Need to add / and /var file system expansion (r8,dsr8)

- Added log-lv.
- Added the rootfs and var support that is missing in the table.

Change-Id: I7dd59426720e003ca918e0572fe85e4c4409abb8
Signed-off-by: Elaine Fonaro <>
This commit is contained in:
Elaine Fonaro 2023-07-17 18:53:47 +00:00
parent 72ffc9c3a3
commit b0c59ae8bd
2 changed files with 15 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -120,5 +120,8 @@ sizes on a controller.
| a4d83571-a555-4ba5-999f-af709206ae35 | backup | 25 | backup-lv |
| d57652a1-af17-47b8-b941-9ebfeee4a56f | docker | 31 | docker-lv |
| a84374c6-8917-4db5-bd34-2a8d244f2bf6 | kubelet | 11 | kubelet-lv |
| 3fe89994-a5b9-4612-8321-443fc9d2fba7 | log | 8 | log-lv |
| 2c026d6f-5c03-4135-abca-c0047aa7f5a6 | scratch | 8 | scratch-lv |
| 0215defd-ded2-46df-9338-1d39e7648028 | root | 20 | root-lv |
| c987d5d7-729e-400c-8d51-ff464b2b9675 | var | 20 | var-lv |

View File

@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ Controller Filesystem Storage Allotments Using Horizon
| cee6df98-9222-4594-b25f-469c625c5975 | docker | 60 | docker-lv |
| c53be87c-bbcf-4d11-8cf5-93f350f8d027 | kubelet | 10 | kubelet-lv |
| efdddf39-7a0d-48f1-a14d-fc734e5b8675 | scratch | 16 | scratch-lv |
| 3fe89994-a5b9-4612-8321-443fc9d2fba7 | log | 8 | log-lv |
| 0215defd-ded2-46df-9338-1d39e7648028 | root | 20 | root-lv |
| c987d5d7-729e-400c-8d51-ff464b2b9675 | var | 20 | var-lv |
#. To review the existing controller filesystems that are synchronized between
@ -89,6 +92,9 @@ Controller Filesystem Storage Allotments Using Horizon
| 3bb38311-00b3-49c7-8b53-9178aeef2233 | docker | 60 | docker-lv |
| 44dd07e8-b4bf-4751-b76b-dd96b5bea9cc | kubelet | 10 | kubelet-lv |
| b2ab5c8e-a26a-4460-b960-552c636cfe43 | scratch | 16 | scratch-lv |
| 3fe89994-a5b9-4612-8321-443fc9d2fba7 | log | 8 | log-lv |
| 0215defd-ded2-46df-9338-1d39e7648028 | root | 20 | root-lv |
| c987d5d7-729e-400c-8d51-ff464b2b9675 | var | 20 | var-lv |
.. note::
@ -109,25 +115,25 @@ Controller Filesystem Storage Allotments Using Horizon
# 80G, you will need to add a new disk partition to cgts-vg.
# There must be at least 20GB of available space after the docker
# filesystem is increased.
# Assuming you have unused space on ROOT DISK, add partition to ROOT DISK.
# ( if not use another unused disk )
# Get device path of ROOT DISK
system host-show controller-0 --nowrap | fgrep rootfs
# Get UUID of ROOT DISK by listing disks
system host-disk-list controller-0
# Create new PARTITION on ROOT DISK, and take note of new partition's 'uuid' in response
# Use a partition size such that you'll be able to increase docker fs size from 30G to 60G
system hostdisk-partition-add -t lvm_phys_vol controller-0 <root-disk-uuid> ${PARTITION_SIZE}
# Add new partition to 'cgts-vg' local volume group
system host-pv-add controller-0 cgts-vg <NEW_PARTITION_UUID>
sleep 2 # wait for partition to be added
# Increase docker filesystem to 60G
system host-fs-modify controller-0 docker=60