.. _configure-rest-api-applications-and-web-administration-server-certificates-after-installation-6816457ab95f: ========================================================================= Configure REST API Applications and Web Administration Server certificate ========================================================================= .. rubric:: |context| |prod| provides support for secure HTTPS external connections used for StarlingX REST API application endpoints (Keystone, Barbican and StarlingX) and the |prod| web administration server. By default, HTTPS access to StarlingX REST and Web Server endpoints is disabled. They are accessible via HTTP only. To enable secure HTTPS access, an x509 certificate and key must be configured. You can update the certificate used for HTTPS access at any time. To configure or update the HTTPS certificate for the StarlingX REST API and Web Server endpoints, create a certificate named ``system-restapi-gui-certificate`` in the ``deployment`` namespace. The ``secretName`` attribute of this certificate's spec must also be named ``system-restapi-gui-certificate``. See the example procedure below for creating the certificate for the StarlingX REST API and Web Server endpoints. Update the following fields: * The ``duration`` and ``renewBefore`` dates for the expiry and renewal times you desire. The system will automatically renew and re-install the certificate. .. include:: /shared/_includes/recommended-renewbefore-value-for-certificates-c929cf42b03b.rest * The ``subject`` fields to identify your particular system. * The ``ipAddresses`` with the |OAM| Floating IP Address for this system. * The ``dnsNames`` with any |FQDN| names configured for this system in an external DNS server. .. note:: If you plan to use the container-based remote CLIs, due to a limitation in the Python2 SSL certificate validation, the certificate used for the ``system-restapi-gui-certificate`` certificate must either have: - CN=IPADDRESS and SANs=IPADDRESS or - CN=FQDN and SANs=FQDN where IPADDRESS and FQDN are for the |OAM| Floating IP Address. .. rubric:: |proc| #. Create the REST API certificate yaml configuration file. .. code-block:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ cat <<EOF > restapi-certificate.yaml --- apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1 kind: Certificate metadata: name: system-restapi-gui-certificate namespace: deployment spec: secretName: system-restapi-gui-certificate issuerRef: name: system-local-ca kind: ClusterIssuer duration: 2160h # 90 days renewBefore: 360h # 15 days commonName: < oam floating IP Address or FQDN > subject: organizations: - ABC-Company organizationalUnits: - StarlingX-system-restapi-gui ipAddresses: - < oam floating IP address > dnsNames: - < oam floating FQDN > EOF #. Apply the configuration. .. code-block:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl apply -f restapi-certificate.yaml #. Verify the configuration. .. code-block:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl get certificate system-restapi-gui-certificate -n deployment If configuration was successful, the certificate's Ready status will be ``True``. .. rubric:: |result| The REST and Web Server certificate installation is now complete, and Cert-Manager will handle the lifecycle management of the certificate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limitations for using IPv6 addresses related to management and OAM networks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. include:: /shared/_includes/cert-mgmt-ipv6-address-limitation-1a4504370674.rest