Florin Dumitrascu 5457742c76 One Node System install stuck in degraded state
The cloud platform is configured explicitly to not use LVM metadata
service for caching disk metadata.

Currently LVM puppet is used to (in this order):
1. set 'use_lvmetad = 0' in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
2. stop and disable lvm2-lvmetad.service

LVM metadata is also listening on a socket created by
lvm2-lvmetad.socket service unit.
The socket file is under: /var/run/lvm/lvmetad.socket

If lvm2-lvmetad.service (LVM metadata daemon) is stopped and
'use_lvmetad = 1', it can still be started via LVM metadata socket
when needed, such as when running 'lvs' command. This is called
service activation by socket in systemd.

There is a potential race condition in the current LVM puppet
manifest, where an LVM command (such as 'lvs') can arrive between
the moment lvm2-lvmetad.service is stopped and 'use_lvmetad' is set
to 0, causing the service to restart. From this moment, with LVM
metadata service running and 'use_lvmetad = 0', each LVM command will
raise the following warning:

"WARNING: Not using lvmetad because config setting use_lvmetad=0"
"WARNING: To avoid corruption, rescan devices to make changes visible
(pvscan --cache)"

LVM command result parsing will be affected and puppet manifest will
fail. The solution is to update the LVM puppet manifest to ensure
(in this order):

lvm2-lvmetad.socket is masked and stopped
lvm2-lvmetad.service is masked and stopped
'use_lvmetad = 0'

Story: 2002983
Task: 22992

Change-Id: I16deb7f01fbedf8cb102af932f52834f69eda681
Signed-off-by: Stefan Dinescu <>
2018-08-17 10:01:36 +03:00

171 lines
3.8 KiB

class platform::lvm::params (
$transition_filter = '[]',
$final_filter = '[]',
) {}
class platform::lvm
inherits platform::lvm::params {
# Mask socket unit as well to make sure
# systemd socket activation does not happen
service { 'lvm2-lvmetad.socket':
enable => mask,
ensure => 'stopped',
} ->
# Masking service unit ensures that it is not started again
service { 'lvm2-lvmetad':
enable => mask,
ensure => 'stopped',
} ->
# Since masking is changing unit symlinks to point to /dev/null,
# we need to reload systemd configuration
exec { 'lvmetad-systemd-daemon-reload':
command => "systemctl daemon-reload",
} ->
file_line { 'use_lvmetad':
path => '/etc/lvm/lvm.conf',
match => '^[^#]*use_lvmetad = 1',
line => ' use_lvmetad = 0',
define platform::lvm::global_filter($filter) {
file_line { "$name: update lvm global_filter":
path => '/etc/lvm/lvm.conf',
line => " global_filter = $filter",
match => '^[ ]*global_filter =',
define platform::lvm::umount {
exec { "umount disk $name":
command => "umount $name; true",
class platform::lvm::vg::cgts_vg(
$vg_name = 'cgts-vg',
$physical_volumes = [],
) inherits platform::lvm::params {
::platform::lvm::umount { $physical_volumes:
} ->
physical_volume { $physical_volumes:
ensure => present,
} ->
volume_group { $vg_name:
ensure => present,
physical_volumes => $physical_volumes,
class platform::lvm::vg::cinder_volumes(
$vg_name = 'cinder-volumes',
$physical_volumes = [],
) inherits platform::lvm::params {
# Let cinder manifests set up DRBD synced volume group
class platform::lvm::vg::nova_local(
$vg_name = 'nova-local',
$physical_volumes = [],
) inherits platform::lvm::params {
# TODO(rchurch): refactor portions of openstack::nova::storage an move here
# Controller Hosts
class platform::lvm::controller::vgs {
include ::platform::lvm::vg::cgts_vg
include ::platform::lvm::vg::cinder_volumes
include ::platform::lvm::vg::nova_local
class platform::lvm::controller
inherits ::platform::lvm::params {
::platform::lvm::global_filter { "transition filter":
filter => $transition_filter,
before => Class['::platform::lvm::controller::vgs']
::platform::lvm::global_filter { "final filter":
filter => $final_filter,
require => Class['::platform::lvm::controller::vgs']
include ::platform::lvm
include ::platform::lvm::controller::vgs
class platform::lvm::controller::runtime {
include ::platform::lvm::controller
# Compute Hosts
class platform::lvm::compute::vgs {
include ::platform::lvm::vg::nova_local
include ::platform::kubernetes::params
if $::platform::kubernetes::params::enabled {
include ::platform::lvm::vg::cgts_vg
class platform::lvm::compute
inherits ::platform::lvm::params {
::platform::lvm::global_filter { "transition filter":
filter => $transition_filter,
before => Class['::platform::lvm::compute::vgs']
::platform::lvm::global_filter { "final filter":
filter => $final_filter,
require => Class['::platform::lvm::compute::vgs']
include ::platform::lvm
include ::platform::lvm::compute::vgs
class platform::lvm::compute::runtime {
include ::platform::lvm::compute
# Storage Hosts
class platform::lvm::storage::vgs {
include ::platform::lvm::vg::cgts_vg
class platform::lvm::storage
inherits ::platform::lvm::params {
::platform::lvm::global_filter { "final filter":
filter => $final_filter,
before => Class['::platform::lvm::storage::vgs']
include ::platform::lvm
include ::platform::lvm::storage::vgs
class platform::lvm::storage::runtime {
include ::platform::lvm::storage