Add documentation of Sample applications on StarlingX

- Add a new top level section for Sample Application Deployments
- Add doc of FlexRAN 21.07 build, deploy and run on StarlingX

Story: 2009750
Task: 44207

Signed-off-by: Litao Gao <>
Change-Id: I1ecfe52e8061275470674e2fc1285380b9b3c06c
This commit is contained in:
Litao Gao 2021-11-29 05:13:00 -05:00
parent 6618c41e94
commit edadd64d7b
4 changed files with 870 additions and 1 deletions

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
.. _aio_simplex_hardware_r6:
Hardware Requirements
@ -55,4 +57,4 @@ host types are:
Prepare bare metal servers
.. include:: prep_servers.txt
.. include:: prep_servers.txt

@ -193,6 +193,15 @@ Distributed Cloud
Sample Application Deployments
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Deprecated guides

@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
.. _deploy-flexran-on-starlingx-c4efa00b1b98:
Deploy FlexRAN on StarlingX
.. contents::
:depth: 1
`FlexRAN <>`__
is a vRAN reference implementation for virtualized cloud-enabled radio access networks.
FlexRAN is not an open-source project. It is provided here as an example of a 5G application running on |prod|.
In this document, based on |prod| solution, the details on how to build
FlexRAN software, how to generate containerized version of the prebuilt
FlexRAN binaries, and deploy on |prod| solution are provided.
.. note::
All of the content is generated based on FlexRAN 21.07, the
instructions are subject to change in future releases.
Intended Audience
The intended audience for this document are software engineers and
system architects who want to design and develop 5G systems using the
O-RAN Specifications based on FlexRAN and |prod| OpenSource Edge
computing platform.
AIO Simplex Installation
Prepare USB stick with StarlingX Installation ISO
#. Get StarlingX Installation ISO from following location
#. Burn the image to a USB stick
.. note::
Be sure to use the correct USB device name when copying the image.
.. code::
dd if=bootimage.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=1M
Follow the installation guide
Besides :ref:`aio_simplex_hardware_r6` for |prod|, additional hardware is required for FlexRAN application.
| Minimum Requirement | All-in-one Controller Node |
| Minimum processor class | Single-CPU Intel Xeon Cascade Lake (14 nm) or IceLake (10 nm) |
| Minimum memory | 64 GB single socket |
| Minimum network ports | OAM: 1x1GE, If only test timer mode, no other NIC required. |
| BIOS settings | - Hyper-Threading technology: enabled; |
| | - Virtualization technology: enabled; |
| | - VT for directed I/O: enabled; |
| | - CPU power and performance policy set to performance; |
| | - CPU C state control: enabled; |
| | - Plug & play BMC detection: disabled; |
| | - Uncore Frequency Scaling : Disabled; |
| | - Performance P-limit : Disabled; |
| | - Enhanced Intel SpeedStep (R) Tech : Enabled; |
| | - Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology : Enabled |
| Accelerator Card | Mt. Bryce ACC100 (Intel eASIC chip which can be mounted on third party card) |
The FlexRAN application on |prod| has been tested on Intel Reference Hardware platform: **Wilson City** (housing ICX-SP).
.. note::
Some third party platforms like SuperMicro / HPE / Dell / Quanta /
others can also be used based on customer platform requirements
with the optimization for low-latency and power savings mode by the
platform vendors.
#. In addition to required |prod| configuration, ceph backend for Kubernetes PVC, isolcpus and hugepages
.. code:: bash
source /etc/platform/openrc
# if you use flat oam network
system host-if-modify ${NODE} $OAM_IF -c platform
system interface-network-assign ${NODE} $OAM_IF oam
# if you use vlan oam network
system host-if-modify -n pltif -c platform $NODE $OAM_IF
system host-if-add ${NODE} -V $VLANID -c platform oam0 vlan pltif
system interface-network-assign ${NODE} oam0 oam
system host-label-assign $NODE sriovdp=enabled
system host-label-assign $NODE kube-topology-mgr-policy=restricted
# ceph backend for k8s pvc
system storage-backend-add ceph --confirmed
system host-disk-list ${NODE} | awk '/\/dev\/sdb/{print $2}' | xargs -i system host-stor-add ${NODE} {}
# isolate cpus depends on number of the physical core
system host-cpu-modify -f application-isolated -p0 28 controller-0
# allocate/enable hugepages for dpdk usage
system host-memory-modify $NODE -1G 10 0
system host-unlock $NODE
#. After the system has been unlocked and available for the 1st time, configure ACC100 / Mount Bryce.
