# Copyright (c) 2016 Ericsson AB. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # The right to copy, distribute, modify, or otherwise make use # of this software may be licensed only pursuant to the terms # of an applicable Wind River license agreement. # NOVA_QUOTA_FIELDS = ("metadata_items", "cores", "instances", "ram", "key_pairs", "injected_files", "injected_file_path_bytes", "injected_file_content_bytes", "server_group_members", "server_groups",) CINDER_QUOTA_FIELDS = ("volumes", "volumes_iscsi", "volumes_ceph", "per_volume_gigabytes", "groups", "snapshots", "snapshots_iscsi", "snapshots_ceph", "gigabytes", "gigabytes_iscsi", "gigabytes_ceph", "backups", "backup_gigabytes") NEUTRON_QUOTA_FIELDS = ("network", "subnet", "subnetpool", "rbac_policy", "trunk", "port", "router", "floatingip", "security_group", "security_group_rule", ) JOB_PROGRESS = "IN_PROGRESS" RPC_API_VERSION = "1.0" TOPIC_ORCH_ENGINE = "dcorch-engine" # Distributed Cloud constants CLOUD_0 = "RegionOne" VIRTUAL_MASTER_CLOUD = "SystemController" ALARMS_DISABLED = "disabled" USER_HEADER = {'User-Header': TOPIC_ORCH_ENGINE} # SyncRequest States ORCH_REQUEST_NONE = None ORCH_REQUEST_QUEUED = "queued" # in database, not in thread ORCH_REQUEST_IN_PROGRESS = "in-progress" ORCH_REQUEST_COMPLETED = "completed" ORCH_REQUEST_FAILED = "failed" ORCH_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT = "timed-out" ORCH_REQUEST_ABORTED = "aborted" # SysInv Resources RESOURCE_TYPE_SYSINV_CERTIFICATE = "certificates" RESOURCE_TYPE_SYSINV_DNS = "idns" RESOURCE_TYPE_SYSINV_FIREWALL_RULES = "firewallrules" RESOURCE_TYPE_SYSINV_NTP = "intp" RESOURCE_TYPE_SYSINV_PTP = "ptp" RESOURCE_TYPE_SYSINV_REMOTE_LOGGING = "remotelogging" RESOURCE_TYPE_SYSINV_SNMP_COMM = "icommunity" RESOURCE_TYPE_SYSINV_SNMP_TRAPDEST = "itrapdest" RESOURCE_TYPE_SYSINV_USER = "iuser" RESOURCE_TYPE_SYSINV_FERNET_REPO = "fernet_repo" # Compute Resources RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_FLAVOR = "flavor" RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_KEYPAIR = "keypair" RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_QUOTA_SET = "compute_quota_set" RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_QUOTA_CLASS_SET = "quota_class_set" # Volume Resources RESOURCE_TYPE_VOLUME_QUOTA_SET = "volume_quota_set" RESOURCE_TYPE_VOLUME_QUOTA_CLASS_SET = "quota_class_set" # These are quota items that control resources that are managed # by dcorch. It doesn't make sense to count the usage in the # various subclouds since they're all essentially duplicates # of what's in the master cloud. QUOTAS_FOR_MANAGED_RESOURCES = ['key_pairs', 'security_group', 'security_group_rule'] # Neutron Resources RESOURCE_TYPE_NETWORK_QUOTA_SET = "network_quota_set" RESOURCE_TYPE_NETWORK_SECURITY_GROUP = "security_group" RESOURCE_TYPE_NETWORK_SECURITY_GROUP_RULE = "security_group_rule" RESOURCE_TYPE_QOS_POLICY = "qos" # Identity Resources RESOURCE_TYPE_IDENTITY_USERS = "users" RESOURCE_TYPE_IDENTITY_USERS_PASSWORD = "users_password" RESOURCE_TYPE_IDENTITY_ROLES = "roles" RESOURCE_TYPE_IDENTITY_PROJECTS = "projects" RESOURCE_TYPE_IDENTITY_PROJECT_ROLE_ASSIGNMENTS = "project_role_assignments" RESOURCE_TYPE_IDENTITY_TOKEN_REVOKE_EVENTS = "revoke_events" RESOURCE_TYPE_IDENTITY_TOKEN_REVOKE_EVENTS_FOR_USER = "revoke_events_for_user" KEYPAIR_ID_DELIM = "/" SHARED_CONFIG_STATE_MANAGED = "managed" SHARED_CONFIG_STATE_UNMANAGED = "unmanaged" ENDPOINT_TYPE_PLATFORM = "platform" ENDPOINT_TYPE_VOLUME = "volume" ENDPOINT_TYPE_COMPUTE = "compute" ENDPOINT_TYPE_NETWORK = "network" ENDPOINT_TYPE_PATCHING = "patching" ENDPOINT_TYPE_IDENTITY = "identity" ENDPOINT_TYPES_LIST = [ENDPOINT_TYPE_PLATFORM, ENDPOINT_TYPE_PATCHING, ENDPOINT_TYPE_IDENTITY] ENDPOINT_QUOTA_MAPPING = { ENDPOINT_TYPE_COMPUTE: NOVA_QUOTA_FIELDS, ENDPOINT_TYPE_NETWORK: NEUTRON_QUOTA_FIELDS, ENDPOINT_TYPE_VOLUME: CINDER_QUOTA_FIELDS, } KS_ENDPOINT_INTERNAL = "internal" KS_ENDPOINT_DEFAULT = KS_ENDPOINT_INTERNAL # DB sync agent endpoint DBS_ENDPOINT_INTERNAL = "internal" DBS_ENDPOINT_DEFAULT = DBS_ENDPOINT_INTERNAL # Do we need separate patch/put operations or could we just use # create/update/delete and have the sync code know which HTTP # operation to use? OPERATION_TYPE_CREATE = "create" OPERATION_TYPE_POST = "post" OPERATION_TYPE_PATCH = "patch" OPERATION_TYPE_PUT = "put" OPERATION_TYPE_DELETE = "delete" OPERATION_TYPE_ACTION = "action" OPERATION_TYPE_GET = "get" ORCH_REQUEST_STATE_NONE = None ORCH_REQUEST_STATE_IN_PROGRESS = "in-progress" ORCH_REQUEST_STATE_COMPLETED = "completed" ORCH_REQUEST_STATE_FAILED = "failed" ORCH_REQUEST_STATE_TIMED_OUT = "timed-out" ORCH_REQUEST_STATE_ABORTED = "aborted" # Flavor Actions ACTION_ADDTENANTACCESS = "addTenantAccess" ACTION_REMOVETENANTACCESS = "removeTenantAccess" ACTION_EXTRASPECS_POST = "extra_specs" ACTION_EXTRASPECS_DELETE = "extra_specs_delete" # Alarm aggregation ALARM_OK_STATUS = "OK" ALARM_DEGRADED_STATUS = "degraded" ALARM_CRITICAL_STATUS = "critical" SECONDS_IN_HOUR = 3600