.. begin-redfish-vms For subclouds with servers that support Redfish Virtual Media Service (version 1.2 or higher), you can use the Central Cloud's CLI to install the ISO and bootstrap subclouds from the Central Cloud. For more information, see :ref:`Installing a Subcloud Using Redfish Platform Management Service <installing-a-subcloud-using-redfish-platform-management-service>`. For subclouds with servers that do not support Redfish Virtual Media Service, the ISO is installed locally at the subcloud. You can use the Central Cloud's CLI to bootstrap subclouds from the Central Cloud. For more information, see :ref:`Installing a Subcloud Without Redfish Platform Management Service <installing-a-subcloud-without-redfish-platform-management-service>`. .. end-redfish-vms .. begin-shared-nic .. end-shared-nic