This change will allow this repo to pass zuul now that this has merged: https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/866943 Tox 4 deprecated whitelist_externals. Replace whitelist_externals with allowlist_externals skipsdist and usedevelop are incompatible in tox 4. Setting tox < 4 in .zuul.yaml rather than trying to figure out why the sysinv component is not properly installing in tox. Partial-Bug: #1997255 Signed-off-by: Al Bailey <al.bailey@windriver.com> Change-Id: If8e339d20e57e0830ea4ce27c098bacfef2f2ef8
205 lines
8.1 KiB
205 lines
8.1 KiB
envlist = linters
minversion = 2.3
skipsdist = True
install_command = pip install \
-c{env:UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE:https://opendev.org/openstack/requirements/raw/branch/stable/stein/upper-constraints.txt} \
{opts} {packages}
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
allowlist_externals = reno
basepython = python3
allowlist_externals = bash
# The following are suppressed:
# E006 Line too long
# E010 The "do" should be on same line as for
# Run bashate twice to handle shell scripts that do not end in .sh
# grep for ' shell' and not 'shell' to exclude files with shell in their name
# Several of the shell scripts that do not end in .sh have more suppressions
# E001 Trailing Whitespace
# E002 Tab indents
# E003 Indent not multiple of 4
# E011 Then keyword is not on same line as if or elif keyword
# E020 Function declaration not in format ^function name {$
# E042 local declaration hides errors
commands =
bash -c "find {toxinidir} \
-not \( -type d -name .?\* -prune \) \
-type f \
-not -name \*~ \
-not -name \*.md \
-name \*.sh \
-print0 | xargs -r -n 1 -0 bashate -v -e E* \
-i E006,E010"
bash -c "find {toxinidir} \
-not \( -type d -name .?\* -prune \) \
-type f \
-not -name \*~ \
-not -name \*.md \
\( -exec bash -c 'file \{\} | grep -q :.*shell' \; \
-a ! -name '*.sh' \) \
-print0 | xargs -r -n 1 -0 bashate -v -e E* \
-i E001,E002,E003,E006,E010,E011,E020,E042"
basepython = python3
allowlist_externals = bash
commands =
bash -c "find {toxinidir} \
-name .tox -prune \
-o -type f -name '*.yaml' \
-print0 | xargs -0 yamllint -f parsable \
-c {toxinidir}/.yamllint"
