', 'vswitch_cores', 'shared_cores', 'vms_cores']
utils.print_list(profiles, fields, field_labels, sortby=0)
def _print_cpuprofile_show(cpuprofile):
labels = ['uuid', 'name',
'processors', 'phy cores per proc', 'hyperthreading',
'platform cores', 'vswitch cores', 'shared cores', 'vm cores', 'created_at', 'updated_at']
fields = ['uuid', 'profilename',
'sockets', 'physical_cores', 'hyperthreading',
'platform_cores', 'vswitch_cores', 'shared_cores', 'vms_cores', 'created_at', 'updated_at']
data = [(f, getattr(cpuprofile, f, '')) for f in fields]
utils.print_tuple_list(data, labels)
metavar='<cpu profile name or uuid>',
help="Name or UUID of cpu profile")
def do_cpuprofile_show(cc, args):
"""Show cpu profile attributes."""
iprofile = iprofile_utils._find_iprofile(cc, args.cpuprofilenameoruuid)
get_cpuprofile_data(cc, iprofile)
if not iprofile.cpus: # not a 'cpu' profile
raise exc.CommandError('CPU Profile not found: %s' % args.cpuprofilenameoruuid)
metavar='<cpu profile name>',
help="Name of cpu profile [REQUIRED]")
metavar='<hostname or uuid>',
help='Name or UUID of the host [REQUIRED]')
def do_cpuprofile_add(cc, args):
"""Add a cpu profile."""
ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostnameoruuid)
# create new cpu profile
data = {}
data['profilename'] = args.iprofilename
data['profiletype'] = constants.PROFILE_TYPE_CPU
data['ihost_uuid'] = ihost.uuid
iprofile = cc.iprofile.create(**data)
except Exception as e:
raise exc.CommandError(str(e))
suuid = getattr(iprofile, 'uuid', '')
iprofile = cc.iprofile.get(suuid)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('CPU Profile not found: %s' % suuid)
get_cpuprofile_data(cc, iprofile)
metavar='<cpu profile name or uuid>',
help="Name or UUID of cpu profile")
def do_cpuprofile_delete(cc, args):
"""Delete a cpu profile."""
for n in args.cpuprofilenameoruuid:
iprofile = iprofile_utils._find_iprofile(cc, n)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('Cpu profile delete failed: %s' % n)
print('Deleted cpu profile %s' % n)
def get_storconfig_short(iprofile):
str = ''
for stor in iprofile.stors:
if str != '':
str = str + "; "
str = str + "%s" % stor.function
if stor.function == 'osd':
str = str + ": %s" % stor.tier_name
return str
def get_storconfig_detailed(iprofile):
str = ''
journals = {}
count = 0
for stor in iprofile.stors:
# count journals
if stor.function == 'journal':
count += 1
journals.update({stor.uuid: count})
for stor in iprofile.stors:
str += "function: %s stor" % stor.function
if stor.function == 'journal' and count > 1:
str += " %s" % journals[stor.uuid]
if stor.function == 'osd':
str += ", ceph journal: size %s GiB, " % (stor.journal_size_mib / 1024)
if stor.journal_location == stor.uuid:
str += "collocated on osd stor"
str += "on journal stor"
if count > 1:
str += (" %s" % journals[stor.journal_location])
str += ", for tier: %s" % stor.tier_name
str = str + "\n"
return str
def get_diskconfig(iprofile):
str = ''
invalid_profile = False
for disk in iprofile.disks:
if str != '':
str = str + "; "
str = str + "%s: %s GiB" % (disk.device_path, math.floor(float(disk.size_mib) / 1024 * 1000) / 1000.0)
if not disk.device_path:
invalid_profile = True
return str, invalid_profile
def get_partconfig(iprofile):
str = ''
for part in iprofile.partitions:
if str != '':
str = str + "; "
str = str + "%s: %s GiB" % (part.device_path, math.floor(float(part.size_mib) / 1024 * 1000) / 1000.0)
return str
def get_ilvg_config(iprofile):
str = ''
for ilvg in iprofile.ilvgs:
if str != '':
str += "; "
capabilities_str = ''
for k, v in ilvg.capabilities.items():
if capabilities_str != '':
capabilities_str += "; "
capabilities_str += "%s: %s " % (k, v)
str += "%s, %s" % (ilvg.lvm_vg_name, capabilities_str)
return str
def get_ipv_config(iprofile):
str = ''
for ipv in iprofile.ipvs:
if str != '':
str = str + "; "
str = str + "type %s: %s" % (ipv.pv_type, ipv.disk_or_part_device_path)
return str
def get_storprofile_data(cc, iprofile, detailed=False):
profile_disk_invalid = False
iprofile.disks = cc.iprofile.list_idisks(iprofile.uuid)
if iprofile.disks:
iprofile.diskconfig, profile_disk_invalid = get_diskconfig(iprofile)
iprofile.partitions = cc.iprofile.list_partitions(iprofile.uuid)
iprofile.partconfig = get_partconfig(iprofile)
iprofile.stors = cc.iprofile.list_istors(iprofile.uuid)
if iprofile.stors:
if detailed:
iprofile.storconfig = get_storconfig_detailed(iprofile)
iprofile.storconfig = get_storconfig_short(iprofile)
iprofile.ilvgs = cc.iprofile.list_ilvgs(iprofile.uuid)
iprofile.ipvs = cc.iprofile.list_ipvs(iprofile.uuid)
iprofile.ilvg_config = get_ilvg_config(iprofile)
iprofile.ipv_config = get_ipv_config(iprofile)
return profile_disk_invalid
def do_storprofile_list(cc, args):
"""List storage profiles."""