.. code:: bash
source /etc/platform/openrc
system host-lock $NODE
# get the device name of the Mout Bryce, we assume it is pci_0000_85_00_0 here.
system host-device-list controller-0
# Modify the Mount Bryce device to enable it, specify the base driver and vf driver, and configure it for 1 VFs
# NOTE: If this is the initial install and have not unlocked, you will get following error message.
# Cannot configure device 73b13ddf-99be-44c8-8fbe-db85eb8d99ba until host controller-0 is unlocked for the first time.
system host-device-modify controller-0 pci_0000_85_00_0 -e true --driver igb_uio --vf-driver vfio -N 1
system host-unlock $NODE
FlexRAN Software Prerequisite
FlexRAN 21.07 Release Package
FlexRAN Software Wireless Access Solutions is available from the following page:
FlexRAN DPDK BBDEV v21.07 Patch
This patch file is also available in FlexRAN Software Wireless Access
Solutions mentioned above.
DPDK version 20.11.1
DPDK version 20.11.1 is available in
Intel C++ Compiler
The Intel C++ Compiler is used to compile Intel |DPDK| and L1 software. The
Intel C++ Compiler can be obtained using the following link with
community license. Recommended version of Compiler: **icc (ICC) 20190206**
FlexRAN Build, Deploy and Run
Generally speaking, the building environment and execution environment
should not be the same environment. In order to facilitate the building,
deploying, and running the process on |prod|, a containerized building
environment has been prepared and verified, developers can use the
instructions to build the building docker image themselves or use
the prebuilt docker image directly.
Using this method, developers can:
#. Start the building soon after |prod| is ready
#. Use the scripts provided to generate a docker image with pre-built
FlexRAN binaries
#. Launch the FlexRAN Pod using the image just generated
#. Execute L1 test cases
The following procedures provide detailed instructions for completing the stages described above.
FlexRAN build preparation
For details, see:
You can find build instructions in the Compilation Chapter of :title:`FlexRAN 5GNR Reference Solution 21.07`.
The following steps provide a quick-start procedure for developers.
#. Create a |PVC| for FlexRAN build storage.
.. note::
The PVC size should be larger than 70G
.. code:: bash
cat > volume-ceph.yaml << 'EOF'
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: flexran-storage
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 80Gi
storageClassName: general
kubectl create -f volume-ceph.yaml
kubectl create -f volume-ceph.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/flexran-storage created
controller-0:~$ kubectl get pvc
flexran-storage Bound pvc-43e50806-785f-440b-8ed2-85bb3c9e8f79 80Gi RWO general 9s
#. Launch the `quick start building Pod <>`__ attaching to the |PVC|.
.. note::
This pod is assumed to be assigned enough resource to launch quickly after FlexRAN being built.
If you don't have isolated CPU, hugepage and accelerator resources configured as part of the
system used for building, just feel free to remove related content from the yaml spec file,
hugepages-1Gi and are not required for the building.
.. code:: bash
cat > flexran-buildpod.yml << 'EOF'
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: buildpod
restartPolicy: Never
- name: buildpod
image: wrsnfv/flexran-builder:centos7.9
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: usrsrc
mountPath: /usr/src
- mountPath: /hugepages
name: hugepage
- name: lib-modules
mountPath: /lib/modules
- name: pvc1
mountPath: /opt
- name: docker-sock-volume
mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
command: ["/bin/bash", "-ec", "sleep infinity"]
privileged: true
memory: 32Gi
hugepages-1Gi: 10Gi '1'
memory: 32Gi '1'
hugepages-1Gi: 10Gi
- name: usrsrc
path: /usr/src
- name: lib-modules
path: /lib/modules
- name: hugepage
medium: HugePages
- name: docker-sock-volume
path: /var/run/docker.sock
type: Socket
- name: pvc1
claimName: flexran-storage
kubectl create -f flexran-buildpod.yml
#. (Optional) Instructions of the FlexRAN building image creation.
