.. rws1552674043508 .. _console-keyboard-mapping: ======================== Console Keyboard Mapping ======================== You can change the keyboard layout settings used on the text console for a |prod| node. You can log in to the console using the US keyboard layout and then change the keyboard settings, if required. Use the following |CLI| commands to change the keyboard layout settings on your keyboard: .. note:: When you log in to |prod| for the first time using the default US keyboard layout, you are prompted to provide a new password. The new password you enter may get mapped differently than you expect, since you are not using a US keyboard. You should use as simple a password as possible in order to avoid any unexpected key mappings. Then, after you have successfully logged in to |prod| and updated your keyboard layout, you should update your sysadmin password (':command:`passwd sysadmin`') to a more secure password. To display the current console keyboard settings that are configured for the virtual console: .. code-block:: none $ localectl status For example, .. code-block:: none System Locale:LANG=en_US.UTF-8 VC Keymap:us X11 Layout:n/a To check if a keyboard layout can be configured on your system, for example: .. code-block:: none $ localectl list-keymaps|fgrep 106 jp 106 To set the console keyboard layout, use the following syntax: .. code-block:: none $ sudo localectl set-keymap <mapping-name> For example, to use jp106: .. code-block:: none $ sudo localectl set-keycap jp106 .. code-block:: none $ localectl status System Locale:LANG=en_US.UTF-8 VC Keymap:jp106 X11 Layout:jp X11 Model:jp106 X11 Options:terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp