Ron Stone 334a73686b Hide empty rows (r8, r7, r6, r5)
Strip empty rows from HTML output tables. Max width 10 columns.
|hide-empty-rows| must be present in corresponding rst file.

This is a post-build clean-up step for tables with conditional
content that renders as empty rows.

Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <>
Change-Id: Ia65cc0a945d0ed8955c2a5d9bb68649d2280d27d
2023-11-03 13:31:21 +00:00

76 lines
1.8 KiB

.. Common string substitutions for brand customization and consistency.
.. NOTE: Do not use underscores in these substitution names.
.. For more information, see
.. Load vendor-specific strings
.. include:: /_vendor/vendor_strings.txt
.. Load abbreviations list
.. include:: /shared/abbrevs.txt
.. Load scoped product information
.. include:: /_this.txt
.. Load custom roles
.. include:: /shared/roles.txt
.. Task-oriented headings that should not appear in TOC
.. These are used with the .. rubric:: directive. For example:
.. .. rubric:: |postreq|
.. |context| replace:: About this task
.. |prereq| replace:: Prerequisites
.. |proc| replace:: Procedure
.. |postreq| replace:: Postrequisites
.. |result| replace:: Results
.. |eg| replace:: Example
.. Common version numbers
.. |kube-ver| replace:: 1.23.1
.. File-level minitoc label. Used with .. contents:: directive, as in
.. .. contents:: |minitoc|
.. :depth: 1
.. |minitoc| replace:: **In this section:**
.. Table row alternation inline override. Alternation styling is confused
.. by spans. Applies to all tables in an rST file.
.. |row-alt-off| raw:: html
<style>table.docutils tr.row-odd {background-color: #fff;}</style>
.. |html-comment| raw:: html
.. |html-pipe| raw:: html
.. Supress substring on per-page basis. Use in conjuction with
.. :hideable:`don't show this` text.
.. |hideable| raw:: html
.hideable {
.. |optional| replace:: **Optional step:**
.. Flag to mark an output html file for post-build step to hide empty rows
in tables. This is mostly useful where some rows are conditionalized.
.. |hide-empty-rows| raw:: html
<!-- post-build-hide-empty-table-rows -->