.. _index-deploy-da06a98b83b1: ========================= Deployment Configurations ========================= .. kub-begin A variety of |prod-long| deployment configuration options are supported. **All-in-one Simplex** A single physical server providing all three cloud functions (controller, worker and storage). **All-in-one Duplex (up to 50 worker nodes)** Two HA-protected physical servers, both running all three cloud functions (controller, worker and storage), optionally with up to 50 worker nodes added to the cluster. **Standard with Storage Cluster on Controller Nodes** A two node HA controller + storage node cluster, managing up to 200 worker nodes. **Standard with Storage Cluster on dedicated Storage Nodes** A two node HA controller node cluster with a 2-9 node Ceph storage cluster, managing up to 200 worker nodes. .. kub-end .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 kubernetes/index-deploy-kub-844a2a88f529