"include_suppress (Optional)", "query", "xsd:boolean", "This optional parameter when set to true (include_suppress=true) specifies to include suppressed alarms in output."
"expand (Optional)", "query", "xsd:boolean", "This optional parameter when set to true (expand=true) specifies that the response should contains the same response parameters as when querying for a specific alarm."
"ialarms (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:list", "The list of active alarms based on the specified query."
"alarm_id (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The alarm ID; each type of alarm has a unique ID. Note the alarm_id and the entity_instance_id uniquely identify an alarm instance."
"entity_instance_id (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The instance of the object raising alarm. A . separated list of sub-entity-type=instance-value pairs, representing the containment structure of the overall entity instance. Note the alarm_id and the entity_instance_id uniquely identify an alarm instance."
"reason_text (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The text description of the alarm."
"severity (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The severity of the alarm; ``critical``, ``major``, ``minor``, or ``warning``."
"timestamp (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:dateTime", "The time in UTC at which the alarm has last been updated."
"uuid (Optional)", "plain", "csapi:UUID", "The unique identifier of the alarm."
"alarm_id (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The alarm ID; each type of alarm has a unique ID. Note the alarm_id and the entity_instance_id uniquely identify an alarm instance."
"entity_instance_id (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The instance of the object raising alarm. A . separated list of sub-entity-type=instance-value pairs, representing the containment structure of the overall entity instance. Note the alarm_id and the entity_instance_id uniquely identify an alarm instance."
"reason_text (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The text description of the alarm."
"severity (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The severity of the alarm; ``critical``, ``major``, ``minor``, or ``warning``."
"timestamp (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:dateTime", "The time in UTC at which the alarm has last been updated."
"uuid (Optional)", "plain", "csapi:UUID", "The unique identifier of the alarm."
"alarm_state (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The state of the alarm; ``set`` or ``clear``"
"service_affecting (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "Indicates whether the alarm affects the service."
"proposed_repair_action (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The proposed action to clear the alarm."
"alarm_type (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The type of the alarm."
"entity_type_id (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The type of the object raising the alarm. A . separated list of sub-entity-type, representing the containment structure of the overall entity type."
"probable_cause (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The probable cause of the alarm."
"suppression (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "Indicates whether suppression of the specific alarm is allowed."
"uuid (Optional)", "plain", "csapi:UUID", "The universally unique identifier for this object."
"links (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:list", "For convenience, resources contain links to themselves. This allows a client to easily obtain rather than construct resource URIs. The following types of link relations are associated with resources: a self link containing a versioned link to the resource, and a bookmark link containing a permanent link to a resource that is appropriate for long term storage."
"created_at (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:dateTime", "The time when the object was created."
"updated_at (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:dateTime", "The time when the object was last updated."
"alarm_state": "set",
"service_affecting": "True",
"proposed_repair_action": "contact next level of support",
"include_suppress (Optional)", "query", "xsd:boolean", "This optional parameter when set to true (include_suppress=true) specifies to include suppressed alarms in the summations (default false)."
"q (Optional)", "query", "xsd:list", "This parameter specifies filter rules for the logs to be returned."
"limit (Optional)", "query", "xsd:int", "This parameter specifies the maximum number of event logs to be returned."
"alarms (Optional)", "query", "xsd:boolean", "This optional parameter when set to true (alarms=true) specifies that only alarm event log records should be returned."
"logs (Optional)", "query", "xsd:boolean", "This optional parameter when set to true (logs=true) specifies that only customer log records should be returned."
"include_suppress (Optional)", "query", "xsd:boolean", "This optional parameter when set to true (include_suppress=true) specifies to include suppressed alarms in output."
"expand (Optional)", "query", "xsd:boolean", "This optional parameter when set to true (expand=true) specifies that the response should contains the same response parameters as when querying for a specific event log."
"event_log (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:list", "The list of events log based on the specified query."
