Many bash functions are duplicated across scripts. This commit consolidates them on one file for more efficient managment. Some incidental updates were made: - set default start date in pickCompare to today-9 months instead of 2020-01-01. This reduces clutter when selecting authors and stale gerrits in output. - fix a routine used by normalize-includes Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <ronald.stone@windriver.com> Change-Id: Ifd64e38fbe4324c7d6b4eccb725ef3d8367f6578
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55 lines
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declare RED='\033[0;31m'
declare GR='\033[0;32m'
declare NC='\033[0m'
# Output functions. Colorize various types of messages.
message () { echo -e "$@" 1>&2; }
confirmation () { message $GR$@$NC; }
warn () { message $RED$@$NC; }
error () { message $RED$@$NC; exit 1; }
# Check for and exit if file dependancies are not met. Takes a list of full or
# relative paths.
check_file_deps () {
for filereq in $@
if [ ! -f "${filereq}" ] && [ ! -L "${filereq}" ]; then error "${filereq} not found. Quiting."; exit 1; fi
# Check for and exit if command dependancies are not met. Takes a list of
# executables.
check_util_deps () {
for dep in $@
if ! hash $dep 2>/dev/null; then
error >&2 "... $dep dependency not met. Please install."
exit 1
# Creates an rST title over/underscore string of the same length
# as the argument. Section strings are not supported. Returned output
# is a sequence of equal signs (=).
make_strike () {
local _title="$1"
local _strike
_strike=$(for ((i=1; i<=${#_title}; i++)); do
printf '=%.0s' "$i"
echo $_strike
# Trim leading and trailing whitespaces from string.
trimspaces () {
local _s=$1
echo $_s
declare utils_loaded=1 |