basepython = python3
allowlist_externals = bash
# The following shellcheck errors are suppressed:
# SC1091: Not following: ./bin/activate was not specified as input (see shellcheck -x).
# SC2001: See if you can use ${variable//search/replace} instead.
# SC2002: Useless cat. Consider 'cmd < file | ..' or 'cmd file | ..' instead.
# SC2004: $/${} is unnecessary on arithmetic variables.
# SC2006: Use $(...) notation instead of legacy backticked `...`.
# SC2034: variable appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
# SC2046: Quote this to prevent word splitting.
# SC2064: Use single quotes, otherwise this expands now rather than when signalled.
# SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.
# SC2119: Use remove_tmp "$@" if function's $1 should mean script's $1.
# SC2120: remove_tmp references arguments, but none are ever passed.
# SC2154: variable is referenced but not assigned.
# SC2166: Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
# SC2181: Check exit code directly with e.g. 'if mycmd;', not indirectly with $?.
# SC2207: Prefer mapfile or read -a to split command output (or quote to avoid splitting).
# SC2231: Quote expansions in this for loop glob to prevent wordsplitting, e.g. "$dir"/*.txt .
# SC2236: Use -n instead of ! -z
# SC2268: Avoid x-prefix in comparisons as it no longer serves a purpose.
# SC2320: This $? refers to echo/printf, not a previous command.
# Run bashate twice to handle shell scripts that do not end in .sh
# grep for ' shell' and not 'shell' to exclude files with shell in their name
# The non .sh files have these additional suppressions:
# SC1001: This \= will be a regular '=' in this context.
# SC1009: The mentioned syntax error was in this if expression.
# SC1035: You need a space after the [[ and before the ]].
# SC1072: Expected test to end here (don't wrap commands in []/[[]]).
# SC1073: Couldn't parse this test expression. Fix to allow more checks.
# SC1090: ShellCheck can't follow non-constant source. Use a directive to specify location.
# SC2003: expr is antiquated. Consider rewriting this using $((..)), ${} or [[ ]].
# SC2009: Consider using pgrep instead of grepping ps output.
# SC2015: Note that A && B || C is not if-then-else. C may run when A is true.
# SC2069: To redirect stdout+stderr, 2>&1 must be last
# SC2112: 'function' keyword is non-standard. Delete it.
# SC2155: Declare and assign separately to avoid masking return values
# SC2168: 'local' is only valid in functions.
# SC2219: Instead of 'let expr', prefer (( expr )) .
# SC2223: This default assignment may cause DoS due to globbing. Quote it.
# SC2317: Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly).
# SC3005: In POSIX sh, arithmetic for loops are undefined.
# SC3018: In POSIX sh, ++ is undefined.
# SC3020: In POSIX sh, &> is undefined.
# SC3037: In POSIX sh, echo flags are undefined.
# SC3039: In POSIX sh, 'let' is undefined.
# SC3043: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
commands =
bash -c "find {toxinidir} \
-not \( -type d -name .?\* -prune \) \
-type f \
-not -name \*~ \
-not -name \*.md \
-name \*.sh \
-print0 | xargs -r -n 1 -0 shellcheck \
-eSC1091 -eSC2001 -eSC2002 -eSC2004 -eSC2006 -eSC2034 \
-eSC2046 -eSC2064 -eSC2086 -eSC2119 -eSC2120 -eSC2154 \
-eSC2166 -eSC2181 -eSC2207 -eSC2231 -eSC2236 -eSC2268 \
bash -c "find {toxinidir} \
-not \( -type d -name .?\* -prune \) \
-type f \
-not -name \*~ \
-not -name \*.md \
\( -exec bash -c 'file \{\} | grep -q :.*shell' \; \
-a ! -name '*.sh' \) \
-print0 | xargs -r -n 1 -0 shellcheck \
-eSC1091 -eSC2001 -eSC2002 -eSC2004 -eSC2006 -eSC2034 \
-eSC2046 -eSC2064 -eSC2086 -eSC2119 -eSC2120 -eSC2154 \
-eSC2166 -eSC2181 -eSC2207 -eSC2231 -eSC2236 -eSC2268 \
-eSC1001 -eSC1009 -eSC1035 -eSC1072 -eSC1073 -eSC1090 \
-eSC2003 -eSC2009 -eSC2015 -eSC2069 -eSC2112 -eSC2155 \
-eSC2168 -eSC2219 -eSC2223 -eSC2317 -eSC3005 -eSC3018 \
-eSC3020 -eSC3037 -eSC3039 -eSC3043"
basepython = python3
allowlist_externals = bash
commands =
basepython = python3
usedevelop = False
skip_install = True
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
commands =
basepython = python3
commands = {posargs}
basepython = python3
description = Dummy environment to allow flake8 to be run in subdir tox
basepython = python3
description = Dummy environment to allow pylint to be run in subdir tox
basepython = python3
description = Dummy environment to allow bandit to be run in subdir tox
basepython = python3
install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt
commands =
rm -rf api-ref/build
sphinx-build -W -b html -d api-ref/build/doctrees api-ref/source api-ref/build/html
allowlist_externals = rm
basepython = python3
install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt
commands =
rm -rf doc/build
sphinx-build -a -E -W -d doc/build/doctrees -b html doc/source doc/build/html
allowlist_externals = rm
basepython = python3
install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt
commands =
rm -rf releasenotes/build
sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
allowlist_externals = rm
basepython = python3
# Re-use the releasenotes venv
envdir = {toxworkdir}/releasenotes
deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt
commands = reno new {posargs}