import argparse import yaml from yaml.loader import SafeLoader import re import os def parseLayoutFile(): layoutFile = open(args.layout,"r") data = layoutFile.close() regex= r'(?<=\")([\s\S]*?)(?=\")' data = re.findall(regex, data) if(len(data) != 5): raise Exception('layout file has a different structure from expected') return [data[0], data[2], data[4]] def parseEventFile(): eventFile = open(args.event, "r") data = yaml.load(eventFile, Loader=SafeLoader) eventFile.close() return data def alignMultiLine(characterCounter, multilineString): index = 0 strings = multilineString.split('\n') for string in strings: if(index !=0): string = string.lstrip() string = "\n"+"".join(" " for i in range(characterCounter)) + string strings[index] = string index+=1 return "\n".join(strings) def replaceSymbols(text, oldSymbols, newSymbols): counter = 0 for oldSymbol in oldSymbols: if(len(newSymbols[counter]) - len(oldSymbols[counter]) > 0): text = str(text).replace(oldSymbol, " "+newSymbols[counter]+" ") else: text = str(text).replace(oldSymbol, newSymbols[counter]) counter+=1 return text def getTitleLength(header): idx1 = header.find("<over_score>")+14 idx2 = header.find("<under_score>") return idx2 - idx1 # def getContext(context): # if(len(context) == 3): # return "starlingx-openstack-empty" # elif(len(context) == 2): # if("starlingx" in context): # if("openstack" in context): # return "starlingx-openstack" # else: # return "starlingx-empty" # else: # return "openstack-empty" # else: # return context[0] # RS - 11-16-22 - generalize getContext to all runtime scenarios def getContext(context): return '-'.join(map(str, context)) def seriesFilter(key, serie): if(float(serie)%100 > 1): return (float(key)//10) == (float(serie)//10) else: return (float(key)//100) == (float(serie)//100) def seriesFile(layout, events, types, fileExtension, oldSymbols, newSymbols, products, sort ): series = args.series.split(",") for serie in series: matchingKeys = [key for key in events.keys() if seriesFilter(key, serie) and events[key]["Type"] in types and events[key]["Context"] in products ] if(sort): matchingKeys.sort() if(len(matchingKeys) > 0): serieFile = open(args.outputPath+str(serie)+"-series-"+'-'.join(types).lower()+"-messages"+fileExtension, "w") header = layout[0] header = header.replace("<series_number>",serie).replace("<series-number>",serie) score = "".join(args.titleSymbol for i in range(getTitleLength(header))) header = header.replace("<over_score>", score) header = header.replace("<Context>", getContext(products)) header = header.replace("<under_score>", score) serieFile.write(header) for matchingKey in matchingKeys: body = layout[1] body = body.replace("<alarm_id>", format(matchingKey, '.3f')) fields = re.findall('(?<=\<)(.*?)(?=\>)', body) for field in fields: if(field in events[matchingKey]): if(type(events[matchingKey][field]) == type(events)): value = [] for subkey in events[matchingKey][field]: value.append(events[matchingKey][field][subkey]) events[matchingKey][field] = "\n".join(value) else: events[matchingKey][field] = (re.sub(r'\n\s*\n','\n',str(events[matchingKey][field]),re.MULTILINE)) if(oldSymbols != None and newSymbols != None): events[matchingKey][field]= replaceSymbols(events[matchingKey][field], oldSymbols,newSymbols) if('\n' in events[matchingKey][field]): index = body.index('<'+field+'>') characterCounter= 0 while(body[index] != '\n'): index-=1 characterCounter+=1 body = body.replace('<'+field+'>',alignMultiLine(characterCounter-1, events[matchingKey][field])) else: body = body.replace('<'+field+'>',events[matchingKey][field]) else: body = body.replace('<'+field+'>','N/A') serieFile.write(body) footer = layout[2] serieFile.write(footer) serieFile.close def recordsFile(layout, events, fileExtension, oldSymbols, newSymbols, sort): records = args.records.split(",") if(len(records) > 0): matchingKeys = [float(record) for record in records for key in events.keys() if float(key) == float(record)] if(sort): matchingKeys.sort() if(len(matchingKeys) > 0): serieFile = open(args.outputPath+args.fileName+fileExtension, "w") header = layout[0] score = "".join(args.titleSymbol for i in range(getTitleLength(header))) header = header.replace("<over_score>", score) header = header.replace("<under_score>", score) serieFile.write(header) for matchingKey in matchingKeys: body = layout[1] body = body.replace("<alarm_id>", format(matchingKey, '.3f')) fields = re.findall('(?