
108 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import base64
import keyring
import requests
from sysinv.common import constants
from sysinv.common import exception
CERT_PATH = '/etc/ssl/private/registry-cert.crt'
REGISTRY_BASEURL = 'https://%s/v2/' % constants.DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER
def get_registry_password():
registry_password = keyring.get_password(
if not registry_password:
raise exception.DockerRegistryCredentialNotFound(
return registry_password
def docker_registry_authenticate(www_authenticate):
returns a dictionary of headers to add as part of original request
including access_token
takes the Www-Authenticate header from the 401 response of a
registry request
like 'Bearer realm="",
:param www_authenticate: a Www-Authenticate header as described above
# additional headers from the result of authentication
# for example, access_token
# send these along with the request to the docker registry
auth_headers = {'connection': 'close'}
# take off the "Bearer"
auth_params = www_authenticate.split(' ')
# unsupported www_authenticate header
if len(auth_params) != 2 or auth_params[0] != 'Bearer':
return {}
auth_params = auth_params[1].split(',')
# each auth_params should be an entry like
# service=""
for auth_param in auth_params:
auth_param = auth_param.split('=')
# we need to strip quotes from the auth challenge
# if we send the "scope" field in quotes, we will get
# "token intended for another audience" errors
auth_headers[auth_param[0]] = auth_param[1].strip('\"')
# 'realm' specifies a token server to authenticate to
if 'realm' not in auth_headers:
return {}
# make a request to the token server
# the credentials are passed as a header while the rest
# are passed as params
auth_string = base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % (REGISTRY_USERNAME, get_registry_password()))
token_server_request_headers = {"authorization": "Basic %s" % auth_string}
token_server_response = requests.get(auth_headers['realm'], verify=CERT_PATH,
if token_server_response.status_code == 200:
auth_headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer %s" % token_server_response.json().get("access_token")
return auth_headers
def docker_registry_get(path, registry_url=REGISTRY_BASEURL):
# we need to have this header to get the correct digest when giving the tag
headers = {"Accept": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"}
resp = requests.get("%s%s" % (registry_url, path), verify=CERT_PATH, headers=headers)
# authenticated registry, need to do auth with token server
if resp.status_code == 401:
auth_headers = docker_registry_authenticate(resp.headers["Www-Authenticate"])
resp = requests.get("%s%s" % (registry_url, path), verify=CERT_PATH, headers=headers)
return resp
def docker_registry_delete(path, registry_url=REGISTRY_BASEURL):
headers = {}
resp = requests.delete("%s%s" % (registry_url, path), verify=CERT_PATH, headers=headers)
# authenticated registry, need to do auth with token server
if resp.status_code == 401:
auth_headers = docker_registry_authenticate(resp.headers["Www-Authenticate"])
resp = requests.delete("%s%s" % (registry_url, path), verify=CERT_PATH, headers=headers)
return resp