John Kung 1a502b9151 Create DataNetworks modelling in System Configuration
Introduce the DataNetwork api, client, model to allow modelling of the
physical data network, with the following attributes:
   datanetwork_type (flat, vlan, vxlan)
   VxLAN specific attributes
      - port_number
      - multicast_group
      - ttl
      - mode ('dynamic' default, or 'static')

The system data network may then be assigned to interface.

This is part of the Story to "Move neutron provider network modelling
to system configuration".

The interface api is currently made compatible with current usage to
allow specifying datanetwork (formerly providernetwork).

The following new CLI commands and corresponding api are exposed:
    datanetwork-add     Add a datanetwork.
    datanetwork-delete  Delete a datanetwork.
    datanetwork-list    List datanetworks.
    datanetwork-modify  Modify a datanetwork.
    datanetwork-show    Show datanetwork details.
                       Assign a datanetwork to an interface.
                       List datanetwork interfaces.
                       Remove an assigned datanetwork from an interface.
                       Show interface datanetwork details.

'system datanetwork-add' must be run where
    'neutron providernetwork-create'.

Tests Performed:
    AIO Sanity
    Sanity 2-controller, 2-compute
    Sanity Storage lab
    Interface Profile create and apply
    Containers deployment

Change-Id: I630f90768647dbb414a60978bf8f8f641496afd5
Story: 2004455
Task: 28324
Signed-off-by: John Kung <>
2019-01-22 17:43:45 -05:00

4354 lines
156 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc.
Base classes for storage engines
import abc
import six
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_db import api as db_api
# from sysinv.openstack.common.db import api as db_api
from sysinv.openstack.common import log
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
_BACKEND_MAPPING = {'sqlalchemy': 'sysinv.db.sqlalchemy.api'}
# IMPL = db_api.DBAPI(backend_mapping=_BACKEND_MAPPING)
IMPL = db_api.DBAPI.from_config(cfg.CONF, backend_mapping=_BACKEND_MAPPING,
def get_instance():
"""Return a DB API instance."""
return IMPL
class Connection(object):
"""Base class for storage system connections."""
def __init__(self):
# @abc.abstractmethod
# def get_session(self, autocommit):
# """Create a new database session instance."""
def isystem_create(self, values):
"""Create a new isystem.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the node, and several dicts which are passed
into the Drivers when managing this node. For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'name': 'system-0',
'capabilities': { ... },
:returns: A isystem.
def isystem_get(self, isystem):
"""Return a isystem.
:param isystem: The id or uuid of a isystem.
:returns: A isystem.
def isystem_get_one(self):
"""Return exactly one isystem.
:returns: A isystem.
def isystem_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of isystems.
:param limit: Maximum number of isystems to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def isystem_update(self, isystem, values):
"""Update properties of a isystem.
:param node: The id or uuid of a isystem.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for a driver. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: A isystem.
def isystem_destroy(self, isystem):
"""Destroy a isystem and all associated leaves.
:param isystem: The id or uuid of a isystem.
def ihost_create(self, values, software_load=None):
"""Create a new ihost.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the node, and several dicts which are passed
into the Drivers when managing this node. For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'invprovision': 'provisioned',
'mgmt_mac': '01:34:67:9A:CD:FE',
'mgmt_ip': '',
'provision_state': states.NOSTATE,
'administrative': 'locked',
'operational': 'disabled',
'availability': 'offduty',
'extra': { ... },
:param: software_load. The load software_version.
:returns: A ihost.
def ihost_get(self, server, session=None):
"""Return a server.
:param server: The id or uuid of a server.
:param session: The db session.
:returns: A server.
def ihost_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, recordtype=None):
"""Return a list of iHosts.
:param limit: Maximum number of iHosts to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:param recordtype: recordtype to filter, default="standard"
def ihost_get_by_hostname(self, hostname):
"""Return a server by hostname.
:param hostname: The hostname of the server
returns: A server
def ihost_get_by_personality(self, personality,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of servers by personality.
:param personality: The personality of the server
e.g. controller or worker
returns: A server
def ihost_update(self, server, values):
"""Update properties of a server.
:param node: The id or uuid of a server.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for a driver. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: A server.
def ihost_destroy(self, server):
"""Destroy a server and all associated leaves.
:param server: The id or uuid of a server.
def interface_profile_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, session=None):
"""Return a list of interface profiles.
:param limit: Maximum number of profiles to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:param session: The DB session instance to use during the model query
def cpu_profile_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, session=None):
"""Return a list of cpu profiles.
:param limit: Maximum number of profiles to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:param session: The DB session instance to use during the model query
def memory_profile_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, session=None):
"""Return a list of memory profiles.
:param limit: Maximum number of profiles to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:param session: The DB session instance to use during the model query
def storage_profile_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, session=None):
"""Return a list of storage profiles.
:param limit: Maximum number of profiles to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:param session: The DB session instance to use during the model query
def inode_create(self, forihostid, values):
"""Create a new inode for a host.
:param forihostid: uuid or id of an ihost
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the inode, and several dicts which
are passed when managing this inode.
For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'numa_node': '0',
'forihostid': 'uuid-1',
'capabilities': { ... },
:returns: An inode.
def inode_get(self, inode_id):
"""Return an inode.
:param inode_id: The id or uuid of an inode.
:returns: An inode.
def inode_get_all(self, forihostid=None):
"""Return inodes.
:param forihostid: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:returns: inode.
def inode_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of cpus.
:param limit: Maximum number of cpus to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def inode_get_by_ihost(self, ihost, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the cpus for a given ihost.
:param ihost: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param limit: Maximum number of cpus to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of cpus.
def inode_update(self, inode_id, values):
"""Update properties of a cpu.
:param inode_id: The id or uuid of an inode.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for capabilities. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An inode.
def inode_destroy(self, inode_id):
"""Destroy an inode leaf.
:param inode_id: The id or uuid of an inode.
def icpu_create(self, forihostid, values):
"""Create a new icpu for a server.
:param forihostid: cpu belongs to this host
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the cpu.
'cpu': '1',
'core': '0',
'thread': '0',
'capabilities': { ... },
:returns: A cpu.
def icpu_get(self, cpu_id, forihostid=None):
"""Return a cpu.
:param cpu: The id or uuid of a cpu.
:returns: A cpu.
def icpu_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of cpus.
:param limit: Maximum number of cpus to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def icpu_get_by_ihost(self, ihost, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the cpus for a given ihost.
:param node: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param limit: Maximum number of cpus to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of cpus.
def icpu_get_by_inode(self, inode, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the cpus for a given inode.
:param node: The id or uuid of an inode.
:param limit: Maximum number of cpus to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of cpus.
def icpu_get_by_ihost_inode(self, ihost, inode,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the cpus for a given ihost and or interface.
:param ihost: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param inode: The id or uuid of an inode.
:param limit: Maximum number of cpus to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of cpus.
def icpu_get_all(self, forihostid=None, forinodeid=None):
"""Return cpus belonging to host and or node.
:param forihostid: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param forinodeid: The id or uuid of an inode.
:returns: cpus.
def icpu_update(self, cpu_id, values, forihostid=None):
"""Update properties of a cpu.
:param node: The id or uuid of a cpu.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for a driver. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: A cpu.
def icpu_destroy(self, cpu_id):
"""Destroy a cpu and all associated leaves.
:param cpu: The id or uuid of a cpu.
def imemory_create(self, forihostid, values):
"""Create a new imemory for a server.
:param forihostid: memory belongs to this host
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the memory.
'memory': '1',
'core': '0',
'thread': '0',
'capabilities': { ... },
:returns: A memory.
def imemory_get(self, memory_id, forihostid=None):
"""Return a memory.
:param memory: The id or uuid of a memory.
:returns: A memory.
def imemory_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of memorys.
:param limit: Maximum number of memorys to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def imemory_get_by_ihost(self, ihost, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the memorys for a given ihost.