.. note::
You can use following instructions to build the default image or a customized version to meet your needs.
.. code:: bash
mkdir dockerbuilder && cd dockerbuilder
# prepare the artifacts used for FlexRAN prebuilt binary docker image
mkdir docker-image-building
cat > docker-image-building/readme << 'EOF'
# Instructions of docker image generation
# Following steps are supposed to be executed inside building Pod,
# after building FlexRAN from source code
# populate flexran related env var
cd ${lxr_install_dir}
source -d
# prepare the FlexRAN binaries
# build the docker image
docker build -t flr-run -f Dockerfile .
# tag and push
docker tag flr-run ${orgname}/flr-run
cat > docker-image-building/ << 'EOF'
# ICCPATH=/opt/intel/system_studio_2019/compilers_and_libraries_2019.5.281/linux
echo "Make sure source -d first.(located in FlexRAN installation directory)"
[[ -z "$MKLROOT" ]] && { echo "MKLROOT not set, exit..."; exit 1; }
[[ -z "$DIR_WIRELESS_SDK_ROOT" ]] && { echo "DIR_WIRELESS_SDK_ROOT not set, exit..."; exit 1; }
ICCPATH=`echo $MKLROOT | awk -F '/mkl' '{print $1}'`
FLXPATH=`echo $DIR_WIRELESS_SDK_ROOT| awk -F '/sdk' '{print $1}'`
[[ -d stuff ]] && { echo "Directory stuff exists, move it to old."; mv -f stuff stuff.old; }
mkdir stuff; cd stuff
mkdir libs
cp $ICCPATH/mkl/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/mkl/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/mkl/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/mkl/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/mkl/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/mkl/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/ipp/lib/intel64/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/ipp/lib/intel64/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/ipp/lib/intel64/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/ipp/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/ipp/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/compiler/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/compiler/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/compiler/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/compiler/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/compiler/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $ICCPATH/compiler/lib/intel64_lin/ libs
cp $FLXPATH/libs/cpa/bin/ libs
cp $FLXPATH/wls_mod/ libs
mkdir -p flexran/sdk/build-avx512-icc/
cp -rf $FLXPATH/sdk/build-avx512-icc/source flexran/sdk/build-avx512-icc/
cp -rf $FLXPATH/sdk/build-avx512-icc/install flexran/sdk/build-avx512-icc/
cp -rf $FLXPATH/bin flexran/
cp -rf $FLXPATH/ flexran/
# testcase files
mkdir -p tests/nr5g/
cd tests/nr5g/
for cfg in $FLXPATH/bin/nr5g/gnb/testmac/icelake-sp/*.cfg
cat $cfg | grep TEST_FD > /tmp/$$.testfile
while IFS= read line
array=($(echo "$line" | sed 's/5GNR,/ /g'))
for i in "${array[@]}"; do
if [[ "$i" =* \.cfg ]]; then
casedir=`echo "$i"| cut -d / -f 1-3 | xargs`
[[ ! -d $casedir ]] && { mkdir -p $casedir; cp -rf $caseabsdir/* $casedir; }
done < /tmp/$$.testfile
echo "Transportation Completed."
chmod a+x docker-image-building/
cat > docker-image-building/ << 'EOF'
# source this script to l1 binary location
export WORKSPACE=/root/flexran
export isa=avx512
source ./ -i ${isa}
[[ -z "$MODE" ]] && read -p "Enter the MODE(LTE or 5G): " MODE
if [ $MODE = LTE ]; then
cd $WORKSPACE/bin/lte/l1/
if [ $MODE = 5G ]; then
cd $WORKSPACE/bin/nr5g/gnb/l1
cat > docker-image-building/ << 'EOF'
# source this script to l2 binary location
export WORKSPACE=/root/flexran
export isa=avx512
source ./ -i ${isa}
[[ -z "$MODE" ]] && read -p "Enter the MODE(LTE or 5G): " MODE
if [ $MODE = LTE ]; then
cd $WORKSPACE/bin/lte/testmac/
if [ $MODE = 5G ]; then
cd $WORKSPACE/bin/nr5g/gnb/testmac
cat > docker-image-building/ << 'EOF'
[[ -z "$PCIDEVICE_INTEL_COM_INTEL_ACC100_FEC" ]] && { echo "ACC100 not used, sleep..."; sleep infinity; }
sed -i 's#.*dpdkBasebandFecMode.*# <dpdkBasebandFecMode\>1</dpdkBasebandFecMode>#' /root/flexran/bin/nr5g/gnb/l1/phycfg_timer.xml
sed -i 's#.*dpdkBasebandDevice.*# <dpdkBasebandDevice\>'"$PCIDEVICE_INTEL_COM_INTEL_ACC100_FEC"'</dpdkBasebandDevice>#' /root/flexran/bin/nr5g/gnb/l1/phycfg_timer.xml
echo "Resource setup Completed, sleep..."
