Li Zhu 665fa12a79 Tech debt: move portions of dcorch.common.consts into dccommon.consts
Parts of dcorch.common.consts: such as ENDPOINT_TYPE_*,
ENDPOINT_TYPES_LIST, SYNC_STATUS_*, and so on, are shared by
dcmanager, so they should be moved into the dccommon.consts.

Test Plan:


All distributedcloud sanity tests.

Closes-Bug: 1978334
Change-Id: I13d7ec72e2863171138b39cd8f982d69e87d60b8
2022-06-16 12:28:44 -04:00

484 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
# Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import datetime
import grp
import itertools
import netaddr
import os
import pwd
import re
import six.moves
import tsconfig.tsconfig as tsc
from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from dccommon import consts as dccommon_consts
from dccommon.drivers.openstack import vim
from dcmanager.common import consts
from dcmanager.common import exceptions
from dcmanager.db import api as db_api
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_import_path(cls):
return cls.__module__ + "." + cls.__name__
# Returns a iterator of tuples containing batch_size number of objects in each
def get_batch_projects(batch_size, project_list, fillvalue=None):
args = [iter(project_list)] * batch_size
return six.moves.zip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)
def validate_address_str(ip_address_str, network):
"""Determine whether an address is valid."""
ip_address = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address_str)
if ip_address.version != network.version:
msg = ("Invalid IP version - must match network version " +
raise exceptions.ValidateFail(msg)
elif ip_address == network:
raise exceptions.ValidateFail("Cannot use network address")
elif ip_address == network.broadcast:
raise exceptions.ValidateFail("Cannot use broadcast address")
elif ip_address not in network:
raise exceptions.ValidateFail(
"Address must be in subnet %s" % str(network))
return ip_address
except netaddr.AddrFormatError:
raise exceptions.ValidateFail(
"Invalid address - not a valid IP address")
def ip_version_to_string(ip_version):
"""Returns a string representation of ip_version."""
if ip_version == 4:
return "IPv4"
elif ip_version == 6:
return "IPv6"
return "IP"
def validate_network_str(network_str, minimum_size,
existing_networks=None, multicast=False):
"""Determine whether a network is valid."""
network = netaddr.IPNetwork(network_str)
if network.size < minimum_size:
raise exceptions.ValidateFail("Subnet too small - must have at "
"least %d addresses" % minimum_size)
elif network.version == 6 and network.prefixlen < 64:
raise exceptions.ValidateFail("IPv6 minimum prefix length is 64")
elif existing_networks:
if any(network.ip in subnet for subnet in existing_networks):
raise exceptions.ValidateFail("Subnet overlaps with another "
"configured subnet")
elif multicast and not network.is_multicast():
raise exceptions.ValidateFail("Invalid subnet - must be multicast")
return network
except netaddr.AddrFormatError:
raise exceptions.ValidateFail(
"Invalid subnet - not a valid IP subnet")
def validate_certificate_subject(subject):
"""Validate a certificate subject
Duplicate the get_subject validation logic defined in:
Returns a tuple of True, "" if the input is None
Returns a tuple of True, "" if the input is valid
Returns a tuple of False, "<error details>" if the input is invalid
if subject is None:
return True, ""
params_supported = ['C', 'OU', 'O', 'ST', 'CN', 'L']
subject_pairs = re.findall(r"([^=]+=[^=]+)(?:\s|$)", subject)
subject_dict = {}
for pair_value in subject_pairs:
key, value = pair_value.split("=")
subject_dict[key] = value
if not all([param in params_supported for param in subject_dict.keys()]):
return False, ("There are parameters not supported "
"for the certificate subject specification. "
"The subject parameter has to be in the "
"format of 'C=<Country> ST=<State/Province> "
"L=<Locality> O=<Organization> OU=<OrganizationUnit> "
if 'CN' not in list(subject_dict.keys()):
return False, ("The CN=<commonName> parameter is required to be "
"specified in subject argument")
return True, ""
def validate_expiry_date(expiry_date):
"""Validate a certificate expiry date
Duplicate the expiry_date validation logic defined in:
Returns a tuple of True, "" if the input is None
Returns a tuple of True, "" if the input is valid
Returns a tuple of False, "<error details>" if the input is invalid
if expiry_date is None:
return True, ""
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(expiry_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
except ValueError:
return False, ("expiry_date %s doesn't match format "
"YYYY-MM-DD" % expiry_date)
delta = date - datetime.datetime.now()
# we sum one day (24 hours) to accomplish the certificate expiry
# during the day specified by the user
duration = (delta.days * 24 + 24)
# Cert-manager manages certificates and renew them some time
# before it expires. Along this procedure we set renewBefore
# parameter for 24h, so we are checking if the duration sent
# has at least this amount of time. This is needed to avoid
# cert-manager to block the creation of the resources.
if duration <= 24:
return False, ("New k8s rootCA should have at least 24 hours of "
"validation before expiry.")
