Gustavo Herzmann 4fe7e5b999 Fix dcorch QuotaManager EndpointCache initialization
Commit [1] introduced an issue where, if the EndpointCache is
initialized with region_name=None, it incorrectly considers it a
subcloud endpoint. This causes a failure in obtaining the subcloud
endpoints due to a missing fetch_subcloud_ips parameter.

QuotaManager was initializing the EndpointCache without a region_name,
leading to the dcorch service failure.

This commit fixes the issue by verifying that region_name is not empty
before determining if the cached master service endpoint map needs to
be refreshed. It also removes the QuotaManager 'endpoints' attribute,
as it was not being used.

[1]: https://review.opendev.org/c/starlingx/distcloud/+/926683

Test Plan:
1. PASS - Build an ISO with this commit and successfully install a
distributed cloud system;
2. PASS - Verified that there are no errors in the dcorch and dcmanager

Closes-bug: 2077651

Change-Id: I1977b28748f078b57471e91ab3e5f7bd233d3361
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Herzmann <gustavo.herzmann@windriver.com>
2024-08-22 18:08:17 -03:00

466 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
from typing import Callable
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
from keystoneauth1.identity import v3
from keystoneauth1 import loading
from keystoneauth1 import session
from keystoneclient.v3 import client as ks_client
from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from dccommon import consts
from dccommon import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LOCK_NAME = "dc-keystone-endpoint-cache"
class EndpointCache(object):
"""Cache for storing endpoint information.
:param region_name: The name of the region.
:type region_name: str
:param auth_url: The authentication URL.
:type auth_url: str
:param fetch_subcloud_ips: A function to fetch subcloud IPs. It should
accept the region_name as an optional argument. If it's called without
the region_name, it should return a dictionary where the key is the
region_name and the value is the subclouds management IP. If it's called
with the region_name, it should return the management IP of the
specified region.
:type fetch_subcloud_ips: Callable[[str], Union[str, dict]]
master_keystone_client = None
master_token = {}
master_services_list = None
master_service_endpoint_map = collections.defaultdict(dict)
subcloud_endpoints: dict = None
fetch_subcloud_ips: Callable[[str], Union[str, dict]] = None
def __init__(
region_name: str = None,
auth_url: str = None,
fetch_subcloud_ips: Callable[[str], Union[str, dict]] = None,
# Region specific service endpoint map
self.service_endpoint_map = collections.defaultdict(dict)
self.admin_session = None
self.keystone_client = None
# Cache the fetch_subcloud_ips function
if fetch_subcloud_ips:
EndpointCache.fetch_subcloud_ips = fetch_subcloud_ips
# if auth_url is provided use that otherwise use the one
# defined in the config
if auth_url:
self.external_auth_url = auth_url
self.external_auth_url = CONF.endpoint_cache.auth_uri
self._initialize_keystone_client(region_name, auth_url)
def _initialize_subcloud_endpoints(self):
# Initialize and cache the subcloud endpoints
if (
EndpointCache.subcloud_endpoints is None
and EndpointCache.fetch_subcloud_ips
LOG.info("Initializing and caching subcloud endpoints")
# pylint: disable=not-callable
EndpointCache.subcloud_endpoints = utils.build_subcloud_endpoints(
LOG.info("Finished initializing and caching subcloud endpoints")
def _initialize_keystone_client(
self, region_name: str = None, auth_url: str = None
) -> None:
"""Initialize the Keystone client.
:param region_name: The name of the region.
:type region_name: str
:param auth_url: The authentication URL.
:type auth_url: str
self.admin_session = EndpointCache.get_admin_session(
self.keystone_client, self.service_endpoint_map = (
# If endpoint cache is intended for a subcloud then we need to
# retrieve the subcloud token and session. Skip this if auth_url
# was provided as its assumed that the auth_url would correspond
# to a subcloud so session was set up above
if (
not auth_url
and region_name
and region_name not in [consts.CLOUD_0, consts.VIRTUAL_MASTER_CLOUD]
sc_auth_url = self.service_endpoint_map["keystone"]
except KeyError:
# Should not be here...
f"Endpoint not found for {region_name=}."
"Refreshing cached data..."
# We assume that the dcmanager user names and passwords are the
# same on this subcloud since this is an audited resource
self.admin_session = EndpointCache.get_admin_session(
self.keystone_client = ks_client.Client(
session=self.admin_session, region_name=region_name
except Exception:
LOG.error(f"Retrying keystone client creation for {region_name}")
self.keystone_client = ks_client.Client(
session=self.admin_session, region_name=region_name
self.external_auth_url = sc_auth_url
def get_admin_session(
auth_url: str,
user_name: str,
user_domain_name: str,
user_password: str,
user_project: str,
user_project_domain: str,
) -> session.Session:
"""Get the admin session.
:param auth_url: The authentication URL.
:type auth_url: str
:param user_name: The user name.
:type user_name: str
:param user_domain_name: The user domain name.
:type user_domain_name: str
:param user_password: The user password.
:type user_password: str
:param user_project: The user project.
:type user_project: str
:param user_project_domain: The user project domain.
:type user_project_domain: str
:param timeout: The discovery and read timeouts.
:type timeout: Any
:return: The admin session.
:rtype: session.Session
user_auth = v3.Password(
if isinstance(timeout, tuple):
discovery_timeout = float(timeout[0])
read_timeout = float(timeout[1])
discovery_timeout = consts.KEYSTONE_SERVER_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT
read_timeout = (
CONF.endpoint_cache.http_connect_timeout if timeout is None else timeout
return session.Session(
timeout=(discovery_timeout, read_timeout),
def _is_central_cloud(region_name: str) -> bool:
"""Check if the region is a central cloud.
:param region_id: The region ID.
:type region_id: str
:return: True if the region is a central cloud, False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
central_cloud_regions = [consts.CLOUD_0, consts.VIRTUAL_MASTER_CLOUD]
return region_name in central_cloud_regions
def _get_master_endpoint_map() -> dict:
service_id_name_map = {}
# pylint: disable-next=not-an-iterable
for service in EndpointCache.master_services_list:
service_id_name_map[service.id] = service.name
service_endpoint_map = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for endpoint in EndpointCache.master_keystone_client.endpoints.list():
# Within central cloud, use only internal endpoints
if EndpointCache._is_central_cloud(endpoint.region):
if endpoint.interface != consts.KS_ENDPOINT_INTERNAL:
# For other regions store only admin endpoints
elif endpoint.interface != consts.KS_ENDPOINT_ADMIN:
# Add the endpoint url to the service endpoint map
service_name = service_id_name_map[endpoint.service_id]
service_endpoint_map[endpoint.region][service_name] = endpoint.url
return service_endpoint_map
def _generate_master_service_endpoint_map() -> dict:
LOG.info("Generating service endpoint map")
# Get the master endpoint map using keystone
service_endpoint_map = EndpointCache._get_master_endpoint_map()
# Insert the subcloud endpoints into the service_endpoint_map
if EndpointCache.subcloud_endpoints:
LOG.debug("Inserting subcloud endpoints into service_endpoint_map")
return service_endpoint_map
def get_endpoint(self, service: str) -> Union[str, None]:
"""Get the endpoint for the specified service.
:param service: The service name.
:type service: str
return: service url or None
endpoint = self.service_endpoint_map[service]
except KeyError:
LOG.error(f"Unknown service: {service}")
endpoint = None
return endpoint
def get_all_regions(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get region list.
return: List of regions
return list(EndpointCache.master_service_endpoint_map.keys())
def get_session_from_token(self, token: str, project_id: str) -> session.Session:
"""Get session based on token to communicate with openstack services.
:param token: token with which the request is triggered.
:type token: str
:param project_id: UUID of the project.
:type project_id: str
:return: session object.
loader = loading.get_plugin_loader("token")
auth = loader.load_from_options(
auth_url=self.external_auth_url, token=token, project_id=project_id
