.. iru1558615665841 .. _uploading-and-applying-updates-to-systemcontroller-using-horizon: ========================================================== Upload and Apply Updates to SystemController Using Horizon ========================================================== You can upload and apply updates (patches) to the SystemController in order to update the central update repository, from the Horizon Web interface. .. rubric:: |context| If you prefer, you can use the |CLI|. For more information, see :ref:`uploading-and-applying-updates-to-systemcontroller-using-the-cli`. .. rubric:: |proc| #. Select the **SystemController** region. #. Select **Distributed Cloud Admin** \> **Software Management**. #. On the **Software Management** page, select the **Patches** tab. .. image:: figures/tmj1525095688715.png :width: 1000px #. On the **Patches** tab, click **Upload Patches**. In the **Upload Patches** dialog box, click **Browse** to select updates (patches) for upload. .. image:: figures/cah1525101473925.png #. In the dialog, click **Upload Patches**. The update is added to the Patches list in the **Available** state. .. image:: figures/uzw1525102534768.png #. Click **Apply Patch**. The state is updated to **Partial-Apply**. .. _uploading-and-applying-updates-to-systemcontroller-using-horizon-update-the-regionone: -------------------- Update the RegionOne -------------------- To fully patch the Central Cloud's RegionOne through Horizon: #. Upload and apply updates to SystemController region, for more details see :ref:`configuring-update-orchestration`. #. Update the RegionOne region: #. Change to the RegionOne region (top left drop-down menu). .. image:: figures/regionone.png #. Go to **Admin** \> **Platform** \> **Software Management** and open the **Patch Orchestration** tab. #. Select **Create Strategy**. #. Create an update strategy by specifying settings for the parameters in the **Create Strategy** dialog box. #. Click **Apply Strategy** to apply the update strategy. To update the RegionOne using the CLI see :ref:`update-orchestration-cli`. .. note:: This procedure closely resembles what is described in :ref:`configuring-update-orchestration`. The key difference lies in the necessity to preselect RegionOne. .. rubric:: |postreq| To update the software on the System Controller and subclouds, you must use the |prod-dc| Update Orchestration. For more information, see :ref:`update-orchestration-of-central-clouds-regionone-and-subclouds`.