Bin Qian ec1175df87 Add upgrade notification for system commands
During upgrade, system commands:
host-pv-list, host-pv-show, host-lvg-list, host-lvg-show,
host-disk-partition-list, and host-disk-partition-show could display
the host configuration that will be applied to host after upgrade. A
notification message is displayed in the above commands to inform
the user.

Test Plan:
    Run commands during an upgrade, verify proper message is displayed.
    Run commands when upgrade is not in progress, the notification
message is not displayed.

Story: 2009303
Task: 46764

Signed-off-by: Bin Qian <>
Change-Id: Ie7131f4b7fa6ec9f5ed6de5acf3cf2cde1a53601
2022-11-14 17:14:27 +00:00

254 lines
9.1 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# All Rights Reserved.
from cgtsclient.common import constants
from cgtsclient.common import utils
from cgtsclient import exc
from cgtsclient.v1 import idisk as idisk_utils
from cgtsclient.v1 import ihost as ihost_utils
from cgtsclient.v1 import partition as part_utils
import math
def _print_partition_show(partition):
fields = ['device_path', 'device_node', 'type_guid', 'type_name',
'start_mib', 'end_mib', 'size_mib', 'uuid', 'ihost_uuid',
'idisk_uuid', 'ipv_uuid', 'status', 'created_at', 'updated_at']
labels = ['device_path', 'device_node', 'type_guid', 'type_name',
'start_mib', 'end_mib', 'size_mib', 'uuid', 'ihost_uuid',
'idisk_uuid', 'ipv_uuid', 'status', 'created_at', 'updated_at']
partition.status = constants.PARTITION_STATUS_MSG[partition.status]
data = [(f, getattr(partition, f, '')) for f in fields]
utils.print_tuple_list(data, labels)
metavar='<hostname or id>',
help="Name or ID of host")
metavar='<partition device path or uuid>',
help="Name or UUID of the disk partition")
def do_host_disk_partition_show(cc, args):
"""Show disk partition attributes."""
upgrades = cc.upgrade.list()
if upgrades:
ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostname_or_id)
ipartition = part_utils._find_partition(cc, ihost,
if not ipartition:
raise exc.CommandError('Partition not found on host \'%s\' '
'by device path or uuid: %s' %
(ihost.hostname, args.device_path_or_uuid))
metavar='<hostname or id>',
help="Name or ID of host")
help="uuid of disk")
def do_host_disk_partition_list(cc, args):
"""List disk partitions."""
upgrades = cc.upgrade.list()
if upgrades:
ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostname_or_id)
if args.disk:
idisk = idisk_utils._find_disk(cc, args.hostname_or_id, args.disk)
if not idisk:
raise exc.CommandError('Disk not found: %s' % args.disk)
ipartitions = cc.partition.list(ihost.uuid, idisk.uuid)
ipartitions = cc.partition.list(ihost.uuid, None)
for p in ipartitions:
p.status = constants.PARTITION_STATUS_MSG[p.status]
p.size_mib = math.floor(float(p.size_mib) / 1024 * 1000) / 1000.0 # pylint: disable=old-division
field_labels = ['uuid', 'device_path', 'device_node', 'type_guid',
'type_name', 'size_gib', 'status']
fields = ['uuid', 'device_path', 'device_node', 'type_guid', 'type_name',
'size_mib', 'status']
utils.print_list(ipartitions, fields, field_labels, sortby=1)
metavar='<hostname or id>',
help="Name or ID of host [REQUIRED]")
metavar='<disk path or uuid>',
help="UUID of the disk to place the partition [REQUIRED]")
metavar='<partition size in GiB>',
help="Requested size of the new partition in GiB [REQUIRED]")
@utils.arg('-t', '--partition_type',
metavar='<partition type>',
help=("Type of parition. "
"Allowed values: lvm_phys_vol"))
def do_host_disk_partition_add(cc, args):
"""Add a disk partition to a disk of a specified host."""
field_list = ['size_gib', 'partition_type']
integer_fields = ['size_gib']
user_fields = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in vars(args).items()
if k in field_list and not (v is None))
for f in user_fields:
if f in integer_fields:
user_fields[f] = int(user_fields[f])
except ValueError:
raise exc.CommandError('Partition size must be an integer '
'greater than 0: %s' % user_fields[f])
# Convert size from gib to mib
user_fields['size_mib'] = user_fields.pop('size_gib') * 1024
# Get the ihost object
ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostname_or_id)
idisk = idisk_utils._find_disk(cc, ihost, args.disk_path_or_uuid)
if not idisk:
raise exc.CommandError('Disk not found: %s' % args.disk_path_or_uuid)
# default values
fields = {'ihost_uuid': ihost.uuid,
'idisk_uuid': idisk.uuid,
'size_mib': 0}
# Set the requested partition GUID
fields['type_guid'] = PARTITION_MAP[fields['partition_type']]
fields.pop('partition_type', None)
if not fields['size_mib']:
raise exc.CommandError('Partition size must be greater than 0.')
partition = cc.partition.create(**fields)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('Partition create failed: host %s: fields %s' %
(args.hostnameorid, fields))
puuid = getattr(partition, 'uuid', '')
ipartition = cc.partition.get(puuid)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('Created Partition UUID not found: %s' % puuid)
metavar='<hostname or id>',
help="Name or ID of host [REQUIRED]")
metavar='<partition path or uuid>',
help="UUID of the partition [REQUIRED]")
def do_host_disk_partition_delete(cc, args):
"""Delete a disk partition."""
# Get the ihost object
ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostname_or_id)
partition = part_utils._find_partition(cc, ihost,
if not partition:
raise exc.CommandError('Partition not found on host \'%s\' '
'by device path or uuid: %s' %
(ihost.hostname, args.partition_path_or_uuid))
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError('Partition delete failed: host %s: '
'partition %s' % (args.hostnameorid,
metavar='<hostname or id>',
help="Name or ID of the host [REQUIRED]")
metavar='<partition path or uuid>',
help="UUID of the partition [REQUIRED]")
@utils.arg('-s', '--size_gib',
metavar='<partition size in GiB>',
help=("Update the desired size of the partition"))
def do_host_disk_partition_modify(cc, args):
"""Modify the attributes of a Disk Partition."""
# Get all the fields from the command arguments
field_list = ['size_gib']
integer_fields = ['size_gib']
user_specified_fields = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in vars(args).items()
if k in field_list and not (v is None))
if not user_specified_fields:
raise exc.CommandError('No update parameters specified, '
'partition is unchanged.')
for f in user_specified_fields:
if f in integer_fields:
user_specified_fields[f] = int(user_specified_fields[f])
except ValueError:
raise exc.CommandError('Partition size must be an integer '
'greater than 0: %s' % user_specified_fields[f])
# Convert size from gib to mib
user_specified_fields['size_mib'] = user_specified_fields.pop('size_gib') * 1024
# Get the ihost object
ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostname_or_id)
# Get the partition
partition = part_utils._find_partition(cc, ihost,
if not partition:
raise exc.CommandError('Partition not found on host \'%s\' '
'by device path or uuid: %s' %
(ihost.hostname, args.partition_path_or_uuid))
patch = []
for (k, v) in user_specified_fields.items():
patch.append({'op': 'replace', 'path': '/' + k, 'value': v})
# Update the partition attributes
updated_partition = cc.partition.update(partition.uuid, patch)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError(
"ERROR: Partition update failed: "
"host %s partition %s : update %s"
% (args.hostname_or_id, args.partition_path_or_uuid, patch))