discovery_timeout = consts.KEYSTONE_SERVER_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT
read_timeout = CONF.endpoint_cache.http_connect_timeout
return session.Session(auth=auth, timeout=(discovery_timeout, read_timeout))
def update_master_service_endpoint_region(
cls, region_name: str, endpoint_values: dict
) -> None:
"""Update the master endpoint map for a specific region.
:param region_name: The name of the region.
:type region_name: str
:param endpoint_values: The endpoint values.
:type endpoint_values: dict
"Updating service endpoint map for region: "
f"{region_name} with endpoints: {endpoint_values}"
# Update the current endpoint map
if EndpointCache.master_service_endpoint_map:
EndpointCache.master_service_endpoint_map[region_name] = endpoint_values
# Update the cached subcloud endpoit map
if EndpointCache.subcloud_endpoints and not cls._is_central_cloud(region_name):
"Updating subcloud_endpoints for region: "
f"{region_name} with endpoints: {endpoint_values}"
# pylint: disable-next=unsupported-assignment-operation
EndpointCache.subcloud_endpoints[region_name] = endpoint_values
def update_subcloud_endpoint_cache_by_ip(
cls, region_name: str, management_ip: str
) -> dict:
"""Update subcloud endpoints by the provided management IP
:param region_name: The subcloud region name
:type region_name: str
:param management_ip: The subcloud management IP
:type management_ip: str
:return dict: A dictionary containing service names as keys and formatted
endpoint URLs as values.
:rtype: dict
endpoint_map = utils.build_subcloud_endpoint_map(management_ip)
cls.update_master_service_endpoint_region(region_name, endpoint_map)
return endpoint_map
def refresh_subcloud_endpoints(self, region_name: str) -> None:
"""Refresh the subcloud endpoints.
:param region_name: The name of the region.
:type region_name: str
LOG.info(f"Refreshing subcloud endpoinds of region_name: {region_name}")
if not EndpointCache.fetch_subcloud_ips:
raise Exception(
f"Unable to fetch endpoints for region {region_name}: "
"missing fetch_subcloud_ips"
# pylint: disable-next=not-callable
subcloud_ip = EndpointCache.fetch_subcloud_ips(region_name)
endpoint_map = utils.build_subcloud_endpoint_map(subcloud_ip)
# pylint: disable-next=unsupported-assignment-operation
EndpointCache.subcloud_endpoints[region_name] = endpoint_map
def get_cached_master_keystone_client_and_region_endpoint_map(
self, region_name: str
) -> Tuple[ks_client.Client, dict]:
"""Get the cached master Keystone client and region endpoint map.
:param region_name: The name of the region.
:type region_name: str
:return: The master Keystone client and region endpoint map.
:rtype: tuple
# Initialize a new master keystone client if it doesn't exist or the
# token is expiring soon
token_expiring_soon = False
if EndpointCache.master_keystone_client is None or (
token_expiring_soon := utils.is_token_expiring_soon(
if token_expiring_soon:
msg = (
"Generating Master keystone client and master token as "
"they are expiring soon: "
msg = (
"Generating Master keystone client and master token the "
"very first time"
# Check if the cached master service endpoint map needs to be refreshed
if region_name and not self.master_service_endpoint_map.get(region_name):
previous_size = len(EndpointCache.master_service_endpoint_map)
if not self._is_central_cloud(region_name):
EndpointCache.master_service_endpoint_map = (
current_size = len(EndpointCache.master_service_endpoint_map)
f"Master endpoints list refreshed to include region {region_name}: "
f"prev_size={previous_size}, current_size={current_size}"
if region_name is not None:
region_service_endpoint_map = EndpointCache.master_service_endpoint_map[
region_service_endpoint_map = collections.defaultdict(dict)
return (
def re_initialize_master_keystone_client(self) -> None:
"""Reinitialize the master Keystone client."""
LOG.info("Generated Master keystone client and master token upon exception")
def _create_master_cached_data(self) -> None:
EndpointCache.master_keystone_client = ks_client.Client(
session=self.admin_session, region_name=consts.CLOUD_0
EndpointCache.master_token = (
if EndpointCache.master_services_list is None:
EndpointCache.master_services_list = (
EndpointCache.master_service_endpoint_map = (