return True, ""
# to do validate the quota limits
def validate_quota_limits(payload):
for resource in payload:
# Check valid resource name
if resource not in itertools.chain(dccommon_consts.CINDER_QUOTA_FIELDS,
raise exceptions.InvalidInputError
# Check valid quota limit value in case for put/post
if isinstance(payload, dict) and (not isinstance(
payload[resource], int) or payload[resource] <= 0):
raise exceptions.InvalidInputError
def get_sw_update_strategy_extra_args(context, update_type=None):
"""Query an existing sw_update_strategy for its extra_args.
:param context: request context object.
:param update_type: filter the update strategy (defaults to None)
:returns dict (returns an empty dictionary if no strategy exists)
sw_update_strategy = \
return sw_update_strategy.extra_args
except exceptions.NotFound:
# return an empty dictionary if there is no strategy
return {}
def get_sw_update_opts(context,
for_sw_update=False, subcloud_id=None):
"""Get sw update options for a subcloud
:param context: request context object.
:param for_sw_update: return the default options if subcloud options
are empty. Useful for retrieving sw update
options on application of patch strategy.
:param subcloud_id: id of subcloud.
if subcloud_id is None:
# Requesting defaults. Return constants if no entry in db.
sw_update_opts_ref = db_api.sw_update_opts_default_get(context)
if not sw_update_opts_ref:
sw_update_opts_dict = vim.SW_UPDATE_OPTS_CONST_DEFAULT
return sw_update_opts_dict
# requesting subcloud options
sw_update_opts_ref = db_api.sw_update_opts_get(context,
if sw_update_opts_ref:
subcloud_name = db_api.subcloud_get(context, subcloud_id).name
return db_api.sw_update_opts_w_name_db_model_to_dict(
sw_update_opts_ref, subcloud_name)
elif for_sw_update:
sw_update_opts_ref = db_api.sw_update_opts_default_get(context)
if not sw_update_opts_ref:
sw_update_opts_dict = vim.SW_UPDATE_OPTS_CONST_DEFAULT
return sw_update_opts_dict
raise exceptions.SubcloudPatchOptsNotFound(
return db_api.sw_update_opts_w_name_db_model_to_dict(
sw_update_opts_ref, dccommon_consts.SW_UPDATE_DEFAULT_TITLE)
def ensure_lock_path():
# Determine the oslo_concurrency lock path:
# 1) First, from the oslo_concurrency section of the config
# a) If not set via an option default or config file, oslo_concurrency
# sets it to the OSLO_LOCK_PATH env variable
# 2) Then if not set, set it to a specific directory under
if cfg.CONF.oslo_concurrency.lock_path:
lock_path = cfg.CONF.oslo_concurrency.lock_path
lock_path = os.path.join(tsc.VOLATILE_PATH, "dcmanager")
if not os.path.isdir(lock_path):
uid = pwd.getpwnam(DC_MANAGER_USERNAME).pw_uid
gid = grp.getgrnam(DC_MANAGER_GRPNAME).gr_gid
os.chown(lock_path, uid, gid)
LOG.info("Created directory=%s" % lock_path)
except OSError as e:
LOG.exception("makedir %s OSError=%s encountered" %
(lock_path, e))
return None
return lock_path
def synchronized(name, external=True, fair=False):
if external:
prefix = 'DCManager-'
lock_path = ensure_lock_path()
prefix = None
lock_path = None
return lockutils.synchronized(name, lock_file_prefix=prefix,
external=external, lock_path=lock_path,
semaphores=None, delay=0.01, fair=fair)
def get_filename_by_prefix(dir_path, prefix):
"""Returns the first filename found matching 'prefix' within 'dir_path'
Note: returns base filename only - result does not include dir_path
for filename in os.listdir(dir_path):
if filename.startswith(prefix):
return filename
return None
def create_subcloud_inventory(subcloud,
"""Create the ansible inventory file for the specified subcloud"""
# Delete the file if it already exists
with open(inventory_file, 'w') as f_out_inventory:
' vars:\n'
' ansible_ssh_user: sysadmin\n'
' ansible_ssh_extra_args: "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"\n'
' hosts:\n'
' ' + subcloud['name'] + ':\n'
' ansible_host: ' +
subcloud['bootstrap-address'] + '\n'
def create_subcloud_inventory_with_admin_creds(subcloud_name,
"""Create the ansible inventory file for the specified subcloud.
Includes ansible_become_pass attribute.
