.. fvd1581384193662
.. _obtain-the-authentication-token-using-the-browser:

Obtain the Authentication Token Using the Browser

You can obtain the authentication token using the **oidc-auth-apps** |OIDC|
client web interface.

.. rubric:: |context|

Use the following steps to obtain the authentication token for id-token and
refresh-token using the **oidc-auth-apps** |OIDC| client web interface.

.. rubric:: |proc|

#.  Use the following URL to login into **oidc-auth-apps** |OIDC| client:


#.  If the |prod| **oidc-auth-apps** has been configured for multiple
    '**ldap**' connectors, select the Windows Active Directory server for

#.  Enter your Username and Password.

#.  Click Login. The ID token and Refresh token are displayed as follows:

    .. code-block:: none

        ID Token:


        Access Token:



          "iss": "",
          "sub": "CgdwdnRlc3QxEgRsZGFw",
          "aud": "stx-oidc-client-app",
          "exp": 1582577319,
          "iat": 1582577319,
          "at_hash": "hsDmdu1HXaBqqM-piaj2iw",
          "email": "testuser",
          "email_verified": true,
          "groups": [
          "name": "testuser"

        Refresh Token:


#.  Use the token ID to set the Kubernetes credentials in kubectl configs:

    .. code-block:: none

        ~(keystone_admin)]$ TOKEN=<ID_token_string>
        ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl config set-credentials testuser --token $TOKEN

#.  Switch to the Kubernetes context for the user, by using the following
    command, for example:

    .. code-block:: none

        ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl config use-context testuser@mywrcpcluster

#.  Run the following command to test that the authentication token
    validates correctly:

    .. code-block:: none

        ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces