This commit does two different changes: it changes the policy engine to
oslo_policy and restrict access to sysinv API to users of projects
'admin' or 'services'.
The policy engine deprecated is the one present in the file
"sysinv/sysinv/sysinv/sysinv/openstack/common/" (780 lines).
This file is no longer used by this repository and was not deleted
because it is used by other repositories, like starlingx/update. The
library oslo_policy is used in its place. In fact, the deprecated engine
seems to be an ancient version of oslo_policy. The library oslo_policy
changed the default format of configuration files from JSON to YAML, so
the configuration files named "policy.json" were changed to
"policy.yaml". The file that initializes and wraps oslo_policy
("sysinv/sysinv/sysinv/sysinv/common/") contains the minimal
implementation to use this library.
The access to sysinv API, before this commit, was restricted to users
with role "admin" or "administrator" from any project. This commit
restricts the access to users with role "admin" of projects "admin" or
"services". This change should not cause problems, because role
"administrator" doesn't exist and because all users from Starlingx are
from projects "admin" or "services". This change is needed to avoid
access from admin users of other projects.
To test custom policy rules set in the file "/etc/sysinv/policy.yaml",
it will be used the Service Parameter API actions create/apply/modify/
delete/get (commands "system service-parameter-[add/apply/modify/delete/
list]". To test default policy for sysinv API commands, it will be used
the command to change the system description (PATCH "/v1/isystems",
command "system modify --description='test'"). On test plan, these
commands will be reffered as "test commands". Any change in the file
"/etc/sysinv/policy.yaml" is detected by policy engine and rules are
Test Plan:
PASS: Successfully deploy an AIO-SX using an Debian image with this
commit present. Successfully create, through openstack CLI, the users:
'testreader' with role 'reader' in project 'admin',
'adminsvc' with role 'admin' in project 'services' and
'otheradmin' with role 'admin' in project 'notadminproject'.
Create openrc files for all new users. Note: the other user that will be
used is the already existing 'admin' with role 'admin' in project
PASS: In the deployed AIO-SX, check the behavior of test commands
through different users: for "admin" and "adminsvc" users, all commands
are successful; for user "testreader", only "service-parameter-list"
command is successful and for user "otheradmin" no command is
PASS: In the deployed AIO-SX, add the following lines in file
config_api:service_parameter:add: role:reader
config_api:service_parameter:apply: role:reader
config_api:service_parameter:delete: role:reader
config_api:service_parameter:get: role:reader
config_api:service_parameter:modify: role:reader
and check the behavior of test commands through different users:
for "admin" and "adminsvc" users, all commands are successful; for users
"testreader" and "otheradmin", all commands are successful except the
change in the system description ("system modify --description='test'").
PASS: In the deployed AIO-SX, to assert that public API works without
authentication, execute the commands:
"curl -v http://<MGMT_IP>:6385/v1/" and
"curl -v http://<MGMT_IP>:6385/v1/isystems/mgmtvlan" and
verify that they are accepted and that the HTTP response is 200,
and execute the commands:
"curl -v http://<MGMT_IP>:6385/v1/isystems/" and
"curl -v http://<MGMT_IP>:6385/v1/service_parameter" and
verify that they are rejected and that the HTTP response is 401.
PASS: Repeat all tests above changing the deploy to AIO-DX using an
CentOS image.
PASS: Successfully execute Debian AIO-SX daily regression and sanity
tests using an image containing this change.
Story: 2010149
Task: 45984
Signed-off-by: Joao Victor Portal <>
Change-Id: Id7aa387e154afb1441a8484b076cdc97f2fc46cb