.. Greg updates required for -High Security Vulnerability Document Updates .. xvn1592596490325 .. _changing-the-admin-password-on-distributed-cloud: ============================================== Change the Admin Password on Distributed Cloud ============================================== You can change the keystone admin user password across the entire |prod-dc| system. .. rubric:: |prereq| Ensure that all subclouds are managed and online. .. rubric:: |proc| #. Change the password. #. Do one of the following to change a keystone admin user password on System Controller. - From the Horizon Web Interface, select the **RegionOne** mode, navigate to the **Identity** dashboard and click on the **Users** panel. Select **Change Password** from the **Edit** menu for the Admin user. For more information, see :ref:`RegionOne and SystemController Modes <regionone-and-systemcontroller-modes>`. - From the |CLI|: .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ openstack --os-region-name SystemController user password set Respond to the prompts to complete the process. .. include:: /shared/_includes/quotation-marks-in-keystone-password.rest #. Source the script /etc/platform/openrc if you will continue to use the environment from the previous |CLI| command. .. code-block:: none $ source /etc/platform/openrc ~(keystone_admin)]$ .. note:: In a subcloud, if the |CLI| command returns an authentication error after you source the script ``/etc/platform/openrc``, you can verify the password on the subcloud by using the :command:`env \| grep OS_PASSWORD` command . If it returns the old password, you will need to run the :command:`keyring set CGCS admin` command and provide the new admin password. .. only:: partner .. include:: /_includes/dm-credentials-on-keystone-pwds.rest