sleep infinity
chmod a+x docker-image-building/
cat > docker-image-building/Dockerfile << 'EOF'
FROM centos:7.9.2009
RUN [ -e /etc/yum.conf ] && sed -i '/tsflags=nodocs/d' /etc/yum.conf || true
RUN yum install -y libhugetlbfs* libstdc++* numa* gcc g++ iproute \
module-init-tools kmod pciutils python libaio libaio-devel \
numactl-devel nettools ethtool
RUN yum clean all
COPY stuff/libs/* /usr/lib64/
WORKDIR /root/
COPY stuff/flexran ./flexran
COPY stuff/tests ./flexran/tests
CMD ["/root/"]
cat > Dockerfile << 'EOF'
FROM centos:7.9.2009
RUN [ -e /etc/yum.conf ] && sed -i '/tsflags=nodocs/d' /etc/yum.conf || true
RUN yum groupinstall -y 'Development Tools'
RUN yum install -y vim gcc-c++ libhugetlbfs* libstdc++* kernel-devel numa* gcc git mlocate \
cmake wget ncurses-devel hmaccalc zlib-devel binutils-devel elfutils-libelf-devel \
numactl-devel libhugetlbfs-devel bc patch git patch tar zip unzip python3 sudo docker
RUN yum install -y centos-release-scl
RUN yum install -y devtoolset-8
RUN yum clean all
RUN pip3 install meson && \
pip3 install ninja pyelftools
WORKDIR /usr/src/
RUN git clone
WORKDIR /usr/src/pkgconf
RUN ./ && ./configure && make && make install
WORKDIR /usr/src/
RUN git clone git://
WORKDIR /usr/src/rt-tests
RUN git checkout stable/v1.0
RUN make all && make install
COPY docker-image-building /root/docker-image-building
# Set default command
CMD ["/usr/bin/bash"]
# build the docker image for FlexRAN; building environment
docker build -t flexran-builder .
docker tag flexran-builder ${orgname}/flexran-builder:centos7.9
docker login
docker push ${orgname}/flexran-builder:centos7.9
Build FlexRAN in Pod
#. Use a shell inside Pod to build FlexRAN.
.. code:: bash
kubectl exec -it buildpod -- bash
#. Use ``scp`` to copy the FlexRAN related files into the pod's |PVC|.
.. code:: bash
mkdir -p /opt/scrach && cd /opt/scrach
scp <options> flexran-21.07.tar.gz.part00 .
scp <options> flexran-21.07.tar.gz.part01 .
scp <options> dpdk_21.07.patch .
scp <options> system_studio_2019_update_5_ultimate_edition.tar.gz .
cat flexran-21.07.tar.gz.part00 flexran-21.07.tar.gz.part01 > flexran-21.07.tar.gz
rm flexran-21.07.tar.gz.part00
rm flexran-21.07.tar.gz.part01
#. Copy |DPDK| source code into the pod's |PVC|.
.. code:: bash
cd /opt && wget
tar xf dpdk-20.11.1.tar.xz
mv dpdk-stable-20.11.1 dpdk-flxr-21.07
cd /opt/dpdk-flxr-21.07 && patch -p1 < /opt/scrach/dpdk_21.07.patch
#. Install Intel System Studio 2019 Update 5.
