- One interface for the internal management network and internal cluster host
network using multi-netting, and another interface for |OAM| \(on which
container workloads are exposed externally\). This is the default
- One interface for the internal management network and another interface for
the external |OAM| and external cluster host \(on which container workloads
are exposed externally\) networks. Both are implemented using |VLAN|
- One interface for the internal management network, another interface for
the external |OAM| network, and a third for an external cluster host
network \(on which container workloads are exposed externally\).
- One interface for the internal management network and internal cluster host
network using multi-netting, another interface for |OAM| and a third
interface for an additional network on which container workloads are
exposed externally.
For some typical interface scenarios, see |planning-doc|: :ref:`Hardware
Requirements <starlingx-hardware-requirements>`.
Options to share an interface using |VLAN| tagging or Multi-Netting are
presented in the Ansible Bootstrap Playbook. To attach an interface to other
networks after configuration, you can edit the interface.
.. xbooklink For more information about configuring |VLAN| interfaces and Multi-Netted interfaces, see |node-doc|: :ref:`Configure VLAN Interfaces Using Horizon <configuring-vlan-interfaces-using-horizon>`.