.. _enable-disable-apparmor-on-a-host-using-horizon-a318ab726396: ----------------------------------------------- Enable/Disable AppArmor on a Host using Horizon ----------------------------------------------- To enable or disable AppArmor on the host using Horizon: #. Lock the host. .. figure:: figures/worker-hosts-2023-3-20_1-46-22.png :width: 800 .. figure:: figures/confirm-lock-host-2023-3-20_1-55-28.png #. Click on Edit Host button. On the "Host Info" tab, enable or disable the AppArmor Module and finally click on "Save". .. figure:: figures/edit-host-2023-3-20_1-54-13.png #. Unlock the host. .. figure:: figures/display-item-2023-3-20_1-58-33.png :width: 800