.. code:: bash
cd /opt/scrach
tar zxvf system_studio_2019_update_5_ultimate_edition.tar.gz
cd /opt/scrach/system_studio_2019_update_5_ultimate_edition
# replace xxxx-xxxxxxxx with yours for ACTIVATION_SERIAL_NUMBER
sed -i -r -e 's/^ACCEPT_EULA=.*/ACCEPT_EULA=accept/' -e 's/^ACTIVATION_TYPE=.*/ACTIVATION_TYPE=serial_number/' -e 's%^#?ACTIVATION_SERIAL_NUMBER=.*%ACTIVATION_SERIAL_NUMBER=xxxx-xxxxxxxx%' silent.cfg
cd /opt/scrach/system_studio_2019_update_5_ultimate_edition && ./ -s silent.cfg
#. Extract FlexRAN and populate the environment variables.
.. code:: bash
cd /opt/scrach/ && tar zxvf flexran-21.07.tar.gz && ./
# input '/opt/flexran' for Extract destination directory
cd /opt/flexran && source ./ -d
# When following promote message shows:
# Enter Intel SystemStudio / ParallelStudio Install Directory for icc
# input: /opt/intel/system_studio_2019/
# When following promote message shows:
# Enter DPDK Install Directory, or just enter to set default
# input: /opt/dpdk-flxr-21.07
#. Switch to devtoolset-8 environment.
.. code:: bash
scl enable devtoolset-8 bash
#. Build FlexRAN SDK first.
.. code:: bash
cd /opt/flexran && ./ -e -r 5gnr_sub6 -b -m sdk && ./ -e -r 5gnr_mmw -b -m sdk
#. Build |DPDK| with the FlexRAN patch.
.. code:: bash
cd /opt/dpdk-flxr-21.07 && meson build
cd /opt/dpdk-flxr-21.07/build && meson configure -Dflexran_sdk=/opt/flexran/sdk/build-avx512-icc/install && ninja
#. Build the FlexRAN applications.
.. code:: bash
cd /opt/flexran
# Linux 5.6 deprecated ioremap_nocache, need to change to use ioremap_cache instead
sed -i 's#ioremap_nocache#ioremap_cache#g' ./libs/cpa/mmw/rec/drv/src/nr_dev.c
./ -e -r 5gnr_sub6 -b -n && ./ -e -r 5gnr_mmw -b -n
#. (Optional) Build the test applications.
.. code:: bash
cd /opt/flexran && ./ -e -r 5gnr_sub6 -b -m 5gnr_testmac
Generate Docker image with FlexRAN binaries
.. note::
Since host path ``/var/run/docker.sock`` has been mounted into the building pod, you can build the
docker image using the FlexRAN binaries from the previous step inside the building pod.
The artifacts used by :command:`docker build` have been integrated into the build image and are ready to use.
#. Prepare the env var for the script in ``/root/docker-image-building/``.
.. code:: bash
cd /opt/flexran && source ./ -d
#. Prepare binaries and scripts for docker build.
.. code:: bash
cd /root/docker-image-building
#. Build docker image which will be saved in local host.
.. code:: bash
docker build -t flr-run -f Dockerfile .
Run the FlexRAN Test cases in Pod
After the build and docker image generation steps above, you can launch the FlexRAN execution pod from the host.
#. Push the docker image to a registry, for example, ` <>`__.
.. code:: bash
docker login
docker tag flr-run ${orgname}/flr-run:v1
docker push ${orgname}/flr-run:v1
#. Launch the FlexRAN Pod.
Adjust the CPU and memory for your configuration.
Memory should be more than 32Gi for the test case pass rate.
.. note::
``command`` should not be used in the spec, otherwise it will overwrite the
default container command which does accelerator |PCI| address filling for L1.
.. code:: bash
cat > runpod-flxr.yml << 'EOF'
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: runpod
restartPolicy: Never
- name: runpod
image: somename/flr-run:v1
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: usrsrc
mountPath: /usr/src
- mountPath: /hugepages
name: hugepage
- name: lib-modules
mountPath: /lib/modules
privileged: true
memory: 32Gi
hugepages-1Gi: 8Gi '1'
memory: 32Gi '1'
hugepages-1Gi: 8Gi
- name: usrsrc
path: /usr/src
- name: lib-modules
path: /lib/modules
- name: hugepage
medium: HugePages
kubectl create -f runpod-flxr.yml
#. Execute L1.
