Update Contributor Guide

Add documentation of
- content reuse
- block content conditionalization
- span content conditionalization
- .. pre-include: usage
- add sectioning comments

Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <ronald.stone@windriver.com>
Change-Id: I2372c73354f0b87c728466893cdafeb88d1f3b01
This commit is contained in:
Ron Stone 2022-12-06 13:55:25 -05:00
parent b63fb82c89
commit a7927db517

View File

@ -146,6 +146,8 @@ and implemented specs.
Writing style
.. begin-writing-style
StarlingX documentation follows many (but not all!) of the writing style
guidelines described in the `OpenStack documentation writing style guide
<https://docs.openstack.org/doc-contrib-guide/writing-style.html>`_. Differences
@ -168,12 +170,16 @@ between the StarlingX and OpenStack practices are highlighted below.
Configure endpoint
.. end-writing-style
.. _create-rst-files:
Create rST Files
.. begin-create-rst-files
Use the :command:`tox -e newfile` command to create new |RST| files.
.. rubric:: |context|
@ -313,10 +319,14 @@ title is preserved as typed. No label was added if you selected :kbd:`f`.
When you reference this file in ``toctree`` and ``ref`` directives, use
the file name/label string like this: ``architectural-considerations--d9dd4c105700``
.. end-create-rst-files
Automated quality checks
.. begin-automated-quality-checks
Several automated checks are available to help improve and maintain the quality
of your documentation.
@ -556,6 +566,8 @@ This file contains one term per line.
changes must be submitted for review and merge via a :program:`gerrit`
.. end-automated-quality-checks
RST conventions
@ -571,6 +583,351 @@ documents:
* `Sphinx documentation <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/index.html>`_
* `reStructuredText primer <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html>`_
Content reuse
.. _using-includes:
Content can be reused in multiple places using the Sphinx ``.. include::``
For example:
.. code-block::
.. include:: /_includes/my_reusable_content.rest
"Include" files must not end in ``.rst``. The StarlingX convention is to use
You can store multiple fragements of content in a single include file and use
them in various places. To do this, use ``rst`` comments to deliniate where
each begins and ends:
.. code-block::
.. begin-fragement-1
This content will be inserted using ``.. include::`` example 1, below.
.. end-fragment-1
.. begin-fragement-2
This content will be inserted using ``.. include::`` example 2, below.
.. end-fragment-2
To use one or the other in an ``rst`` topic, use the *start after*
and *end before* parameters as shown below:
.. rubric:: **Example 1**
.. parsed-literal::
My Topic
Integer sed tortor nisi. Vivamus feugiat, urna in posuere gravida, ligula
nunc hendrerit magna, nec tristique ex tortor non lorem.
.. include:: /_includes/my_reusable_content.rest
:start\ |html-comment|-after: begin-fragement-1
:end\ |html-comment|-before: end-fragement-1
.. rubric:: **Example 2**
.. parsed-literal::
My Other Topic
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
.. include:: /_includes/my_reusable_content.rest
:start\ |html-comment|-after: begin-fragement-2
:end\ |html-comment|-before: end-fragement-2
Content reuse in steps
.. begin-content--in-steps
Inserting reusable or conditional steps in a numbered list context causes the
list to restart. For example:
An include file, ``mysteps.rest``, containing:
.. code-block:: rst
.. begin-step
#. Blue
.. end-step
used in an ``rst`` file as follows:
.. parsed-literal::
#. Orange
#. Red
.. include:: mysteps.rest
:start\ |html-comment|-after: begin-step
:end\ |html-comment|-before: end-step
#. Green
Results in:
1. Orange
2. Red
1. Blue
2. Green
To avoid this, use substitute .. pre\ |html-comment|-include:: for ``.. include::``
.. parsed-literal::
#. Orange
#. Red
.. pre\ |html-comment|-include:: mysteps.rest
:start\ |html-comment|-after: begin-step
:end\ |html-comment|-before: end-step
#. Green
This will result in the expected numbering sequence:
1. Orange
2. Red
3. Blue
4. Green
.. note::
* Only the start\ |html-comment|-after and end\ |html-comment|-before paramters work with ..
pre\ |html-comment|-include::.
* Indentation within the ``rest`` file being referenced must match the calling context.
* If the list is not indented, the additional step(s) to be inserted should
not be indented.
