Sun Austin 3ee670f0c8 Fix 'print' issue for Python 2/3 compatible code.
and remove 'H233  Python 3.x incompatible use of print operator'
pep8/flake8 ignore case in cgts-client and sysinv tox setup

enable flake8 hacking and ignore some case and fix it later for
those ignore case.

Story: 2003433
Task: 24629

Change-Id: I0dfc4c17681dd9b0042a4277b7956d270eb73495
Signed-off-by: Sun Austin <>
2018-12-06 12:59:33 +08:00

95 lines
2.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# All Rights Reserved.
from cgtsclient.common import utils
from cgtsclient import exc
import os.path
def _print_load_show(load):
fields = ['id', 'state', 'software_version', 'compatible_version',
data = [(f, getattr(load, f, '')) for f in fields]
help="ID of load")
def do_load_show(cc, args):
"""Show load attributes."""
load = cc.load.get(args.loadid)
def do_load_list(cc, args):
"""List all loads."""
loads = cc.load.list()
field_labels = ['id', 'state', 'software_version']
fields = ['id', 'state', 'software_version']
utils.print_list(loads, fields, field_labels, sortby=0)
help="ID of load")
def do_load_delete(cc, args):
"""Delete a load."""
load = cc.load.get(args.loadid)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('Delete load failed: load %s' % args.loadid)
print('Deleted load: load %s' % args.loadid)
metavar='<path to iso>',
help="The full path of the iso to import [REQUIRED]")
metavar='<path to detached signature>',
help="The full path of the detached signature file corresponding to the iso [REQUIRED]")
def do_load_import(cc, args):
"""Import a load."""
# If absolute path is not specified, we assume it is the relative path.
# args.isopath will then be set to the absolute path
if not os.path.isabs(args.isopath):
args.isopath = os.path.abspath(args.isopath)
if not os.path.isabs(args.sigpath):
args.sigpath = os.path.abspath(args.sigpath)
# Here we pass the path_to_iso to the API
# The API will perform any required actions to import the provided iso
patch = {'path_to_iso': args.isopath, 'path_to_sig': args.sigpath}
new_load = cc.load.import_load(**patch)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('Load import failed')
if new_load:
uuid = new_load["uuid"]
raise exc.CommandError('load was not created')
load = cc.load.get(uuid)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('load UUID not found: %s' % uuid)