#. Enter the L1 directory inside Pod.
.. code:: bash
kubectl exec -it runpod -- bash
source 5G
#. Edit L1 configuration file.
.. note::
phycfg_timer.xml has been modified by entry script to use the FEC accelerator:
This configuration is scripted and ran automatically, no manual configuration needed.
You can use :command:`printenv PCIDEVICE_INTEL_COM_INTEL_ACC100_FEC`
to check dpdkBasebandDevice.
.. code:: console
# change default CPU binding in section of <Threads> in phycfg_timer.xml
# use the first 3 assigned CPUs for the Applications threads
<!-- CPU Binding to Application Threads -->
<!-- System Threads (Single core id value): Core, priority, Policy [0: SCHED_FIFO 1: SCHED_RR] -->
<systemThread>2, 0, 0</systemThread>
<!-- Timer Thread (Single core id value): Core, priority, Policy [0: SCHED_FIFO 1: SCHED_RR] -->
<timerThread>3, 96, 0</timerThread>
<!-- FPGA for LDPC Thread (Single core id value): Core, priority, Policy [0: SCHED_FIFO 1: SCHED_RR] -->
<FpgaDriverCpuInfo>4, 96, 0</FpgaDriverCpuInfo>
<!-- FPGA for Front Haul (FFT / IFFT) Thread (Single core id value): Core, priority, Policy [0: SCHED_FIFO 1: SCHED_RR] -->
<!-- This thread should be created for timer mode and hence can be same core as LDPC polling core -->
<FrontHaulCpuInfo>4, 96, 0</FrontHaulCpuInfo>
<!-- DPDK Radio Master Thread (Single core id value): Core, priority, Policy [0: SCHED_FIFO 1: SCHED_RR] -->
<radioDpdkMaster>2, 99, 0</radioDpdkMaster>
#. Run L1 application.
.. code:: bash
# launch L1app
./ -e
#. Execute testmac after L1 is up and running in another terminal.
#. Enter the testmac directory inside Pod.
.. code:: bash
kubectl exec -it runpod -- bash
source 5G
#. Edit testmac configuration file.
.. code:: console
# Modify default CPU binding in section of <Threads> in testmac_cfg.xml
# make sure use the CPU from the CPU whose ID is bigger than 13, this way,
# the Application Threads will not overlapping with the BBUPool CPUs.
<!-- CPU Binding to Application Threads -->
<!-- Wireless Subsystem Thread: Core, priority, Policy [0: SCHED_FIFO 1: SCHED_RR] -->
<wlsRxThread>16, 90, 0</wlsRxThread>
<!-- System Threads: Core, priority, Policy [0: SCHED_FIFO 1: SCHED_RR] -->
<systemThread>14, 0, 0</systemThread>
<!-- TestMac Run Thread: Core, priority, Policy [0: SCHED_FIFO 1: SCHED_RR] -->
<runThread>14, 89, 0</runThread>
<!-- Thread to send / receive URLLC APIS to / from testmac to Phy. It will be created only when the phy_config has URLLC Support added to it: Core, priority, Policy [0: SCHED_FIFO 1: SCHED_RR] -->
<urllcThread>15, 90, 0</urllcThread>
# workaround the known issue of parsing zero value in the config file
sed -i '/>0</d' testmac_cfg.xml
#. Run testmac application.
.. code:: bash
# launch testmac
./ --testfile=icelake-sp/icxsp_mu1_100mhz_mmimo_64x64_16stream_hton.cfg
# Note, case of 3389 is the most stringent case, we can comment out
# other cases in the file and run this case directly:
# TEST_FD, 3389, 3, 5GNR, fd/mu1_100mhz/383/fd_testconfig_tst383.cfg,
# 5GNR, fd/mu1_100mhz/386/fd_testconfig_tst386.cfg,
# 5GNR, fd/mu1_100mhz/386/fd_testconfig_tst386.cfg
.. note::
For detailed explanation of the XML configuration used by
L1, refer to the FlexRAN documentation available at:

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Sample Application Deployments
.. sampleapp-begin
This guide describes how to build and deploy sample applications on the |prod| platform.
.. sampleapp-end
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1