
268 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2021 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import math
import psycopg2
import sys
import subprocess
from controllerconfig.common import log
from operator import itemgetter
from psycopg2.extras import RealDictCursor
LOG = log.get_logger(__name__)
BACKUP_GUID = 'ba5eba11-0000-1111-2222-000000000002'
SYSINV_GUID = 'ba5eba11-0000-1111-2222-000000000001'
def main():
action = None
from_release = None
to_release = None # noqa
arg = 1
while arg < len(sys.argv):
if arg == 1:
from_release = sys.argv[arg]
elif arg == 2:
to_release = sys.argv[arg] # noqa
elif arg == 3:
action = sys.argv[arg]
print("Invalid option %s." % sys.argv[arg])
return 1
arg += 1
LOG.debug("%s invoked with from_release = %s to_release = %s action = %s"
% (sys.argv[0], from_release, to_release, action))
if from_release == "21.05" and action == "migrate":
except Exception as ex:
return 1
def adjust_backup_partition():
installed_backup_size = get_backup_size()
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=sysinv user=postgres")
with conn:
with conn.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) as cur:
cur.execute("select, i_host.rootfs_device from i_host "
"where personality='controller'")
controllers = cur.fetchall()
if not controllers:
LOG.exception("Failed to fetch controller host information")
for controller in controllers:
controller_rootfs_disk = get_host_rootfs(cur, controller)
db_partitions = get_db_partitions(
cur, controller, controller_rootfs_disk)"Database partition data: %s" % db_partitions)
backup_partition = next(p for p in db_partitions if
p['type_guid'].lower() == BACKUP_GUID)
original_backup_size = backup_partition['size_mib']
if installed_backup_size == original_backup_size:"Backup partition size unchanged, nothing to do. "
"Installed: %s DB: %s" %
(installed_backup_size, original_backup_size))
backup_change = installed_backup_size - original_backup_size
adjusted_partitions = move_partitions(
db_partitions, backup_partition, backup_change)
# Ensure the last partition will fit on the disk
disk_size = controller_rootfs_disk['size_mib'] - 1
last_partition = adjusted_partitions[-1]
required_space = max(0, last_partition['end_mib'] - disk_size)
if required_space == 0:
update_partitions(cur, adjusted_partitions)"Adjusted partitions fit rootfs, can continue. "
"Partitions: %s " % adjusted_partitions)
added_partitions = [p for p in db_partitions if
p['type_guid'].lower() == SYSINV_GUID]
unassigned_partitions = [p for p in added_partitions if
p['foripvid'] is None]
if not added_partitions:
# This is not an AIO system, we'll resize the last partiton
partitions = unassigned_partitions if unassigned_partitions else added_partitions # noqa
partition = max(partitions, key=itemgetter('size_mib'))
if partition['size_mib'] < required_space:
"Insufficient space to resize partition %s - %s" %
(partition, required_space))
reduced_partitions = move_partitions(
adjusted_partitions, partition, required_space * -1)
final_partitions = adjusted_partitions[:adjusted_partitions.index(partition)] # noqa
update_partitions(cur, final_partitions)
host_pvs = get_pvs(cur, controller)
partition_vg_name = get_vg_name(partition, host_pvs)
if partition_vg_name == 'cgts-vg':
resize_cgts_vg(cur, controller, required_space)
def get_host_rootfs(cursor, host):
disk_query = "select * from i_idisk where forihostid=%s and capabilities like %s" # noqa: E501
cursor.execute(disk_query, (host['id'], '%rootfs%',))
return cursor.fetchone()
def get_db_partitions(cursor, host, rootfs):
partition_query = "select * from partition where forihostid = %s and idisk_uuid = %s" # noqa: E501
cursor.execute(partition_query, (host['id'], rootfs['uuid'],))
return cursor.fetchall()
def get_backup_size():
lsblk_command = 'lsblk -pno PKNAME $(findmnt -n / -o SOURCE)'
lsblk = subprocess.Popen(lsblk_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
root_disk_path =
part_info = get_sgdisk_info(root_disk_path)
backup_size = next(part['size_mib'] for part in part_info if
part['type_guid'].lower() == BACKUP_GUID)
return int(backup_size)
def get_sgdisk_info(device_path):
"""Obtain partition info: type GUID, type name, UUID, start, end, size.
