diff --git a/doc/source/usertasks/kubernetes/index-usertasks-kub-1291759aa985.rst b/doc/source/usertasks/kubernetes/index-usertasks-kub-1291759aa985.rst
index 978683b22..3db2330d0 100644
--- a/doc/source/usertasks/kubernetes/index-usertasks-kub-1291759aa985.rst
+++ b/doc/source/usertasks/kubernetes/index-usertasks-kub-1291759aa985.rst
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ Application management
:maxdepth: 1
+ kubernetes-user-tutorials-fluxcd-deploy-00d5706c3358
Local Docker registry
diff --git a/doc/source/usertasks/kubernetes/kubernetes-user-tutorials-fluxcd-deploy-00d5706c3358.rst b/doc/source/usertasks/kubernetes/kubernetes-user-tutorials-fluxcd-deploy-00d5706c3358.rst
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/usertasks/kubernetes/kubernetes-user-tutorials-fluxcd-deploy-00d5706c3358.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+.. _kubernetes-user-tutorials-fluxcd-deploy-00d5706c3358:
+Deploy via FluxCD
+`FluxCD `__ is a continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.
+It is used to keep Kubernetes in sync with configuration sources such as Git
+|prod-long| does not have FluxCD CLI, but it does have `FluxCD resources
+`__ which can be used to deploy
+Using FluxCD resources you can deploy your applications and apply GitOps to
+Create a Source Controller
+The Source Controller is a FluxCD resource that serves as the pivotal point
+for acquiring artifacts necessary for deployment. It is crucial for ensuring
+easy access to important elements such as source code, configuration files,
+and other essential components for deploying your application. Essentially, it
+acts as the gateway facilitating the acquisition process, guaranteeing that
+your application has the requisite resources for deployment.
+There are five types of `Source Controllers
+`__, in this example
+GitRepository will be used. The GitRepository is a type of Source Controller
+that is used to manage applications defined within Git repositories.
+In the active controller, run:
+.. code-block:: none
+ cat < gitrepository.yaml
+ apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1
+ kind: GitRepository
+ metadata:
+ name:
+ spec:
+ interval: 5m
+ url:
+ ref:
+ branch:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ kubectl apply -f gitrepository.yaml
+The above command creates a GitRepository resource, you can check by running:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ kubectl get gitrepositories
+Create a Helm Controller
+For deploying applications via FluxCD, create a `Helm Controller
+`__ or `Kustomize Controller
+`__, each one has its
+For deploying via Helm, create a HelmRelease resource.
+.. code-block:: none
+ cat < helmrelease.yaml
+ apiVersion: "helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1"
+ kind: HelmRelease
+ metadata:
+ name:
+ spec:
+ releaseName:
+ interval: 5m
+ chart:
+ spec:
+ chart: # Relative path of the Helm chart inside the repo.
+ version:
+ sourceRef:
+ kind: GitRepository
+ name:
+ values: # Override values for the Helm chart.
+ foo:
+ bar: value
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ kubectl apply -f helmrelease.yaml
+This command creates a HelmChart and a HelmRelease resources, the HelmChart
+stores the Helm chart loaded from the GitRepository, and the HelmRelease is
+responsible for applying Helm actions, such as configuring, installing or
+upgrading the Helm Chart.
+You can check if the resources were created by running:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ kubectl get helmcharts
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ kubectl get helmreleases
+To check the application deployment:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ kubectl get all
+Modify the Application Values
+To modify values of your HelmRelease, you can edit the ``spec.values`` section
+of ``helmrelease.yaml`` file and apply it again:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ kubectl apply -f helmrelease.yaml
+This will cause the controller to perform Helm actions on the deployment.
diff --git a/doc/source/usertasks/kubernetes/kubernetes-user-tutorials-helm-package-manager.rst b/doc/source/usertasks/kubernetes/kubernetes-user-tutorials-helm-package-manager.rst
index 5225b727a..1bb8291d8 100644
--- a/doc/source/usertasks/kubernetes/kubernetes-user-tutorials-helm-package-manager.rst
+++ b/doc/source/usertasks/kubernetes/kubernetes-user-tutorials-helm-package-manager.rst
@@ -11,18 +11,79 @@ be used to securely manage the lifecycle of applications within the Kubernetes c
.. rubric:: |context|
-Helm packages are defined by Helm charts with container information sufficient
-for managing a Kubernetes application. You can configure, install, and upgrade
-your Kubernetes applications using Helm charts. Helm charts are defined with a
-default set of values that describe the behavior of the service installed
-within the Kubernetes cluster.
+Helm packages are defined by Helm charts which contain all of the Kubernetes
+resource definitions necessary to run an application inside of a Kubernetes
+cluster. In |prod|, you can configure, install, and upgrade your Kubernetes
+applications using Helm charts.
-|prod| recommends a non-admin end-user to install a Helm v3 client on a remote
-workstation to enable management of their Kubernetes applications.
+The Helm v3 client can be installed on a remote workstation and used to
+remotely manage your Kubernetes application on |prod|, see :ref:`Security -
+Access the System ` and :ref:`Remote CLI
+access `.
For more information on Helm, see the documentation at `https://helm.sh/docs/
-For more information on how to configure and use Helm both locally and remotely, see :ref:`Configure Local CLI Access `,
+For more information on how to configure and use Helm both locally and
+remotely, see :ref:`Configure Local CLI Access `,
and :ref:`Configure Remote CLI Access `.
+Deploy via Helm
+Use Helm Package File
+You can use the packaged Helm chart from your development environment, and use
+the `Helm CLI `__ to install the package.
+#. Install your Helm package on |prod|
+ The command below, executed remotely or locally, will deploy the
+ application to the StarlingX-managed Kubernetes cluster:
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ $ helm install [ -f | --set = ] .tgz
+ where:
+ The helm chart/application will be deployed with a default set of values;
+ unless those values are overridden with ``-f`` and/or ``--set`` options.
+Use Helm Repository
+Helm charts are defined with a default set of values that describe the behavior
+of the service installed within the Kubernetes cluster.
+You can install the helm application from a Helm charts repository
+#. Add the URL for the Helm chart repository (containing the helm chart you
+ want to install) to the list of Helm chart repositories configured for your
+ helm client.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ $ helm repo add
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ $ helm repo update
+#. Install the Helm application with the following command which will search
+ for the specified Helm chart in the configured Helm chart repositories, and
+ install it.
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ $ helm install [ -f | --set = ] /
+ where:
+ The helm chart/application will be deployed with a default set of values;
+ unless those values are overridden with ``-f`` and/or ``--set`` options.