"event_log_id (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The event log ID; each type of event log has a unique ID. Note the event_log_id and the entity_instance_id uniquely identify an event log instance."
"state (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The state of the event; ``set``, ``clear`` or ``log``"
"entity_instance_id (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The instance of the object generating the event log. A . separated list of sub-entity-type=instance-value pairs, representing the containment structure of the overall entity instance. Note the event_log_id and the entity_instance_id uniquely identify an event log instance."
"reason_text (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The text description of the event log."
"severity (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The severity of the event log; ``critical``, ``major``, ``minor`` or ``warning``."
"timestamp (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:dateTime", "The time in UTC at which the event log has last been updated."
"uuid (Optional)", "plain", "csapi:UUID", "The unique identifier of the event log."
"next (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The next attribute is the request to use to get the next n items. It is used to paginate the event log list."
"event_log_id (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The event log ID; each type of event log has a unique ID. Note the event_log_id and the entity_instance_id uniquely identify an event log instance."
"state (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The state of the event; ``set``, ``clear`` or ``log``"
"entity_instance_id (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The instance of the object generating the event log. A . separated list of sub-entity-type=instance-value pairs, representing the containment structure of the overall entity instance. Note the event_log_id and the entity_instance_id uniquely identify an event log instance."
"reason_text (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The text description of the event log."
"severity (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The severity of the event log; ``critical``, ``major``, ``minor`` or ``warning``."
"timestamp (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:dateTime", "The time in UTC at which the event log has last been updated."
"uuid (Optional)", "plain", "csapi:UUID", "The unique identifier of the event log."
"next (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The next attribute is the request to use to get the next n items. It is used to paginate the event log list."
"uuid (Optional)", "plain", "csapi:UUID", "The universally unique identifier for this object."
"links (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:list", "For convenience, resources contain links to themselves. This allows a client to easily obtain rather than construct resource URIs. The following types of link relations are associated with resources: a self link containing a versioned link to the resource, and a bookmark link containing a permanent link to a resource that is appropriate for long term storage."
"created_at (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:dateTime", "The time when the object was created."
"updated_at (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:dateTime", "The time when the object was last updated."
"event_suppression (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:list", "The list of suppressed event types."
"alarm_id (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The alarm ID type (event ID type) that can be suppressed or unsuppressed."
"description (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The text description of the event type."
"suppression_status (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The suppression status for the event ID type; ``suppressed`` or ``unsuppressed``"
"uuid (Optional)", "plain", "csapi:UUID", "The universally unique identifier for this object."
"links (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:list", "For convenience, resources contain links to themselves. This allows a client to easily obtain rather than construct resource URIs. The following types of link relations are associated with resources: a self link containing a versioned link to the resource, and a bookmark link containing a permanent link to a resource that is appropriate for long term storage."
"created_at (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:dateTime", "The time when the object was created."
"updated_at (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:dateTime", "The time when the object was last updated."
"description":"Platform CPU threshold exceeded; threshold x%, actual y% .",
"event_suppression (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:list", "URIs to the modified event suppression."
"alarm_id (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The alarm ID type (event ID type) that can be suppressed or unsuppressed."
"description (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The text description of the event type."
"suppression_status (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:string", "The suppression status for the event ID type; ``suppressed`` or ``unsuppressed``"
"uuid (Optional)", "plain", "csapi:UUID", "The universally unique identifier for this object."
"links (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:list", "For convenience, resources contain links to themselves. This allows a client to easily obtain rather than construct resource URIs. The following types of link relations are associated with resources: a self link containing a versioned link to the resource, and a bookmark link containing a permanent link to a resource that is appropriate for long term storage."
"created_at (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:dateTime", "The time when the object was created."
"updated_at (Optional)", "plain", "xsd:dateTime", "The time when the object was last updated."
"description":"Service group loss of redundancy; expected <num> standby member<s> but only <num> standby member<s> available.ORService group loss of redundancy; expected <num> standby member<s> but only <num> standby member<s> available.ORService group loss of redu ...",