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# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# All Rights Reserved.
from cgtsclient.common import constants
from cgtsclient.common import utils
from cgtsclient import exc
from collections import OrderedDict
def _print_iextoam_show(iextoam, cc):
fields = ['uuid',
fields_region = ['oam_start_ip', 'oam_end_ip']
region_config = getattr(iextoam, 'region_config') or False
if region_config:
# labels.extend(labels_region)
data = dict([(f, getattr(iextoam, f, '')) for f in fields])
# Rename the floating IP field and remove the
# fields that are not applicable for a simplex system
if cc.isystem.list()[0].system_mode == constants.SYSTEM_MODE_SIMPLEX:
data['oam_ip'] = data.pop('oam_floating_ip')
del data['oam_c0_ip']
del data['oam_c1_ip']
ordereddata = OrderedDict(sorted(data.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
utils.print_dict(ordereddata, wrap=72)
def do_oam_show(cc, args):
"""Show external OAM attributes."""
iextoams = cc.iextoam.list()
iextoam = iextoams[0]
# iextoam = cc.iextoam.get(args.uuid)
_print_iextoam_show(iextoam, cc)
def donot_config_oam_list(cc, args):
"""List external oams."""
iextoams = cc.iextoam.list()
field_labels = ['uuid', 'oam_subnet', 'oam_gateway_ip',
'oam_floating_ip', 'oam_c0_ip',
fields = ['uuid', 'oam_subnet', 'oam_gateway_ip',
'oam_floating_ip', 'oam_c0_ip',
utils.print_list(iextoams, fields, field_labels, sortby=1)
help="OAM IP attributes to modify ")
def do_oam_modify(cc, args):
"""Modify external OAM attributes."""
iextoams = cc.iextoam.list()
iextoam = iextoams[0]
if cc.isystem.list()[0].system_mode == constants.SYSTEM_MODE_SIMPLEX:
for i, elem in enumerate(args.attributes[0]):
path, value = elem.split("=", 1)
if path == 'oam_ip':
args.attributes[0][i] = 'oam_floating_ip=' + value
if path in ['oam_floating_ip', 'oam_c0_ip', 'oam_c1_ip']:
raise exc.CommandError('%s is not supported on '
'a simplex system' % path)
patch = utils.args_array_to_patch("replace", args.attributes[0])
iextoam = cc.iextoam.update(iextoam.uuid, patch)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('OAM IP not found: %s' % iextoam.uuid)
_print_iextoam_show(iextoam, cc)