* If the list is indented (a sublist or in a nested block context), the
same indentation must be applied to the additional steps.
.. end-content--in-steps
Content conditionalization
Conditionalize across builds
.. begin-conditionalize-content-across-builds
If you need to conditionalize some content to be used in a specific build
context, such as StarlingX or a 3rd party build that reuses StarlingX content,
you can use the ``.. only::`` directive.
For example:
.. code-block::
.. only:: starlingx
Integer sed tortor nisi. Vivamus feugiat, urna in posuere gravida, ligula
nunc hendrerit magna, nec tristique ex tortor non lorem.
Three build contexts are available:
Content will be included in the standard StarlingX documentation build.
Content will be excluded from the StarlingX documentation build. To reuse
this content in a 3rd party build, ensure that the ``partner`` tag is based
to the builder.
Content will be included in an OpenStack documentation context. This content
is included in the StarlingX documentation build.
.. end-conditionalize-content-across-builds
Conditionalize across pages
.. begin-conditionalize-content-across-pages
If you want to reuse a block of content in multiple ``rst`` files from the same
build using ``.. include::`` directives, but need to exclude specific strings
from one of those locations, you can use the ``hideable`` role and substitution.
You can hide both strings and blocks (paragraphs etc.).
Hiding strings
To hide a string, use the ``hideable`` role. For example:
.. code-block::
.. start-prepare-servers-common
Prior to starting the |prod| installation, ensure that the |bare-metal|
servers are in the following state:
- BIOS configured with Intel Virtualization (VTD, VTX)
- Disabled for controller-only servers and storage servers.
- Enabled for :hideable:`controller+worker (All-in-one) servers and` worker servers.
- The servers are powered off.
.. end-prepare-servers-common
In the ``rst`` file where you want to include the text marked up with the
``:hideable:`` role, simply insert the content using the :ref:`include
<using-includes>` directive:
.. parsed-literal::
.. _aio_duplex_install_kubernetes_r7:
Install Kubernetes Platform on All-in-one Duplex
Prepare Servers for Installation
.. include:: /shared/_includes/prepare-servers-for-installation-91baad307173.rest
:start\ |html-comment|-after: start-prepare-servers-common
:end\ |html-comment|-before: end-prepare-servers-common
The bullet:
``- Enabled for :hideable:`controller+worker (All-in-one) servers and` worker servers.``
will render as:
- Enabled for controller+worker (All-in-one) servers and worker servers.
In the ``rst`` file where you want to suppress the text marked up with the
``:hideable:`` role, do the same, but add the ``|hideable|`` substitution at the
top of the file:
.. parsed-literal::
.. _aio_duplex_install_kubernetes_r7:
Install Kubernetes Platform on All-in-one Duplex
Prepare Servers for Installation
.. include:: /shared/_includes/prepare-servers-for-installation-91baad307173.rest
:start\ |html-comment|-after: start-prepare-servers-common
:end\ |html-comment|-before: end-prepare-servers-common
The bullet:
``- Enabled for :hideable:`controller+worker (All-in-one) servers and` worker servers.``
will render as:
- Enabled for worker servers.
Hiding blocks
To hide a block, wrap it in a ``container`` directive with the argument ``hideable``
For example, create an include file ``install-status.rest`` with the
following contents:
.. code-block::
The **deploy status** field has the following values:
.. container:: hideable
This status indicates that the ISO for the subcloud is being updated by
the Central Cloud with the boot menu parameters, and kickstart
configuration as specified in the ``install-values.yaml`` file.
This status indicates that the subcloud's ISO is being installed from
the Central Cloud to the subcloud using the Redfish Virtual Media
service on the subcloud's |BMC|.
.. container::
This status indicates that the Ansible bootstrap of |prod-long|
software on the subcloud's controller-0 is in progress.
and load it in two different contexts:
.. code-block::
:caption: a.rst
.. include:: install-status.rest
.. code-block::
:caption: b.rst
.. include:: install-status.rest
The output from ``a.rst`` will include all three definitions. The output from
``b.rst`` will include only the ``bootstrap`` definition.
.. end-conditionalize-content-across-pages
RST quick reference