diff --git a/.zuul.yaml b/.zuul.yaml index 9acdf138..4bcb0ae8 100644 --- a/.zuul.yaml +++ b/.zuul.yaml @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ jobs: - openstack-tox-linters - openstack-tox-pep8 + - fault-tox-pylint - stx-fault-build - fault-rest-api-py27 - fault-rest-api-py36 @@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ jobs: - openstack-tox-linters - openstack-tox-pep8 + - fault-tox-pylint - fault-rest-api-py27 - fault-rest-api-py36 post: @@ -81,6 +83,16 @@ tox_envlist: py36 tox_extra_args: -c fm-rest-api/fm/tox.ini +- job: + name: fault-tox-pylint + parent: tox + description: | + Run pylint for python files in fault + required-projects: + - starlingx/config + vars: + tox_envlist: pylint + - job: name: stx-fault-upload-git-mirror parent: upload-git-mirror diff --git a/fm-api/fm_api/fm_api.py b/fm-api/fm_api/fm_api.py index d2cd34d8..0da0b7b6 100755 --- a/fm-api/fm_api/fm_api.py +++ b/fm-api/fm_api/fm_api.py @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import copy from . import constants import six -import fm_core +import fm_core # pylint: disable=import-error import threading fm_api_lock = threading.Lock() diff --git a/pylint.rc b/pylint.rc new file mode 100755 index 00000000..9acd1ce2 --- /dev/null +++ b/pylint.rc @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +[MASTER] +# Specify a configuration file. +rcfile=pylint.rc + +# Python code to execute, usually for sys.path manipulation such as +# pygtk.require(). +#init-hook= + +# Add files or directories to the blacklist. Should be base names, not paths. +ignore= + +# Pickle collected data for later comparisons. +persistent=yes + +# List of plugins (as comma separated values of python modules names) to load, +# usually to register additional checkers. +load-plugins= + +# Use multiple processes to speed up Pylint. +jobs=4 + +# Allow loading of arbitrary C extensions. Extensions are imported into the +# active Python interpreter and may run arbitrary code. +unsafe-load-any-extension=no + +# A comma-separated list of package or module names from where C extensions may +# be loaded. Extensions are loading into the active Python interpreter and may +# run arbitrary code +extension-pkg-whitelist=lxml.etree,greenlet + + + +[MESSAGES CONTROL] +# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can +# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option +# multiple time. +#enable= + +# Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You +# can either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option +# multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where +# it should appear only once). +# See "Messages Control" section of +# https://pylint.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide +# We are disabling (C)onvention +# We are disabling (R)efactor +# We are selectively disabling (W)arning +# W0102 dangerous-default-value +# W0106 expression-not-assigned +# W0107 unnecessary-pass +# W0110 deprecated-lambda +# W0201 attribute-defined-outside-init +# W0212 protected-access +# W0221 arguments-differ +# W0223 abstract-method +# W0231 super-init-not-called +# W0235 useless-super-delegation +# W0311 bad-indentation +# W0403 relative-import (this needs to be fixed in py3) +# W0603 global-statement +# W0612 unused-variable +# W0613 unused-argument +# W0621 redefined-outer-name +# W0622 redefined-builtin +# W0703 broad-except +# W1401 anomalous-backslash-in-string +# E are error codes +# E0604 invalid-all-object +# E1101 no-member +# E1102 not-callable +# E1120 no-value-for-parameter +# E1121 too-many-function-args +disable=C, R, fixme, + W0102,W0106,W0107,W0110,W0201,W0212,W0221,W0223,W0231,W0235, + W0311,W0403,W0603,W0612,W0613,W0621,W0622,W0703,W1401, + E0604,E1101,E1102,E1120,E1121 + +[REPORTS] +# Set the output format. Available formats are text, parseable, colorized, msvs +# (visual studio) and html +output-format=text + +# Put messages in a separate file for each module / package specified on the +# command line instead of printing them on stdout. Reports (if any) will be +# written in a file name "pylint_global.[txt|html]". +files-output=no + +# Tells whether to display a full report or only the messages +reports=yes + +# Python expression which should return a note less than 10 (10 is the highest +# note). You have access to the variables errors warning, statement which +# respectively contain the number of errors / warnings messages and the total +# number of statements analyzed. This is used by the global evaluation report +# (RP0004). +evaluation=10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + convention) / statement) * 10) + + +[SIMILARITIES] +# Minimum lines number of a similarity. +min-similarity-lines=4 + +# Ignore comments when computing similarities. +ignore-comments=yes + +# Ignore docstrings when computing similarities. +ignore-docstrings=yes + + +[FORMAT] +# Maximum number of characters on a single line. +max-line-length=85 + +# Maximum number of lines in a module +max-module-lines=1000 + +# String used as indentation unit. This is usually 4 spaces or "\t" (1 tab). +indent-string=' ' + + +[TYPECHECK] +# Tells whether missing members accessed in mixin class should be ignored. A +# mixin class is detected if its name ends with "mixin" (case insensitive). +ignore-mixin-members=yes + +# List of module names for which member attributes should not be checked +# (useful for modules/projects where namespaces are manipulated during runtime +# and thus existing member attributes cannot be deduced by static analysis +ignored-modules=distutils,eventlet.green.subprocess,six,six.moves + +# List of classes names for which member attributes should not be checked +# (useful for classes with attributes dynamically set). +# pylint is confused by sqlalchemy Table, as well as sqlalchemy Enum types +# ie: (unprovisioned, identity) +# LookupDict in requests library confuses pylint +ignored-classes=SQLObject, optparse.Values, thread._local, _thread._local, + Table, unprovisioned, identity, LookupDict + +# List of members which are set dynamically and missed by pylint inference +# system, and so shouldn't trigger E0201 when accessed. Python regular +# expressions are accepted. +generated-members=REQUEST,acl_users,aq_parent + + +[BASIC] +# List of builtins function names that should not be used, separated by a comma +bad-functions=map,filter,apply,input + +# Regular expression which should only match correct module names +module-rgx=(([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)|([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+))$ + +# Regular expression which should only match correct module level names +const-rgx=(([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$ + +# Regular expression which should only match correct class names +class-rgx=[A-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]+$ + +# Regular expression which should only match correct function names +function-rgx=[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$ + +# Regular expression which should only match correct method names +method-rgx=[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$ + +# Regular expression which should only match correct instance attribute names +attr-rgx=[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$ + +# Regular expression which should only match correct argument names +argument-rgx=[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$ + +# Regular expression which should only match correct variable names +variable-rgx=[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$ + +# Regular expression which should only match correct list comprehension / +# generator expression variable names +inlinevar-rgx=[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$ + +# Good variable names which should always be accepted, separated by a comma +good-names=i,j,k,ex,Run,_ + +# Bad variable names which should always be refused, separated by a comma +bad-names=foo,bar,baz,toto,tutu,tata + +# Regular expression which should only match functions or classes name which do +# not require a docstring +no-docstring-rgx=__.*__ + + +[MISCELLANEOUS] +# List of note tags to take in consideration, separated by a comma. +notes=FIXME,XXX,TODO + + +[VARIABLES] +# Tells whether we should check for unused import in __init__ files. +init-import=no + +# A regular expression matching the beginning of the name of dummy variables +# (i.e. not used). +dummy-variables-rgx=_|dummy + +# List of additional names supposed to be defined in builtins. Remember that +# you should avoid to define new builtins when possible. +additional-builtins= + + +[IMPORTS] +# Deprecated modules which should not be used, separated by a comma +deprecated-modules=regsub,string,TERMIOS,Bastion,rexec + +# Create a graph of every (i.e. internal and external) dependencies in the +# given file (report RP0402 must not be disabled) +import-graph= + +# Create a graph of external dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must +# not be disabled) +ext-import-graph= + +# Create a graph of internal dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must +# not be disabled) +int-import-graph= + + +[DESIGN] +# Maximum number of arguments for function / method +max-args=5 + +# Argument names that match this expression will be ignored. Default to name +# with leading underscore +ignored-argument-names=_.* + +# Maximum number of locals for function / method body +max-locals=15 + +# Maximum number of return / yield for function / method body +max-returns=6 + +# Maximum number of branch for function / method body +max-branchs=12 + +# Maximum number of statements in function / method body +max-statements=50 + +# Maximum number of parents for a class (see R0901). +max-parents=7 + +# Maximum number of attributes for a class (see R0902). +max-attributes=7 + +# Minimum number of public methods for a class (see R0903). +min-public-methods=2 + +# Maximum number of public methods for a class (see R0904). +max-public-methods=20 + + +[CLASSES] +# List of method names used to declare (i.e. assign) instance attributes. +defining-attr-methods=__init__,__new__,setUp + +# List of valid names for the first argument in a class method. +valid-classmethod-first-arg=cls + + +[EXCEPTIONS] +# Exceptions that will emit a warning when being caught. Defaults to +# "Exception" +overgeneral-exceptions=Exception diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ccc829ca --- /dev/null +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +httplib2 +keystoneauth1 +keystonemiddleware +oslo.config +oslo.db +oslo.log +oslo.policy +oslo.service +oslo.utils +oslo.versionedobjects +pecan +prettytable +pyOpenSSL +SQLAlchemy +WSME diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt index 21c49e2f..8f1b9382 100644 --- a/test-requirements.txt +++ b/test-requirements.txt @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ hacking!=0.13.0,<0.14,>=0.12.0 bashate >= 0.2 +mock PyYAML >= 3.1.0 yamllint >= 0.5.2 #spec_cleaner>=1.0.9 diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini index 875d9873..17cf525c 100644 --- a/tox.ini +++ b/tox.ini @@ -1,11 +1,13 @@ [tox] -envlist = linters,pep8,rpm-packaging-lint +envlist = linters,pep8,pylint,rpm-packaging-lint minversion = 2.3 skipsdist = True stxdir = {toxinidir}/../ [testenv] -install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages} +install_command = pip install \ + -chttps://opendev.org/openstack/requirements/raw/branch/stable/stein/upper-constraints.txt \ + {opts} {packages} setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir} OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 @@ -17,9 +19,6 @@ basepython = python3 setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir} LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 -install_command = pip install -U \ - -c{env:UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE:https://opendev.org/openstack/requirements/raw/branch/stable/stein/upper-constraints.txt} \ - {opts} {packages} deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt whitelist_externals = bash commands = @@ -51,6 +50,23 @@ commands = -o -type f -name '*.yaml' \ -print0 | xargs -0 yamllint -d '\{extends: relaxed, rules: \{line-length: \{max: 260\}\}\}'" +[testenv:pylint] +basepython = python2.7 +sitepackages = False + +deps = {[testenv]deps} + -e{toxinidir}/../config/tsconfig/tsconfig + -e{toxinidir}/../config/sysinv/cgts-client/cgts-client + -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt + pylint + +commands = pylint {posargs} --rcfile=./pylint.rc \ + fm-api/fm_api \ + fm-common/sources/fm_db_sync_event_suppression.py \ + fm-rest-api/fm/fm \ + python-fmclient/fmclient/fmclient + + #### # Add flake8 as pep8 codestyle check. [testenv:pep8]