:param node: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param limit: Maximum number of memorys to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of memorys.
def imemory_get_by_inode(self, inode,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the memorys for a given inode.
:param node: The id or uuid of an inode.
:param limit: Maximum number of memorys to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of memorys.
def imemory_get_by_ihost_inode(self, ihost, inode,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the memorys for a given ihost and or interface.
:param ihost: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param inode: The id or uuid of an inode.
:param limit: Maximum number of memorys to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of memorys.
def imemory_get_all(self, forihostid=None, forinodeid=None):
"""Return memorys belonging to host and or node.
:param forihostid: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param forinodeid: The id or uuid of an inode.
:returns: memorys.
def imemory_update(self, memory_id, values, forihostid=None):
"""Update properties of a memory.
:param node: The id or uuid of a memory.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for a driver. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: A memory.
def imemory_destroy(self, memory_id):
"""Destroy a memory and all associated leaves.
:param memory: The id or uuid of a memory.
def port_get(self, portid, hostid=None):
"""Return a port
:param portid: The name, id or uuid of a port.
:param hostid: The id or uuid of a host.
:returns: A port
def port_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of ports.
:param limit: Maximum number of ports to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: List of ports
def port_get_all(self, hostid=None, interfaceid=None):
"""Return ports associated with host and or interface.
:param hostid: The id of a host.
:param interfaceid: The id of an interface.
:returns: List of ports
def port_get_by_host(self, host,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the ports for a given host.
:param host: The id or uuid of an host.
:param limit: Maximum number of ports to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of ports.
def port_get_by_interface(self, interface,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the ports for a given interface.
:param interface: The id or uuid of an interface.
:param limit: Maximum number of ports to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of ports.
def port_get_by_numa_node(self, node,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the ports for a given numa node.
:param node: The id or uuid of a numa node.
:param limit: Maximum number of ports to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of ports.
def ethernet_port_create(self, hostid, values):
"""Create a new ethernet port for a server.
:param hostid: The id, uuid or database object of the host to which
the ethernet port belongs.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the node, and several dicts which are passed
into the Drivers when managing this node. For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'invprovision': 'provisioned',
'mgmt_mac': '01:34:67:9A:CD:FE',
'provision_state': states.NOSTATE,
'administrative': 'locked',
'operational': 'disabled',
'availability': 'offduty',
'extra': { ... },
:returns: An ethernet port
def ethernet_port_get(self, portid, hostid=None):
"""Return an ethernet port
:param portid: The name, id or uuid of a ethernet port.
:param hostid: The id or uuid of a host.
:returns: An ethernet port
def ethernet_port_get_by_mac(self, mac):
"""Retrieve an Ethernet port for a given mac address.
:param mac: The Ethernet MAC address
:returns: An ethernet port
def ethernet_port_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of ethernet ports.
:param limit: Maximum number of ports to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: List of ethernet ports
def ethernet_port_get_all(self, hostid=None, interfaceid=None):
"""Return ports associated with host and or interface.
:param hostid: The id of a host.
:param interfaceid: The id of an interface.
:returns: List of ethernet ports
def ethernet_port_get_by_host(self, host,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the ethernet ports for a given host.
:param host: The id or uuid of an host.
:param limit: Maximum number of ports to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of ethernet ports.
def ethernet_port_get_by_interface(self, interface,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the ethernet ports for a given interface.
:param interface: The id or uuid of an interface.
:param limit: Maximum number of ports to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of ethernet ports.
def ethernet_port_get_by_numa_node(self, node,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the ethernet ports for a given numa node.
:param node: The id or uuid of a numa node.
:param limit: Maximum number of ports to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of ethernet ports.
def ethernet_port_update(self, portid, values):
"""Update properties of an ethernet port.
:param portid: The id or uuid of an ethernet port.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for a driver. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An ethernet port
def ethernet_port_destroy(self, port_d):
"""Destroy an ethernet port
:param portid: The id or uuid of an ethernet port.
def iinterface_create(self, forihostid, values):
"""Create a new iinterface for a host.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the iinterface, and several dicts which
are passed when managing this iinterface.
For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'ifname': 'bond1',
'networktype': constants.NETWORK_TYPE_DATA,
'aemode': 'balanced',
'schedpolicy': 'xor',
'txhashpolicy': 'L2',
'extra': { ... },
:returns: An iinterface.
def iinterface_get(self, iinterface_id, ihost=None, network=None):
"""Return an iinterface.
:param iinterface_id: The id or uuid of an iinterface.
:param ihost: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param network: The network type ('mgmt', 'infra', 'oam')
:returns: An iinterface.
def iinterface_get_all(self, forihostid=None):
"""Return an iinterfaces.
:param forihostid: The id or uuid of a host.
:returns: iinterface.
def iinterface_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of ports.
:param limit: Maximum number of ports to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def iinterface_get_by_ihost(self, ihost, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the ports for a given ihost.
:param ihost: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param limit: Maximum number of ports to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of ports.
def iinterface_update(self, iinterface_id, values):
"""Update properties of a cpu.
:param node: The id or uuid of a cpu.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for a driver. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An iinterface.
def iinterface_destroy(self, iinterface_id):
"""Destroy an iinterface leaf.
:param cpu: The id or uuid of an iinterface.
def ethernet_interface_create(self, forihostid, values):
"""Create a new Ethernet interface for a host.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the interface, and several dicts which
are passed when managing this interface.
For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'ifname': 'eth1',
'networktype': constants.NETWORK_TYPE_MGMT,
'extra': { ... },
:returns: An EthernetInterface.
def ethernet_interface_get(self, interface_id):
"""Return an EthernetInterface.
:param interface_id: The id or uuid of an interface.
:returns: An EthernetInterface.
def ethernet_interface_get_all(self, forihostid=None):
"""Return an Interface.
:param forihostid: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:returns: An EthernetInterface.
def ethernet_interface_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of EthernetInterfaces.
:param limit: Maximum number of interfaces to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of EthernetInterfaces.
def ethernet_interface_get_by_ihost(self, ihost, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the Ethernet interfaces for a given ihost.
:param ihost: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param limit: Maximum number of interfacess to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of EthernetInterfaces.
def ethernet_interface_update(self, interface_id, values):
"""Update properties of an Ethernet interface.
:param interface_id: The id or uuid of an interface.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for a driver. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An EthernetInterface.
def ethernet_interface_destroy(self, interface_id):
"""Destroy an Ethernet interface leaf.
:param interface_id: The id or uuid of an interface.
def idisk_create(self, forihostid, values):
"""Create a new idisk for a server.
:param forihostid: disk belongs to this host
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the disk.
'device_node': '/dev/sdb',
'device_num': '0',
'device_type': 'disk',
'size_mib': '10240',
'serial_id': 'disk',
'forihostid': '1',
'forinodeid': '2',
'capabilities': { ... },
:returns: A disk.
def idisk_get(self, disk_id, forihostid=None):
"""Return a disk.
:param disk: The id or uuid of a disk.
:returns: A disk.
def idisk_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of disks.
:param limit: Maximum number of disks to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def idisk_get_by_ihost(self, ihost, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the disks for a given ihost.
:param node: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param limit: Maximum number of disks to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of disks.
def idisk_get_by_istor(self, istor_uuid,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the disks for a given istor.
:param node: The id or uuid of an istor.
:param limit: Maximum number of disks to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of disks.
def idisk_get_by_ihost_istor(self, ihost, istor,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the disks for a given ihost and stor.
:param ihost: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param istor: The id or uuid of an istor.
:param limit: Maximum number of disks to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of disks.
def idisk_get_by_ipv(self, ipv,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the disks for a given ipv.
:param node: The id or uuid of an ipv.
:param limit: Maximum number of disks to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of disks.
def idisk_get_by_device_id(self, device_id,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List disk for a given id.
:param device_id: The id of a device, as shown in /dev/disk/by-id.