profiles = cc.iprofile.list_storage_profiles()
storprofiles = []
localstorprofiles = []
profile_disk_invalid = False
for profile in profiles:
profile.disks = [utils.objectify(n) for n in profile.disks]
profile.partitions = [utils.objectify(n) for n in profile.partitions]
profile.stors = [utils.objectify(n) for n in profile.stors]
profile.ilvgs = [utils.objectify(n) for n in profile.lvgs]
profile.ipvs = [utils.objectify(n) for n in profile.pvs]
profile.diskconfig, crt_profile_disk_invalid = get_diskconfig(profile)
profile_disk_invalid = (profile_disk_invalid or
profile.partconfig = get_partconfig(profile)
profile.storconfig = get_storconfig_short(profile)
profile.ilvg_config = get_ilvg_config(profile)
profile.ipv_config = get_ipv_config(profile)
if profile.profiletype == constants.PROFILE_TYPE_LOCAL_STORAGE:
if profile_disk_invalid:
print("WARNING: Storage profiles from a previous release are "
"missing the persistent disk name in the disk config field. "
"These profiles need to be deleted and recreated.")
if storprofiles:
field_labels = ['uuid', 'name', 'disk config', 'partition config',
'stor config']
fields = ['uuid', 'profilename', 'diskconfig', 'partconfig',
utils.print_list(storprofiles, fields, field_labels, sortby=0)
if localstorprofiles:
field_labels = ['uuid', 'name', 'disk config', 'partition config',
'physical volume config',
'logical volume group config']
fields = ['uuid', 'profilename', 'diskconfig', 'partconfig',
'ipv_config', 'ilvg_config']
utils.print_list(localstorprofiles, fields, field_labels, sortby=0)
def _print_storprofile_show(storprofile):
if hasattr(storprofile, 'ilvg_config'):
fields = ['uuid', 'profilename', 'diskconfig', 'partconfig',
'ipv_config', 'ilvg_config']
field_labels = ['uuid', 'name', 'diskconfig', 'partconfig', 'physical '
'volume config', 'logical volume group config']
fields = ['profilename', 'diskconfig', 'partconfig', 'storconfig',
'uuid', 'created_at', 'updated_at']
field_labels = ['name', 'diskconfig', 'partconfig', 'storconfig',
'uuid', 'created_at', 'updated_at']
data = [(f, getattr(storprofile, f, '')) for f in fields]
utils.print_tuple_list(data, field_labels)
metavar='<stor profile name or uuid>',
help="Name or UUID of stor profile")
def do_storprofile_show(cc, args):
"""Show storage profile attributes."""
iprofile = iprofile_utils._find_iprofile(cc, args.iprofilenameoruuid)
get_storprofile_data(cc, iprofile)
if not iprofile.disks: # not a stor profile
raise exc.CommandError('Stor Profile not found: %s' % args.ifprofilenameoruuid)
profile_disk_invalid = get_storprofile_data(cc, iprofile, detailed=True)
if profile_disk_invalid:
print("WARNING: This storage profile, from a previous release, is "
"missing the persistent disk name in the disk config field. "
"This profile needs to be deleted and recreated.")
metavar='<stor profile name>',
help="Name of stor profile [REQUIRED]")
metavar='<hostname or uuid>',
help='Name or UUID of the host [REQUIRED]')
def do_storprofile_add(cc, args):
"""Add a storage profile"""
ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostnameoruuid)
# create new storage profile
data = {}
data['profilename'] = args.iprofilename
data['profiletype'] = constants.PROFILE_TYPE_STORAGE
data['ihost_uuid'] = ihost.uuid
iprofile = cc.iprofile.create(**data)
except Exception as e:
raise exc.CommandError(str(e))
suuid = getattr(iprofile, 'uuid', '')
iprofile = cc.iprofile.get(suuid)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('Storage Profile not found: %s' % suuid)
get_storprofile_data(cc, iprofile)
metavar='<stor profile name or uuid>',
help="Name or UUID of stor profile")
def do_storprofile_delete(cc, args):
"""Delete a storage profile."""