# Delete the file if it already exists
with open(inventory_file, 'w') as f_out_inventory:
' vars:\n'
' ansible_ssh_user: sysadmin\n'
' ansible_ssh_pass: {0}\n'
' ansible_become_pass: {0}\n'
' ansible_ssh_extra_args: "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"\n'
' hosts:\n'
' {1}:\n'
' ansible_host: {2}\n').format(ansible_pass,
def delete_subcloud_inventory(inventory_file):
"""Delete the ansible inventory file for the specified subcloud"""
# Delete the file if it exists
if os.path.isfile(inventory_file):
def get_vault_load_files(target_version):
"""Return a tuple for the ISO and SIG for this load version from the vault.
The files can be imported to the vault using any name, but must end
in 'iso' or 'sig'.
: param target_version: The software version to search under the vault
vault_dir = "{}/{}/".format(consts.LOADS_VAULT_DIR, target_version)
matching_iso = None
matching_sig = None
if os.path.isdir(vault_dir):
for a_file in os.listdir(vault_dir):
if a_file.lower().endswith(".iso"):
matching_iso = os.path.join(vault_dir, a_file)
elif a_file.lower().endswith(".sig"):
matching_sig = os.path.join(vault_dir, a_file)
# If no .iso or .sig is found, raise an exception
if matching_iso is None:
raise exceptions.VaultLoadMissingError(
file_type='.iso', vault_dir=vault_dir)
if matching_sig is None:
raise exceptions.VaultLoadMissingError(
file_type='.sig', vault_dir=vault_dir)
# return the iso and sig for this load
return (matching_iso, matching_sig)
def get_active_kube_version(kube_versions):
"""Returns the active (target) kubernetes from a list of versions"""
matching_kube_version = None
for kube in kube_versions:
kube_dict = kube.to_dict()
if kube_dict.get('target') and kube_dict.get('state') == 'active':
matching_kube_version = kube_dict.get('version')
return matching_kube_version
def get_available_kube_version(kube_versions):
"""Returns first available kubernetes version from a list of versions"""
matching_kube_version = None
for kube in kube_versions:
kube_dict = kube.to_dict()
if kube_dict.get('state') == 'available':
matching_kube_version = kube_dict.get('version')
return matching_kube_version
def kube_version_compare(left, right):
"""Performs a cmp operation for two kubernetes versions
Return -1, 0, or 1 if left is less, equal, or greater than right
left and right are semver strings starting with the letter 'v'
If either value is None, an exception is raised
If the strings are not 'v'major.minor.micro, an exception is raised
Note: This method supports shorter versions. ex: v1.22
When comparing different length tuples, additional fields are ignored.
For example: v1.19 and v1.19.1 would be the same.
if left is None or right is None or left[0] != 'v' or right[0] != 'v':
raise Exception("Invalid kube version(s), left: (%s), right: (%s)" %
(left, right))
# start the split at index 1 ('after' the 'v' character)
l_val = tuple(map(int, (left[1:].split("."))))
r_val = tuple(map(int, (right[1:].split("."))))
# If the tuples are different length, convert both to the same length
min_tuple = min(len(l_val), len(r_val))
l_val = l_val[0:min_tuple]
r_val = r_val[0:min_tuple]
# The following is the same as cmp. Verified in python2 and python3
# cmp does not exist in python3.
return (l_val > r_val) - (l_val < r_val)
def get_loads_for_patching(loads):
"""Filter the loads that can be patched. Return their software versions"""
valid_states = [
return [load.software_version for load in loads if load.state in valid_states]
def subcloud_group_get_by_ref(context, group_ref):
# Handle getting a group by either name, or ID
if group_ref.isdigit():
# Lookup subcloud group as an ID
group = db_api.subcloud_group_get(context, group_ref)
except exceptions.SubcloudGroupNotFound:
return None
# Lookup subcloud group as a name
group = db_api.subcloud_group_get_by_name(context, group_ref)
except exceptions.SubcloudGroupNameNotFound:
return None
return group
def get_ansible_filename(subcloud_name, postfix='.yml'):
"""Build ansible filename using subcloud and given postfix"""
ansible_filename = os.path.join(consts.ANSIBLE_OVERRIDES_PATH,
subcloud_name + postfix)
return ansible_filename
def pre_check_management_affected_alarm(system_health):
"""Acceptable health conditions:
a) subcloud is completely healthy (i.e. no failed checks)
b) there is alarm but no management affecting alarm
c) subcloud fails alarm check and it only has non-management
affecting alarm(s)
failed_alarm_check = re.findall("No alarms: \[Fail\]", system_health)
no_mgmt_alarms = re.findall("\[0\] of which are management affecting",
if failed_alarm_check and not no_mgmt_alarms:
return False
return True