:param limit: Maximum number of disks to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of disks.
def idisk_get_by_device_path(self, device_path,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List disk for a given path.
:param device_path: The path of a device, as shown in
:param limit: Maximum number of disks to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of disks.
def idisk_get_by_device_wwn(self, device_wwn,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List disk for a given wwn.
:param device_wwn: The WWN of a device, as shown in
:param limit: Maximum number of disks to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of disks.
def idisk_get_by_ihost_ipv(self, ihost, ipv,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the disks for a given ihost and ipv.
:param ihost: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param ipv: The id or uuid of an ipv.
:param limit: Maximum number of disks to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of disks.
def idisk_get_all(self, forihostid=None, foristorid=None, foripvid=None):
"""Return disks belonging to host and or node.
:param forihostid: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param foristorid: The id or uuid of an istor.
:param foripvid: The id or uuid of an ipv.
:returns: disks.
def idisk_update(self, disk_id, values, forihostid=None):
"""Update properties of a disk.
:param node: The id or uuid of a disk.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for capabilities. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: A disk.
def idisk_destroy(self, disk_id):
"""Destroy a disk and all associated leaves.
:param disk: The id or uuid of a disk.
def partition_get_all(self, forihostid=None, foripvid=None):
"""Return partitions belonging to host and or node.
:param forihostid: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param foripvid: The id or uuid of an ipv.
:returns: partitions.
def partition_get(self, partition_id, forihostid=None):
"""Return a partition.
:param partition_id: The id or uuid of a partition.
:returns: A partition.
def partition_get_by_ihost(self, ihost, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the partitions for a given ihost.
:param node: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param limit: Maximum number of partitions to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of partitions.
def partition_get_by_idisk(self, idisk, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the partitions for a given disk.
:param node: The id or uuid of an idisk.
:param limit: Maximum number of partitions to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of partitions.
def partition_get_by_ipv(self, ipv,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the partitions for a given ipv.
:param node: The id or uuid of an ipv.
:param limit: Maximum number of partitions to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of partitions.
def partition_create(self, forihostid, values):
"""Create a new partition for a server.
:param forihostid: partition belongs to this host
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the partition.
:returns: A partition.
def partition_update(self, partition_id, values, forihostid=None):
"""Update properties of a partition.
:param node: The id or uuid of a partition.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list.
:returns: A partition.
def partition_destroy(self, partition_id):
"""Destroy a partition.
:param partition: The id or uuid of a partition.
def istor_create(self, forihostid, values):
"""Create a new istor for a host.
:param forihostid: uuid or id of an ihost
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the istor, and several dicts which
are passed when managing this istor.
For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'name': 'uuid-1', # or int
'state': 'available',
'function': 'objectstord',
'capabilities': { ... },
'forihostid': 'uuid-1',
:returns: An istor.
def istor_get(self, istor_id):
"""Return an istor.
:param istor_id: The id or uuid of an istor.
:returns: An istor.
def istor_get_all(self, forihostid=None):
"""Return istors.
:param forihostid: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:returns: istor.
def istor_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of istors.
:param limit: Maximum number of istors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def istor_get_by_ihost(self, ihost, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the istors for a given ihost.
:param ihost: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param limit: Maximum number of istors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of istors.
def istor_get_by_tier(self, tier, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the istors for a given storage tier.
:param tier: The id or uuid of a storage tier .
:param limit: Maximum number of istors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of istors.
def istor_update(self, istor_id, values):
"""Update properties of an istor.
:param istor_id: The id or uuid of an istor.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:returns: An istor.
def istor_destroy(self, istor_id):
"""Destroy an istor leaf.
:param istor_id: The id or uuid of an istor.
def journal_create(self, foristorid, values):
"""Create a new journal for stor
:param foristorid: uuid or id of an istor
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the journal, and several dicts which
are passed when managing this journal.
For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'device_node': '/dev/sd**',
'size_mib': int,
'onistor_uuid': uuid of an idisk,
:returns: A journal.
def ilvg_create(self, forihostid, values):
"""Create a new ilvg for a host.
:param forihostid: uuid or id of an ihost
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the ilvg, and several dicts which
are passed when managing this ilvg.
For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'lvm_vg_name': constants.LVG_NOVA_LOCAL,
'lvm_vg_uuid': 'uuid-1',
'capabilities': { ... },
'forihostid': 'uuid-1',
:returns: An ilvg.
def ilvg_get(self, ilvg_id):
"""Return an ilvg.
:param ilvg_id: The id or uuid of an ilvg.
:returns: An ilvg.
def ilvg_get_all(self, forihostid=None):
"""Return ilvgs.
:param forihostid: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:returns: ilvg.
def ilvg_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of cpus.
:param limit: Maximum number of ilvgs to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def ilvg_get_by_ihost(self, ihost, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the pvs for a given ihost.
:param ihost: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of ilvgs.
def ilvg_update(self, ilvg_id, values):
"""Update properties of an ilvg.
:param ilvg_id: The id or uuid of an ilvg.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for capabilities. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An ilvg.
def ilvg_destroy(self, ilvg_id):
"""Destroy an ilvg leaf.
:param ilvg_id: The id or uuid of an ilvg.
def ipv_create(self, forihostid, values):
"""Create a new ipv for a host.
:param forihostid: uuid or id of an ihost
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the ipv, and several dicts which
are passed when managing this ipv.
For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'pv_type': 'disk',
'disk_or_part_uuid': 'uuid-1',
'disk_or_part_device_node': '/dev/sdb',
'disk_or_part_device_path': 'pci-0000:00:0d.0-ata-1.0',
'capabilities': { ... },
'forihostid': 'uuid-1',
:returns: An ipv.
def ipv_get(self, ipv_id):
"""Return an ipv.
:param ipv_id: The id or uuid of an ipv.
:returns: An ipv.
def ipv_get_all(self, forihostid=None):
"""Return ipvs.
:param forihostid: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:returns: ipv.
def ipv_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of pvs.
:param limit: Maximum number of ipvs to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def ipv_get_by_ihost(self, ihost, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the pvs for a given ihost.
:param ihost: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of ipvs.
def ipv_update(self, ipv_id, values):
"""Update properties of an ipv.
:param ipv_id: The id or uuid of an ipv.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for capabilities. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An ipv.
def ipv_destroy(self, ipv_id):
"""Destroy an ipv leaf.
:param ipv_id: The id or uuid of an ipv.
def itrapdest_create(self, values):
"""Create a trap destination entry.
param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
a trap destination
:returns: An itrapdest.
def itrapdest_get(self, iid):
"""Return an itrapdest.
:param iid: The id of an itrapdest.
:returns: An itrapdest.
def itrapdest_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of itrapdest.
def itrapdest_get_by_ip(self, ip):
"""Return an itrapdest.
:param ip: The ip address of an itrapdest.
:returns: An itrapdest.
def itrapdest_update(self, iid, values):
"""Update properties of an itrapdest.
:param node: The id of an itrapdest.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:returns: An itrapdest.
def itrapdest_destroy(self, ip):
"""Destroy an itrapdest.
:param ip: The ip address of an itrapdest.
def icommunity_create(self, values):
"""Create a community entry.
param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
a community entry
:returns: An icommunity.
def icommunity_get(self, uuid):
"""Return an icommunity.
:param uuid: The id of an icommunity.
:returns: An icommunity.
def icommunity_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of icommunity.
def icommunity_get_by_name(self, name):
"""Return an icommunity.
:param name: The community name of an icommunity.
:returns: An icommunity.
def icommunity_update(self, iid, values):
"""Update properties of an icommunity.
:param node: The id of an icommunity.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:returns: An icommunity.
def icommunity_destroy(self, name):
"""Destroy an icommunity.
:param name: The name of an icommunity.
def iuser_create(self, values):
"""Create a new iuser for an isystem
:param forihostid: iuser belongs to this isystem
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the iuser.