for n in args.iprofilenameoruuid:
iprofile = iprofile_utils._find_iprofile(cc, n)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('Storage profile delete failed: %s' % n)
print('Deleted storage profile %s' % n)
def get_memoryconfig_platform(iprofile):
str = ''
for memory in iprofile.memory:
if str != '':
str = str + "; "
str = str + "%s" % (memory.platform_reserved_mib)
return str
def get_memoryconfig_2M(iprofile):
str = ''
for memory in iprofile.memory:
if str != '':
str = str + "; "
str = str + "%s" % (memory.vm_hugepages_nr_2M_pending)
return str
def get_memoryconfig_1G(iprofile):
str = ''
for memory in iprofile.memory:
if str != '':
str = str + "; "
str = str + "%s" % (memory.vm_hugepages_nr_1G_pending)
return str
def get_memprofile_data(cc, iprofile):
iprofile.memory = cc.iprofile.list_imemorys(iprofile.uuid)
iprofile.nodes = cc.iprofile.list_inodes(iprofile.uuid)
iprofile.platform_reserved_mib = get_memoryconfig_platform(iprofile)
iprofile.vm_hugepages_2M = get_memoryconfig_2M(iprofile)
iprofile.vm_hugepages_1G = get_memoryconfig_1G(iprofile)
def do_memprofile_list(cc, args):
"""List memory profiles."""
profiles = cc.iprofile.list_memory_profiles()
for profile in profiles:
profile.platform_reserved_mib = get_memoryconfig_platform(profile)
profile.vm_hugepages_2M = get_memoryconfig_2M(profile)
profile.vm_hugepages_1G = get_memoryconfig_1G(profile)
field_labels = ['uuid', 'name', 'platform_reserved_mib',
'vm_hugepages_2M', 'vm_hugepages_1G']
fields = ['uuid', 'profilename', 'platform_reserved_mib',
'vm_hugepages_2M', 'vm_hugepages_1G']
utils.print_list(profiles, fields, field_labels, sortby=0)
def _print_memprofile_show(memoryprofile):
fields = ['profilename', 'platform_reserved_mib', 'vm_hugepages_2M',
'vm_hugepages_1G', 'uuid', 'created_at', 'updated_at']
labels = ['name', 'platform_reserved_mib', 'vm_hugepages_2M',
'vm_hugepages_1G', 'uuid', 'created_at', 'updated_at']
data = [(f, getattr(memoryprofile, f, '')) for f in fields]
utils.print_tuple_list(data, labels)
metavar='<memory profile name or uuid>',
help="Name or UUID of memory profile")
def do_memprofile_show(cc, args):
"""Show memory profile attributes."""
iprofile = iprofile_utils._find_iprofile(cc, args.iprofilenameoruuid)
get_memprofile_data(cc, iprofile)
if not iprofile.memory: # not a memory profile
raise exc.CommandError('Memory Profile not found: %s' % args.ifprofilenameoruuid)
metavar='<memory profile name>',
help="Name of memory profile [REQUIRED]")
metavar='<hostname or id>',
help='Name or ID of the host [REQUIRED]')
def do_memprofile_add(cc, args):
"""Add a memory profile."""
ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostnameoruuid)
# create new memory profile
data = {}
data['profilename'] = args.iprofilename
data['profiletype'] = constants.PROFILE_TYPE_MEMORY
data['ihost_uuid'] = ihost.uuid
iprofile = cc.iprofile.create(**data)
except Exception as e:
raise exc.CommandError(str(e))
suuid = getattr(iprofile, 'uuid', '')
iprofile = cc.iprofile.get(suuid)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('Memory profile not found: %s' % suuid)
get_memprofile_data(cc, iprofile)
metavar='<memory profile name or uuid>',
help="Name or UUID of memory profile")
def do_memprofile_delete(cc, args):
"""Delete a memory profile."""
for n in args.iprofilenameoruuid:
iprofile = iprofile_utils._find_iprofile(cc, n)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('Memory profile delete failed: %s' % n)
print('Deleted memory profile %s' % n)
metavar='<profile file name>',
help="Full path of the profile file to be imported")
def do_profile_import(cc, args):
"""Import a profile file."""
filename = args.profilefilename[0]
file = open(filename, 'rb')
except Exception:
raise exc.CommandError("Error: Could not open file %s for read." % filename)
results = cc.iprofile.import_profile(file)
if results:
for result in results:
if(result['result'] == 'Invalid'):
print('error: %s is not a valid profile file.' % (filename))
if result['detail']:
print(' %s' % (result['detail']))