:param: device_path: the disk's device path
:returns: list of partition info
sgdisk_part_info = []
fields = ['part_number', 'device_node', 'type_guid', 'type_name', 'uuid',
'start_mib', 'end_mib', 'size_mib']
sgdisk_command = '{} {}'.format('/usr/bin/',
sgdisk_process = subprocess.Popen(sgdisk_command,
except Exception as e:
LOG.exception("Could not retrieve partition information: %s" % e)
sgdisk_output =
rows = [row for row in sgdisk_output.split(';') if row.strip()]
for row in rows:
values = row.split()
partition = dict(zip(fields, values))
if 'part_number' in partition.keys():
partition['part_number'] = int(partition['part_number'])
return sgdisk_part_info
def move_partitions(db_values, start, size):
Updates the list of partitions based on the new size of a given partition
:param: db_values: A list of partitions to adjust
:param: start: The partition being adjusted
:param: size: The change in size of the partition
:returns: A sorted list of updated partitions
partitions = sorted(db_values, key=itemgetter('start_mib'))
partitions = partitions[partitions.index(start):]
# Update the specified partition size and end_mib
partitions[0]['size_mib'] += size
partitions[0]['end_mib'] += size
# Shift the rest of the partitions
for partition in partitions[1:]:
partition['start_mib'] += size
partition['end_mib'] += size
return partitions
def update_partitions(cursor, updated_partitions):"Updating partitions to: %s" % updated_partitions)
update_query = "update partition set start_mib=%s, end_mib=%s, size_mib=%s where id=%s" # noqa: E501
for partition in updated_partitions:
(partition['start_mib'], partition['end_mib'],
partition['size_mib'], partition['id']))
def get_pvs(cursor, host):
query = "select * from i_pv where forihostid=%s"
cursor.execute(query, (host['id'],))
return cursor.fetchall()
def get_vg_name(partition, pvs):
pv_id = partition['foripvid']
if not pv_id:
return None
return next(pv['lvm_vg_name'] for pv in pvs if pv['id'] == pv_id)
def resize_cgts_vg(cursor, host, required_space):
cgts_vg = get_cgts_vg(cursor, host)
cgts_vg_free_space = int(cgts_vg['lvm_vg_size'] / cgts_vg['lvm_vg_total_pe']) * cgts_vg['lvm_vg_free_pe'] # noqa: E501
# There may be available space in the cgts_vg
if cgts_vg_free_space >= required_space:"cgts_vg has sufficient space, can continue. "
"cgts_vg: %s " % cgts_vg)
# Otherwise we'll reduce the backup fs by up to 15GB and remove
# the rest from the docker fs
required_space -= cgts_vg_free_space
required_gb = int(math.ceil(required_space / 1024.0))
backup_fs_reduction = min(15, required_gb)
update_host_fs(cursor, host, 'backup', backup_fs_reduction)
required_gb -= backup_fs_reduction
if required_gb > 0:
update_host_fs(cursor, host, 'docker', required_gb)
def get_cgts_vg(cursor, host):
query = "select * from i_lvg where lvm_vg_name='cgts-vg' and forihostid=%s"
cursor.execute(query, (host['id'],))
return cursor.fetchone()
def update_host_fs(cursor, host, fs_name, reduction):
size_query = "select size from host_fs where name=%s and forihostid=%s"
cursor.execute(size_query, (fs_name, host['id']))
original_size = cursor.fetchone()['size']
new_size = original_size - reduction"Updating %s host fs to %s" % (fs_name, new_size))
update_query = "update host_fs set size=%s where name=%s and forihostid=%s"
cursor.execute(update_query, (new_size, fs_name, host['id']))
if __name__ == "__main__":