'root_sig': 'abracadabra',
:returns: An iuser.
def iuser_get(self, server):
"""Return an iuser.
:param isystem: The id or uuid of an iuser.
:returns: An iuser.
def iuser_get_one(self):
"""Return exactly one iuser.
:returns: A iuser.
def iuser_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of iuser.
:param limit: Maximum number of iuser to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def iuser_get_by_isystem(self, isystem_id, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the iuser for a given isystem.
:param isystem: The id or uuid of an isystem.
:param limit: Maximum number of iuser to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of iuser.
def iuser_update(self, server, values):
"""Update properties of an iuser.
:param iuser: The id or uuid of an iuser.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for capabilities. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An iconfig.
def iuser_destroy(self, server):
"""Destroy an iuser.
:param id: The id or uuid of an iuser.
def idns_create(self, values):
"""Create a new idns for an isystem.
:param forisystemid: idns belongs to this isystem
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the idns.
'nameservers': ',',
'forisystemid': '1'
:returns: A idns.
def idns_get(self, server):
"""Return an idns.
:param isystem: The id or uuid of a idns.
:returns: An idns.
def idns_get_one(self):
"""Return exactly one idns.
:returns: A idns.
def idns_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of idns.
:param limit: Maximum number of idns to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def idns_get_by_isystem(self, isystem_id, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the idns for a given isystem.
:param isystem: The id or uuid of an isystem.
:param limit: Maximum number of idns to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of idns.
def idns_update(self, server, values):
"""Update properties of an idns.
:param idns: The id or uuid of an idns.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for capabilities. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An idns.
def idns_destroy(self, server):
"""Destroy an idns.
:param id: The id or uuid of an idns.
def intp_create(self, values):
"""Create a new intp for an isystem.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the ntp settings.
'enabled': 'True'
'ntpservers': ',,',
'forisystemid': '1'
:returns: An intp.
def intp_get(self, intp_id):
"""Return an intp.
:param intp_id: The id or uuid of an intp.
:returns: An intp.
def intp_get_one(self):
"""Return exactly one intp.
:returns: An intp.
def intp_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of intp.
:param limit: Maximum number of intp to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def intp_get_by_isystem(self, isystem_id, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the intp for a given isystem.
:param isystem_id: The id or uuid of an isystem.
:param limit: Maximum number of intp to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of intp.
def intp_update(self, intp_id, values):
"""Update properties of an intp.
:param intp_id: The id or uuid of an intp.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for capabilities. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An intp.
def intp_destroy(self, intp_id):
"""Destroy an intp.
:param intp_id: The id or uuid of an intp.
def ptp_create(self, values):
"""Create a new ptp for an isystem.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the ptp settings.
'enabled': 'True',
'mode': 'hardware',
'transport': 'l2',
'mechanism': 'e2e',
:returns: A ptp.
def ptp_get(self, ptp_id):
"""Return a ptp.
:param ptp_id: The id or uuid of a ptp.
:returns: A ptp.
def ptp_get_one(self):
"""Return exactly one ptp.
:returns: A ptp.
def ptp_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of ptp.
:param limit: Maximum number of ptp to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def ptp_get_by_isystem(self, isystem_id, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the ptp for a given isystem.
:param isystem_id: The id or uuid of an isystem.
:param limit: Maximum number of ptp to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of ptp.
def ptp_update(self, ptp_id, values):
"""Update properties of a ptp.
:param ptp_id: The id or uuid of a ptp.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for capabilities. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: A ptp.
def ptp_destroy(self, ptp_id):
"""Destroy a ptp.
:param ptp_id: The id or uuid of a ptp.
def ptp_fill_empty_system_id(self, system_id):
"""fills all empty system_id in a ptp.
ptp did not always fill this entry in properly
so existing systems might still have no value in the
system_id field. This function fills in the system_id
in existing systems that were missing this value.
:param system_id: The value to fill system_id with
def iextoam_get_one(self):
"""Return exactly one iextoam.
:returns: A iextoam.
def iextoam_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of iextoam.
:param limit: Maximum number of iextoam to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def storage_tier_get(self, storage_tier_uuid):
"""Return an storage tier.
:param storage_tier_uuid: The id or uuid of a storage tier.
:returns: An storage tier.
def storage_tier_get_by_cluster(self, cluster_id, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the storage tiers for a given cluster.
:param cluster_id: The id or uuid of an cluster.
:param limit: Maximum number of storage tiers to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of storage tiers.
def storage_tier_create(self, values):
"""Create a new storage_tier for a cluster
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the storage tier.
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'type': 'ceph',
'forclusterid': 1,
'status': 'defined',
'name': 'gold'}
:returns: A storage backend.
def storage_tier_update(self, storage_tier_uuid, values):
"""Update properties of an storage tier.
:param storage_tier_uuid: The id or uuid of a storage tier.
:param values: Dict of values to update. May be a partial list.
:returns: A storage tier.
def storage_tier_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of storage tiers.
:param limit: Maximum number of storage tiers to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def storage_tier_get_all(self, uuid=None, name=None, type=None):
"""Return storage_tiers.
:param uuid: The id or uuid of a storage tier.
:param name: The name of a storage tier.
:param type: The type of a storage tier.
:returns: storage tier.
def storage_tier_destroy(self, storage_tier_uuid):
"""Destroy a storage_tier.
:param storage_tier_uuid: The id or uuid of a storage_tier.
def storage_backend_create(self, values):
"""Create a new storage_backend for an isystem
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the storage backend.
'backend': 'lvm',
'state': None,
'task': None,
:returns: A storage backend.
def storage_backend_get(self, storage_backend_id):
"""Return an storage backend.
:param storage_backend_id: The id or uuid of a storage backend.
:returns: An storage backend.
def storage_backend_get_by_name(self, name):
"""Return an storage backend based on name.
:param name: The name of a storage backend.
:returns: An storage backend.
def storage_backend_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of storage backends.
:param limit: Maximum number of storage backends to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def storage_backend_get_list_by_type(self, backend_type=None, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the storage backends by backend type.
:param backend_type: One of SB_SUPPORTED types
:param limit: Maximum number of storage backends to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of storage backend.
def storage_backend_update(self, storage_backend_id, values):
"""Update properties of an storage backend.
:param storage_backend_id: The id or uuid of a storage backend.
:param values: Dict of values to update. May be a partial list.
:returns: A storage backend.
def storage_backend_destroy(self, storage_backend_id):
"""Destroy a storage_backend.
:param storage_backend_id: The id or uuid of a storage_backend.
def controller_fs_create(self, values):
"""Create a new controller_fs for an isystem
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the controller_fs.
values = {'name': constants.FILESYSTEM_NAME_IMG_CONVERSIONS,
'size': img_conversions_gib,
'logical_volume': constants.FILESYSTEM_NAME_LV_DICT,
'replicated': False}
:returns: A controller_fs.
def controller_fs_get(self, controller_fs_id):
"""Return an controller_fs.
:param controller_fs_id: The id or uuid of a controller_fs.
:returns: An controller_fs.
def controller_fs_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of controller_fss.
:param limit: Maximum number of controller_fss to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def controller_fs_get_by_isystem(self, isystem_id, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the controller_fss for a given isystem.
:param isystem: The id or uuid of an isystem.
:param limit: Maximum number of controller_fss to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of controller_fs.
def controller_fs_update(self, controller_fs_id, values):
"""Update properties of an controller_fs.
:param controller_fs_id: The id or uuid of a controller_fs.
:param values: Dict of values to update. May be a partial list.
values = {'name': constants.FILESYSTEM_NAME_IMG_CONVERSIONS,
'size': img_conversions_gib,
'logical_volume': constants.FILESYSTEM_LV_DICT[
'replicated': False}
:returns: A controller_fs.
def controller_fs_destroy(self, controller_fs_id):
"""Destroy a controller_fs.