<=\<)(.*?)(?=\>)', body) for field in fields: if(field in events[matchingKey]): if(type(events[matchingKey][field]) == type(events)): value = [] for subkey in events[matchingKey][field]: value.append(events[matchingKey][field][subkey]) events[matchingKey][field] = "\n".join(value) else: events[matchingKey][field] = (re.sub(r'\n\s*\n','\n',str(events[matchingKey][field]),re.MULTILINE)) if(oldSymbols != None and newSymbols != None): events[matchingKey][field]= replaceSymbols(events[matchingKey][field], oldSymbols,newSymbols) if('\n' in events[matchingKey][field]): index = body.index('<'+field+'>') characterCounter= 0 while(body[index] != '\n'): index-=1 characterCounter+=1 body = body.replace('<'+field+'>',alignMultiLine(characterCounter-1, events[matchingKey][field])) else: body = body.replace('<'+field+'>',events[matchingKey][field]) else: body = body.replace('<'+field+'>','N/A') serieFile.write(body) footer = layout[2] serieFile.write(footer) serieFile.close parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() invalidArguments = False parser.add_argument("-l", "--layout", required=True, help = "path for the layout file") parser.add_argument("-e", "--event", required=True, help = "path for the events.yaml file") parser.add_argument("-s", "--series", help = "list of the desired series") parser.add_argument("-ts", "--titleSymbol", required=True, help = "Symbol used between the title") parser.add_argument("-replace", "--replace", required=False, help = "replaces a symbol with another") parser.add_argument("-type", "--type", help = "type can be Alarm or Log, it also can be both") parser.add_argument("-outputPath", "--outputPath", required=True, help="Path where the output will be saved") parser.add_argument("-records", "--records", help="list of the desired records") parser.add_argument("-fileName", "--fileName", help="file name for the output file") parser.add_argument("-product", "--product", help="product type for filtering") parser.add_argument("-sort", "--sort", help="argument that defines if the output will be sorted") args = parser.parse_args() oldSymbol = None newSymbol = None types = [] if(args.series == None and args.records == None): invalidArguments = True print("Expected either series or records as an argument") if(args.series != None and args.product == None): invalidArguments = True print("Expected product as an argument") if(args.series != None and args.type == None): invalidArguments=True print("Expected type as an argument") if(args.replace != None): replaceItems =args.replace.split(",") oldSymbols = [] newSymbols = [] for replaceItem in replaceItems: replace = replaceItem.lstrip().split(" ") if(len(replace) == 2): oldSymbols.append(replace[0]) newSymbols.append(replace[1]) if(args.type != None): types = args.type.split(",") counter = 0 for recordtype in types: types[counter] = recordtype.lstrip().rstrip().capitalize() if(types[counter] != "Alarm" and types[counter]!= "Log"): invalidArguments = True print("Invalid type argument") counter +=1 if(args.records != None): if(args.fileName == None): invalidArguments = True print("Expected fileName as an argument") if(args.product != None): products = args.product.split(",") counter = 0 for product in products: products[counter] = product.lstrip().rstrip().lower() if(products[counter] != "openstack" and products[counter] != "starlingx"): if(products[counter] == "empty"): products[counter] = None else: print("Invalid product argument") invalidArguments= True counter +=1 if(args.sort != None): if(args.sort.upper() == 'TRUE'): sort = True else: sort = False else: sort = False if(invalidArguments == False): fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(args.layout) layout = parseLayoutFile() events = parseEventFile() if(args.records != None): recordsFile(layout,events,fileExtension, oldSymbols, newSymbols,sort) else: seriesFile(layout, events, types, fileExtension, oldSymbols, newSymbols, products,sort)