.. begin-monitor-progress

For example:

.. code-block:: none

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ dcmanager subcloud list
    | id | name      | management | availability | deploy status | sync    |
    |  1 | subcloud1 | unmanaged  | online       | complete      | unknown |

If deploy_status shows an installation, bootstrap or deployment failure state,
you can use the :command:`dcmanager subcloud errors` command in order to get
more detailed information about failure.

For example:

.. code-block:: none

    sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ dcmanager subcloud errors 1
    FAILED bootstrapping playbook of (subcloud1).

    detail: fatal: [subcloud1]: FAILED! => changed=true
      failed_when_result: true
      msg: non-zero return code
        500 Server Error: Internal Server Error ("manifest unknown: manifest unknown")
         Image download failed: admin-2.cumulus.mss.com: 30093/wind-river/cloud-platform-deployment-manager: WRCP_22.06 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error ("Get https://admin-2.cumulus .mss.com: 30093/v2/: dial tcp: lookup admin-2.cumulus.mss.com on read udp> i/o timeout")
         Image download failed: gcd.io/kubebuilder/kube-rdac-proxy:v0.11.0 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error ("Get https://gcd.io/v2/: dial tcp: lookup gcd.io on read udp> i/o timeout")
        raise Exception("Failed to download images %s" % failed_downloads)
         Exception: Failed to download images ["admin-2.cumulus.mss.com: 30093/wind-river/cloud-platform-deployment-manager: WRCP_22.06", "gcd.io kubebuilder/kube-rdac-proxy:v0.11.0"]
    FAILED TASK: TASK [common/push-docker-images Download images and push to local registry] Wednesday 12 October 2022 12:27:31 +0000 (0:00:00.042)

The **deploy status** field has the following values:

.. container:: hideable

       This status indicates that the ISO for the subcloud is being updated by
       the Central Cloud with the boot menu parameters, and kickstart
       configuration as specified in the ``install-values.yaml`` file.

       This status indicates that the subcloud's ISO is being installed from
       the Central Cloud to the subcloud using the Redfish Virtual Media
       service on the subcloud's |BMC|.

.. container::

       This status indicates that the Ansible bootstrap of |prod-long|
       software on the subcloud's controller-0 is in progress.

       This status indicates that subcloud deployment is complete.

   .. include:: /_includes/installing-a-subcloud-using-redfish-platform-management-service.rest
      :start-after: begin-deploying-state
      :end-before: end-deploying-state

The subcloud bootstrapping and deployment can take up to 30 minutes.

.. end-monitor-progress