:param controller_fs_id: The id or uuid of a controller_fs.
def ceph_mon_create(self, values):
"""Create a new ceph monitor for a server.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the disk.
'ceph_mon_gib': 20,
'forihostid': '1',
:returns: A ceph monitor.
def ceph_mon_get(self, ceph_mon_id):
"""Return a ceph mon.
:param ceph_mon_id: The id or uuid of a ceph mon.
:returns: A ceph mon.
def ceph_mon_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of ceph_mon.
:param limit: Maximum number of ceph_mons to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def ceph_mon_get_by_ihost(self, ihost_id_or_uuid, limit=None,
marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""List all the ceph mons for a given host.
:param ihost_id_or_uuid: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param limit: Maximum number of ceph mons to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A ceph mon list.
def ceph_mon_update(self, ceph_mon_id, values):
"""Update properties of a ceph_mon.
:param ceph_mon_id: The id or uuid of a ceph_mon.
:param values: Dict of values to update. May be a partial list.
:returns: A ceph_mon.
def ceph_mon_destroy(self, ceph_mon_id):
"""Destroy a ceph_mon.
:param ceph_mon_id: The id or uuid of a ceph_mon.
def storage_external_create(self, values):
"""Create a new storage_external
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the storage_external.
:returns: An storage_external.
def storage_external_get(self, storage_external_id):
"""Return an storage_external.
:param storage_external_id: The id or uuid of an storage_external.
:returns: An storage_external.
def storage_external_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of storage_external.
:param limit: Maximum number of storage_external to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def storage_external_update(self, server, values):
"""Update properties of an storage_external.
:param storage_external: The id or uuid of an storage_external.
:param values: Dict of values to update. May be a partial list.
:returns: An storage_external.
def storage_file_create(self, values):
"""Create a new storage_file
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the storage_file.
:returns: An storage_file.
def storage_file_get(self, storage_file_id):
"""Return a storage_file.
:param storage_file_id: The id or uuid of an storage_file.
:returns: A storage_file.
def storage_file_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of storage_file.
:param limit: Maximum number of storage_file to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def storage_file_update(self, server, values):
"""Update properties of a storage_file.
:param storage_file: The id or uuid of an storage_file.
:param values: Dict of values to update. May be a partial list.
:returns: A storage_file.
def storage_lvm_create(self, values):
"""Create a new storage_lvm
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the storage_lvm.
:returns: An storage_lvm.
def storage_lvm_get(self, storage_lvm_id):
"""Return an storage_lvm.
:param storage_lvm_id: The id or uuid of an storage_lvm.
:returns: An storage_lvm.
def storage_lvm_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of storage_lvm.
:param limit: Maximum number of storage_lvm to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def storage_lvm_update(self, server, values):
"""Update properties of an storage_lvm.
:param storage_lvm: The id or uuid of an storage_lvm.
:param values: Dict of values to update. May be a partial list.
:returns: An storage_lvm.
def storage_ceph_create(self, values):
"""Create a new storage_ceph
:param forihostid: storage_ceph belongs to this isystem
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the storage_ceph.
:returns: An storage_ceph.
def storage_ceph_get(self, storage_ceph_id):
"""Return an storage_ceph.
:param storage_ceph_id: The id or uuid of an storage_ceph.
:returns: An storage_ceph.
def storage_ceph_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of ceph storage backends.
:param limit: Maximum number of ceph storage backends to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def storage_ceph_update(self, stor_ceph_id, values):
"""Update properties of an ceph storage backend.
:param stor_ceph_id: The id or uuid of a ceph storage backend.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for capabilities. For example:
'cinder_pool_gib': 10,
'ephemeral_pool_gib: 10,
'object_pool_gib': 0,
'object_gateway': False
:returns: An ceph storage backend.
def storage_ceph_external_create(self, values):
"""Create a new external ceph storage backend.
:param forihostid: the external ceph belongs to this isystem
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the external_ceph.
:returns: An external storage_ceph.
def storage_ceph_external_get(self, storage_ceph_id):
"""Return an external ceph storage.
:param storage_ceph_id: The id or uuid of the external_ceph storage.
:returns: An external storage_ceph.
def storage_ceph_external_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of external ceph storage backends.
:param limit: Maximum number of external ceph storage backends to
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def storage_ceph_external_update(self, stor_ceph_ext_id, values):
"""Update properties of an external ceph storage backend.
:param stor_ceph_ext_id: The id or uuid of a ceph storage backend.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
'ceph_conf': '3p_ceph1.conf'
:returns: An external ceph storage backend.
def drbdconfig_create(self, values):
"""Create a new drbdconfig for an isystem
:param forihostid: drbdconfig belongs to this isystem
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the drbdconfig.
'link_util': 40,
'num_parallel': 1,
'rtt_ms': 0.2,
:returns: An drbdconfig.
def drbdconfig_get(self, server):
"""Return an drbdconfig.
:param isystem: The id or uuid of an drbdconfig.
:returns: An drbdconfig.
def drbdconfig_get_one(self):
"""Return exactly one drbdconfig.
:returns: A drbdconfig.
def drbdconfig_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of drbdconfig.
:param limit: Maximum number of drbdconfig to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def drbdconfig_get_by_isystem(self, isystem_id, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the drbdconfig for a given isystem.
:param isystem: The id or uuid of an isystem.
:param limit: Maximum number of drbdconfig to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of drbdconfig.
def drbdconfig_update(self, server, values):
"""Update properties of an drbdconfig.
:param drbdconfig: The id or uuid of an drbdconfig.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for capabilities. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An drbdconfig.
def drbdconfig_destroy(self, server):
"""Destroy an drbdconfig.
:param id: The id or uuid of an drbdconfig.
def remotelogging_create(self, values):
"""Create a new remotelogging for an isystem.
:param forisystemid: remotelogging belongs to this isystem
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the remotelogging mechanism. For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'enabled': 'True',
'transport': 'udp',
'ip_address' : '',
'port' : '514',
'key_file' : 'machine-key.pem',
:returns: A remotelogging.
def remotelogging_get(self, server):
"""Return an remotelogging.
:param isystem: The id or uuid of an remotelogging.
:returns: A remotelogging.
def remotelogging_get_one(self):
"""Return exactly one remotelogging.
:returns: A remotelogging.
def remotelogging_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of remotelogging.
:param limit: Maximum number of remotelogging to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def remotelogging_get_by_isystem(self, isystem_id, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the remotelogging for a given isystem.
:param isystem: The id or uuid of an isystem.
:param limit: Maximum number of remotelogging to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of remotelogging.
def remotelogging_update(self, server, values):
"""Update properties of an remotelogging.
:param remotelogging_id: The id or uuid of an remotelogging.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for capabilities. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An remotelogging.
def remotelogging_destroy(self, server):
"""Destroy an remotelogging.
:param id: The id or uuid of an remotelogging.
def remotelogging_fill_empty_system_id(self, system_id):
"""fills all empty system_id in a remotelogging.
remotelogging did not always fill this entry in properly
so existing systems might still have no value in the
system_id field. This function fills in the system_id
in existing systems that were missing this value.
:param system_id: The value to fill system_id with
def service_create(self, values):
"""Create a new service
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the Services
'service': 'murano',
'enabled': 'False',
:returns: A Services.
def service_get(self, name):
"""Return a Services.
:returns: A Services.
def service_get_one(self):
"""Return exactly one Services.
:returns: A Services.
def service_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of service.
:param limit: Maximum number of remotelogging to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def service_get_all(self):
"""Returns list of service.
:returns: List of service
def service_update(self, name, values):
"""Update properties of an service.
:param name: The name of an service.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for capabilities. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An Services.
def service_destroy(self, service):
"""Destroy an service.
:param name: The name of an service
def iinfra_get_one(self):
"""Return exactly one iinfra.
:returns: A iinfra.
def iinfra_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of iinfra.
