.. ngo1596216203295 .. _install-vault: ============= Install Vault ============= Vault is packaged as a system application and is managed using :command:`system application`, and :command:`system helm-override` commands. .. rubric:: |context| .. note:: Vault requires a storage backend with PVC enabled (for example, Ceph). To install Vault, use the following procedure: .. rubric:: |proc| #. Locate the Vault tarball in ``/usr/local/share/applications/helm``. For example, ``/usr/local/share/applications/helm/vault-<version>.tgz``. #. Upload Vault, using the following command: .. code-block:: none $ system application-upload ``/usr/local/share/applications/helm/vault-<version>.tgz`` Replace the <version> with appropriate version number. #. Verify the Vault tarball has been uploaded. .. code-block:: none $ system application-list #. Apply the Vault application. .. code-block:: none $ system application-apply vault #. Monitor the status. .. code-block:: none $ watch -n 5 system application-list or .. code-block:: none $ watch kubectl get pods -n vault It takes a few minutes for all the pods to start and for Vault-manager to initialize the cluster. The default configuration for the installed Vault application is: **Vault-manager** Runs as a statefulset, replica count of 1 **Vault-agent-injector** Runs as a deployment, replica count of 1 **Vault** Runs as statefulset, replica count is 1 on systems with fewer than 3 nodes, replica count is 3 on systems with 3 or more nodes For more information, see :ref:`Configure Vault <configure-vault>`.