======================= StarlingX Documentation ======================= Welcome to the StarlingX documentation. This is the documentation for release stx.2018.10. Additional information about this release is available in the :ref:`release-notes`. .. Add the additional version info here e.g. The following documentation versions are available: StarlingX stx.2019.09 | StarlingX stx.2019.04 For more information about the project, consult the `Project Specifications `__. -------- Sections -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 installation_guide/index developer_guide/index Project Specifications api-ref/index releasenotes/index contributor/index -------- Projects -------- StarlingX contains a number of sub-projects that include additional Edge Cloud support services and clients: * `Bare Metal `__ * `Clients `__ * `Config `__ * `Distributed Cloud `__ * `Distributed Cloud Client `__ * `Fault Management `__ * `High Availability `__ * `Horizon Plugin (GUI) `__ * `Integration `__ * `NFV `__ * `Software Updates `__ * `Upstream `__ There are several supporting projects and repositories: * `Tools `__ ---------- Contribute ---------- StarlingX utilizes tooling and CI/CD environments from the OpenStack Foundation. The source is hosted on `OpenStack's Gerrit server`_. .. _`OpenStack's Gerrit server`: https://git.starlingx.io Additional information regarding contributing to the project can be found in the :ref:`StarlingX contributor guides `.