:param limit: Maximum number of iinfra to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def isensor_analog_create(self, hostid, values):
"""Create an isensor.
:param hostid: id (PK) of the host.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:returns: an isensor
def isensor_analog_get(self, sensorid, hostid=None):
"""Return an analog isensor.
:param sensorid: id (PK) of the sensor.
:param hostid: id (PK) of the host.
:returns: an analog isensor
def isensor_analog_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of analog isensors.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def isensor_analog_get_all(self, hostid=None, sensorgroupid=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors.
:param hostid: id (PK) of the host.
:param sensorgroupid: id (PK) of the sensorgroup.
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensor_analog_get_by_host(self, host,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors for the host.
:param host: id (PK) of the host.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensor_analog_get_by_isensorgroup(self, sensorgroup,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors for the host.
:param sensorgroup: id (PK) of the sensorgroup.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensor_analog_get_by_host_isensorgroup(self, host, sensorgroup,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors for the host.
:param host: id (PK) of the host.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensor_analog_update(self, sensorid, values, hostid=None):
"""Update properties of an isensor.
:param sensorid: The id or uuid of a isensor.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for a driver. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An isensor.
def isensor_analog_destroy(self, sensorid):
"""Destroy an isensor.
:param sensorid: id (PK) of the sensor.
def isensor_discrete_create(self, hostid, values):
"""Create an isensor.
:param hostid: id (PK) of the host.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:returns: an isensor
def isensor_discrete_get(self, sensorid, hostid=None):
"""Return an isensor.
:param sensorid: The id or uuid of a sensor.
:returns: A sensor.
def isensor_discrete_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of discrete isensors.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of discrete isensors
def isensor_discrete_get_all(self, hostid=None, sensorgroupid=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors for the host.
:param hostid: id (PK) of the host.
:param sensorgroupid: id (PK) of the sensorgroupid.
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensor_discrete_get_by_host(self, host,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors for the host.
:param host: id (PK) of the host.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensor_discrete_get_by_isensorgroup(self, sensorgroup,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors for the host.
:param sensorgroup: id (PK) of the sensorgroup.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensor_discrete_get_by_host_isensorgroup(self, host, sensorgroup,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors for the host.
:param host: id (PK) of the host.
:param sensorgroup: id (PK) of the sensorgroup.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensor_discrete_update(self, sensorid, values, hostid=None):
"""Update properties of an isensor.
:param sensorid: The id or uuid of a isensor.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for a driver. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An isensor.
def isensor_discrete_destroy(self, sensorid):
"""Destroy an isensor.
:param sensorid: id (PK) of the sensor.
def isensor_create(self, hostid, values):
"""Create an isensor.
:param hostid: id (PK) of the host.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:returns: an isensor
def isensor_get(self, sensorid, hostid=None):
"""Return a sensor.
:param sensorid: The id or uuid of a sensor.
:param hostid: The id of the host.
:returns: A sensor.
def isensor_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of isensors.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of isensors
def isensor_get_all(self, host_id=None, sensorgroupid=None):
"""Return list of isensors for the host and sensorgroup.
:param host_id: id (PK) of the host.
:param sensorgroupid: id (PK) of the sensorgroupid.
:returns: a list of isensors
def isensor_get_by_ihost(self, ihost,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of isensors for the host.
:param ihost: id (PK) of the host.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of isensors
def isensor_get_by_sensorgroup(self, sensorgroup,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of isensors for the host.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of isensors
def isensor_get_by_ihost_sensorgroup(self, ihost, sensorgroup,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of isensors for the host.
:param ihost: id (PK) of the host.
:param sensorgroup: id (PK) of the sensorgroup.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of isensors
def isensor_update(self, isensor_id, values):
"""Update properties of an isensor.
:param isensor_id: The id or uuid of a isensor.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for a driver. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An isensor.
def isensor_destroy(self, sensor_id):
"""Destroy an isensor.
:param sensor_id: id (PK) of the sensor.
def isensorgroup_create(self, ihost_id, values):
"""Create an isensor.
:param ihost_id: id (PK) of the host.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:returns: an isensor
def isensorgroup_get(self, isensorgroup_id, host_id=None):
"""Return a sensor.
:param isensorgroup_id: The id or uuid of a sensor.
:param host_id: The id of the host.
:returns: A sensor.
def isensorgroup_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors for the host.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensorgroup_get_by_ihost_sensor(self, ihost, sensor,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors for the host.
:param ihost: id (PK) of the host.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensorgroup_get_by_ihost(self, ihost,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors for the host.
:param ihost: id (PK) of the host.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensorgroup_update(self, isensorgroup_id, values):
"""Update properties of an isensorgroup.
:param isensorgroup_id: The id or uuid of a isensor.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for a driver. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An isensorgroup.
def isensorgroup_propagate(self, sensorgroup_id, values):
"""Progagate properties from sensorgroup to sensors.
:param isensorgroup_id: The id or uuid of the sensorgroup.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
def isensorgroup_destroy(self, sensorgroup_id):
"""Destroy an isensor.
:param sensorgroup_id: id (PK) of the sensor.
def isensorgroup_analog_create(self, ihost_id, values):
"""Create an isensor.
:param ihost_id: id (PK) of the host.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:returns: an isensor
def isensorgroup_analog_get_all(self, ihost_id=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors for the host.
:param ihost_id: id (PK) of the host.
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensorgroup_analog_get(self, sensorgroup_id):
"""Return a sensorgroup.
:param sensorgroup_id: The id or uuid of a sensorgroup.
:returns: A sensorgroup.
def isensorgroup_analog_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensorgroup_analog_get_by_ihost(self, ihost,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of analog isensors for the host.
:param ihost: id (PK) of the host.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of analog isensors
def isensorgroup_analog_update(self, sensorgroup_id, values):
"""Update properties of an isensorgroup.
:param sensorgroup_id: The id or uuid of a isensor.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for a driver. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An isensor.
def isensorgroup_analog_destroy(self, sensorgroup_id):
"""Destroy an isensor.
:param sensorgroup_id: id (PK) of the sensor.
def isensorgroup_discrete_create(self, ihost_id, values):
"""Create an isensor.
:param ihost_id: id (PK) of the host.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:returns: an isensor
def isensorgroup_discrete_get_all(self, ihost_id=None):
"""Return list of discrete isensors for the host.
:param ihost_id: id (PK) of the host.
:returns: a list of discrete isensors
def isensorgroup_discrete_get(self, sensorgroup_id):
"""Return an isensorgroup.
:param sensorgroup_id: The id or uuid of a isensorgroup.
:returns: An isensorgroup.
def isensorgroup_discrete_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of discrete isensor groups for the host.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of isensorgoups
def isensorgroup_discrete_get_by_ihost(self, ihost,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return list of isensorgoups for the host.
:param ihost: id (PK) of the host.
:param limit: Maximum number of isensors to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: a list of isensorgoups
def isensorgroup_discrete_update(self, sensorgroup_id, values):
"""Update properties of an isensor.
:param sensorgroup_id: The id or uuid of a isensor.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list, eg. when setting the
properties for a driver. For example:
'my-field-1': val1,
'my-field-2': val2,
:returns: An isensor.
def isensorgroup_discrete_destroy(self, sensorgroup_id):
"""Destroy an isensorgroup.
:param sensorgroup_id: id (PK) of the sensorgroup.
def load_create(self, values):
"""Create a new Load.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the load
'software_version': '16.10',
'compatible_version': '15.10',
'required_patches': '001,002,003',
:returns: A load.
def load_get(self, load):
"""Returns a load.
:param load: The id or uuid of a load.
:returns: A load.
def load_get_by_version(self, version):
"""Returns the load with the specified version.
:param version: The software version of a load.
:returns: A load.
def load_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""Return a list of loads.
:param limit: Maximum number of loads to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def load_update(self, load, values):
"""Update properties of a load.
:param load: The id or uuid of a load.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
May be a partial list,
:returns: A load.
def load_destroy(self, load):
"""Destroy a load.
:param load: The id or uuid of a load.
def set_upgrade_loads_state(self, upgrade, to_state, from_state):
"""Change the states of the loads in an upgrade.
:param upgrade: An upgrade object.
:param to_state: The state of the 'to' load.
:param from_state: The state of the 'from' load.
def pci_device_create(self, hostid, values):
"""Create a new pci device for a host.
:param hostid: The id, uuid or database object of the host to which
the device belongs.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the device. For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'name': 'pci_dev_1',
'pciaddr': '0000:0b:01.0',
'pclass_id': '060100',
'pvendor_id': '8086',
'pdevice_id': '0443',
'enabled': 'True',
'extra_info': { ... },
:returns: A pci device
def pci_device_get(self, deviceid, hostid=None):
"""Return a pci device
:param deviceid: The id or uuid of a pci device.
:param hostid: The id or uuid of a host.
:returns: A pci device
def pci_device_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of pci devices.
:param limit: Maximum number of pci devices to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: List of pci devices
def pci_device_get_all(self, hostid=None):
"""Return pci devices associated with host.
:param hostid: The id of a host.
:returns: List of pci devices
def pci_device_get_by_host(self, host,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the pci devices for a given host.
:param host: The id or uuid of an host.
:param limit: Maximum number of pci devices to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of pci devices.
def pci_device_update(self, deviceid, values, hostid=None):
"""Update properties of a pci device.
:param deviceid: The id or uuid of a pci device.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
For example:
'name': 'pci_dev_2',
'enabled': 'True',
:param hostid: The id or uuid of the host to which the pci
device belongs.
:returns: A pci device
def pci_device_destroy(self, deviceid):
"""Destroy a pci_device
:param deviceid: The id or uuid of a pci device.
def software_upgrade_create(self, values):
"""Create a new software_upgrade entry
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the entry, and several dicts which are passed
into the Drivers when managing this node. For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'state': 'start', 'migration_complete', 'activated',
'from_load': '15.10',
'to_load' : '16.10',
:returns: A software_uprade record.
def software_upgrade_get(self, id):
"""Return a software_upgrade entry for a given id
:param _id: The id or uuid of a software_upgrade entry
:returns: a software_upgrade entry
def software_upgrade_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of software_upgrade entries.
:param limit: Maximum number of software_upgrade entries to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def software_upgrade_get_one(self):
"""Return exactly one software_upgrade.
:returns: A software_upgrade.
def software_upgrade_update(self, uuid, values):
"""Update properties of a software_upgrade.
:param node: The uuid of a software_upgrade entry.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
'state': 'complete',
:returns: A software_upgrade entry.
def software_upgrade_destroy(self, id):
"""Destroy a software_upgrade entry.
:param id: The id or uuid of a software_upgrade entry.
def host_upgrade_create(self, host_id, values):
"""Create host_upgrade entry.
:param ihost_id: id of the host.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
'software_load': '',
:returns: a host_upgrade
def host_upgrade_get(self, id):
"""Return a host_upgrade entry for a given host
:param id: id or uuid of the host_upgrade entry.
:returns: a host_upgrade
def host_upgrade_get_by_host(self, host_id):
"""Return a host_upgrade entry for a given host
:param id: id of the host entry.
:returns: a host_upgrade
def host_upgrade_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None,
"""Return a list of host_upgrade entries.
:param limit: Maximum number of host_upgrade to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def host_upgrade_update(self, host_id, values):
"""Update properties of a host_upgrade entry.
:param host_id: The id of a host entry.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
'software_load': ''
:returns: A host_upgrade entry.
def service_parameter_create(self, values):
"""Create a new service_parameter entry
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the entry, and several dicts which are passed
into the Drivers when managing this node. For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'service': 'identity',
'section': 'ldap',
'name' : 'parameter_name',
'value' : 'parameter_value',
'personality' : 'personality',
'resource' : 'resource',
:returns: A service parameter record.
def service_parameter_get(self, id):
"""Return a service_parameter entry for a given id
:param id: The id or uuid of a service_parameter entry
:returns: a service_parameter entry
def service_parameter_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of service_parameter entries.
:param limit: Maximum number of service_parameter entries to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
def service_parameter_get_one(self, service=None, section=None, name=None,
personality=None, resource=None):
"""Return a service parameter.
:param service: name of service.
:param section: name of section.
:param name: name of parameter.
:param personality: personality filter for custom parameter.
:param resource: resource for custom parameter.
:returns: A service parameter.
def service_parameter_update(self, uuid, values):
"""Update properties of a service_parameter.
:param uuid: The uuid of a service_parameter entry.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
'value': 'value',
:returns: A service_parameter entry.
def service_parameter_destroy_uuid(self, id):
"""Destroy a service_parameter entry.
:param id: The id or uuid of a service_parameter entry.
def service_parameter_destroy(self, name, service, section):
"""Destroy a service_parameter entry.
:param name: The name of a service_parameter entry.
:param name: The service of a service_parameter entry.
:param name: The section of a service_parameter entry.
def clusters_get_all(self, uuid=None, name=None, type=None):
"""Return clusters associated with id, name, or type
:param uuid: The id or uuid of a cluster.
:param name: The name of a cluster
:param type: The type of a cluster
:returns: List clusters
def lldp_agent_create(self, portid, hostid, values):
"""Create a new lldp agent for a server.
:param portid: The id, uuid or database object of the port to which
the lldp agent belongs.
:param hostid: The id, uuid or database object of the host to which
the lldp agent belongs.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the node, and several dicts which are passed
into the Drivers when managing this node. For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'status': 'enabled',
:returns: An lldp agent
def lldp_agent_get(self, agentid, hostid=None):
"""Return an lldp agent
:param agentid: The id or uuid of an lldp agent.
:param hostid: The id or uuid of a host.
:returns: An lldp agent
def lldp_agent_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of lldp agents.
:param limit: Maximum number of lldp agents to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: List of lldp agents
def lldp_agent_get_all(self, hostid=None, portid=None):
"""Return lldp agents associated with host and or port.
:param hostid: The id or uuid of a host.
:param portid: The id or uuid of a port
:returns: List of lldp agents
def lldp_agent_get_by_host(self, hostid,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the lldp agents for a given host.
:param hostid: The id or uuid of an host.
:param limit: Maximum number of lldp agents to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of lldp agents.
def lldp_agent_get_by_port(self, portid):
"""List all the lldp agents for a given port.
:param portid: The id or uuid of an port.
:param limit: Maximum number of lldp agents to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of lldp agents.
def lldp_agent_update(self, agentid, values):
"""Update properties of an lldp agent.
:param agentid: The id or uuid of an lldp agent.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:returns: An lldp agent
def lldp_agent_destroy(self, agentid):
"""Destroy an lldp agent
:param agentid: The id or uuid of an lldp agent.
def lldp_neighbour_create(self, portid, hostid, values):
"""Create a new lldp neighbour for a server.
:param portid: The id, uuid or database object of the port to which
the lldp neighbour belongs.
:param hostid: The id, uuid or database object of the host to which
the lldp neighbour belongs.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the neighbour. For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'msap': 'chassis_id:port_id',
:returns: An lldp neighbour
def lldp_neighbour_get(self, neighbourid, hostid=None):
"""Return an lldp neighbour
:param neighbourid: The id or uuid of an lldp neighbour.
:param hostid: The id or uuid of a host.
:returns: An lldp neighbour
def lldp_neighbour_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of lldp neighbours.
:param limit: Maximum number of lldp neighbours to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: List of lldp neighbours
def lldp_neighbour_get_all(self, hostid=None, interfaceid=None):
"""Return lldp neighbours associated with host and or port.
:param hostid: The id or uuid of a host.
:param portid: The id or uuid of a port
:returns: List of lldp neighbours
def lldp_neighbour_get_by_host(self, host,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the lldp neighbours for a given host.
:param hostid: The id or uuid of an host.
:param limit: Maximum number of lldp neighbours to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of lldp neighbours.
def lldp_neighbour_get_by_port(self, port,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the lldp neighbours for a given port.
:param portid: The id or uuid of an port.
:param limit: Maximum number of lldp neighbours to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of lldp neighbours.
def lldp_neighbour_get_by_msap(self, msap,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the lldp neighbours for a given MAC service access
point identifier (MSAP).
:param msap: The mac service access point identifier
:param portid: The id or uuid of an port.
:param limit: Maximum number of lldp neighbours to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return
the next result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: An lldp neighbour.
def lldp_neighbour_update(self, uuid, values):
"""Update properties of an lldp neighbour.
:param agentid: The id or uuid of an lldp neighbour.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:param hostid: The id or uuid of the host to which the lldp
neighbour belong.
:returns: An lldp neighbour
def lldp_neighbour_destroy(self, neighbourid):
"""Destroy an lldp neighbour
:param neighbourid: The id or uuid of an lldp neighbour.
def lldp_tlv_create(self, values, agentid=None, neighbourid=None):
"""Create a new lldp tlv for a given agent or neighbour.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the tlv. For example:
'type': 'system_name',
'value': 'switchA',
:param agentid: The id, uuid of the LLDP agent to which
the lldp tlv belongs.
:param neighbourid: The id, uuid of the LLDP neighbour to which
the lldp tlv belongs.
:returns: An lldp tlv
def lldp_tlv_get(self, type, agentid=None, neighbourid=None):
"""Return an lldp tlv of a certain type for a given agent
or neighbour
:param type: The TLV type
:param agentid: The id or uuid of an lldp agent.
:param neighbourid: The id or uuid of an lldp neighbour.
:returns: An lldp tlv
def lldp_tlv_get_by_id(self, id, agentid=None, neighbourid=None):
"""Return an lldp tlv
:param id: The id of the TLV
:param agentid: The id or uuid of an lldp agent.
:param neighbourid: The id or uuid of an lldp neighbour.
:returns: An lldp tlv
def lldp_tlv_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of lldp tlvs.
:param limit: Maximum number of lldp tlvs to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: List of lldp tlvs
def lldp_tlv_get_all(self, agentid=None, neighbourid=None):
"""Return lldp tlvs associated with an agent or neighbour.
:param agentid: The id or uuid of an lldp agent.
:param neighbourid: The id or uuid of an lldp neighbour
:returns: List of lldp tlvs
def lldp_tlv_get_by_agent(self, agentid,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return lldp tlvs associated with an lldp agent.
:param agentid: The id or uuid of an lldp agent.
:param limit: Maximum number of lldp tlvs to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: List of lldp tlvs
def lldp_tlv_get_by_neighbour(self, neighbourid,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return lldp tlvs associated with an lldp neighbour.
:param neighbourid: The id or uuid of an lldp neighbour.
:param limit: Maximum number of lldp tlvs to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: List of lldp tlvs
def lldp_tlv_update(self, values, agentid=None, neighbourid=None):
"""Update properties of an lldp tlv.
:param values: Dict of TLV values to update.
:param agentid: The id or uuid of an lldp agent to which the tlv
:param neighbourid: The id or uuid of and lldp neighbour to which
the tlv belongs
:returns: An lldp tlv
def lldp_tlv_update_bulk(self, values, agentid=None, neighbourid=None):
"""Update properties of a list of lldp tlvs.
:param values: List of dicts of TLV values to update.
:param agentid: The id or uuid of an lldp agent to which the tlv
:param neighbourid: The id or uuid of and lldp neighbour to which
the tlv belongs
:returns: A list of lldp tlvs
def lldp_tlv_create_bulk(self, values, agentid=None, neighbourid=None):
"""Create TLVs in bulk from a list of lldp tlvs.
:param values: List of dicts of TLV values to create.
:param agentid: The id or uuid of an lldp agent to which the tlv
:param neighbourid: The id or uuid of and lldp neighbour to which
the tlv belongs
:returns: A list of lldp tlvs
def lldp_tlv_destroy(self, id):
"""Destroy an lldp tlv
:param id: The id of an lldp tlv.
def sdn_controller_create(self, values):
"""Create a new SDN controller configuration.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the sdn controller. For example:
'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'ip_address': 'FQDN or IP address',
'port' : 'listening port on remote SDN controller',
'transport' : 'TCP | UDP | TLS',
'state' : 'administrative state',
'username' : 'login username',
'password' : 'login password',
'vendor' : 'the SDN controller vendor type',
:returns: An SDN controller
def sdn_controller_get(self, uuid):
"""Return an SDN controller
:param uuid: The uuid of an SDN controller.
:returns: An SDN controller
def sdn_controller_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of SDN controllers .
:param limit: Maximum number of SDN controllers to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: List of SDN controllers
def sdn_controller_update(self, uuid, values):
"""Update properties of an SDN controller.
:param uuid: The uuid of an SDN controller.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:returns: An SDN controller
def sdn_controller_destroy(self, uuid):
"""Destroy an SDN controller
:param uuid: The uuid of an SDN controller.
def tpmconfig_create(self, values):
"""Create a new TPM configuration.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the global TPM configuration. For example:
'uuid' : uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'tpm_path' : Path to TPM object context,
:returns: A TPM configuration
def tpmconfig_get(self, uuid):
"""Return a TPM configuration
:param uuid: The uuid of an tpmconfig.
:returns: A TPM configuration
def tpmconfig_get_one(self):
"""Return exactly one TPM configuration.
:returns: A TPM configuration
def tpmconfig_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of TPM configurations.
:param limit: Maximum number of TPM configurations to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: List of TPM configurations
def tpmconfig_update(self, uuid, values):
"""Update properties of a TPM configuration.
:param uuid: The uuid of an tpmconfig.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:returns: A TPM configuration
def tpmconfig_destroy(self, uuid):
"""Destroy a TPM configuration
:param uuid: The uuid of an tpmconfig.
def tpmdevice_create(self, forihostid, values):
"""Create a new TPM Device configuration.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the TPM device. For example:
'uuid' : uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'state' : 'configuration state of the system',
:returns: A TPM Device configuration
def tpmdevice_get(self, uuid):
"""Return a TPM Device configuration
:param uuid: The uuid of a tpmdevice.
:returns: A TPM Device configuration
def tpmdevice_get_list(self, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""Return a list of TPM Device configurations.
:param limit: Maximum number of TPM Device configurations to return.
:param marker: The last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted.
:param sort_dir: Direction in which results should be sorted.
(asc, desc)
:returns: List of TPM Device configurations
def tpmdevice_get_by_host(self, host_id,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the tpmdevices for a given host_id.
:param host_id: The id or uuid of an ihost.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of tpmdevices.
def tpmdevice_update(self, uuid, values):
"""Update properties of a TPM Device configuration.
:param uuid: The uuid of an tpmdevice.
:param values: Dict of values to update.
:returns: A TPM Device configuration
def tpmdevice_destroy(self, uuid):
"""Destroy a TPM Device configuration
:param uuid: The uuid of a tpmdevice.
def interface_network_create(self, values):
"""Create a new interface to network association.
:param values: A dict containing several items used to identify
and track the interface to network association. For example:
'interface_id' : id of the interface,
'network_id' : id of the network,
:returns: An interface network association
def interface_network_get_by_interface(self, interface_id,
limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None):
"""List all the interface networks for a given interface.
:param interface_id: The id or uuid of an interface.
:param limit: Maximum number of items to return.
:param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next
result set.
:param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted
:param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted
(asc, desc)
:returns: A list of interface-network.
def interface_network_destroy(self, uuid):
"""Destroy an interface network association
:param uuid: The uuid of an interface network association.