// // Copyright (c) 2014 Wind River Systems, Inc. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // #include "fmAPI.h" #include "fmAlarmUtils.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <string> void error(const char *add = "") { printf("%s\n", add); exit(-1); } void ok(const char *s = "") { printf("Ok\n%s%s", s, strlen(s) != 0 ? "\n" : ""); exit(0); } void ok(fm_uuid_t *uuid) { return ok(*uuid); } void create_alarm(const char *al) { SFmAlarmDataT alarm; EFmErrorT rc; memset(&alarm, 0, sizeof(alarm)); if (!fm_alarm_from_string(al, &alarm)) { error("Invalid alarm string.."); } // clear uuid and let it be set by fm-mgr memset(alarm.uuid, 0, sizeof(*alarm.uuid)); fm_uuid_t uuid; if ((rc = fm_set_fault(&alarm, &uuid)) != FM_ERR_OK) { std::string errstr = fm_error_from_int(rc); error(errstr.c_str()); } ok(&uuid); } void delete_alarms(const char *id) { fm_ent_inst_t inst_id; EFmErrorT rc; memset(inst_id, 0, sizeof(inst_id)); strncpy(inst_id, id, sizeof(inst_id) - 1); if ((rc = fm_clear_all(&inst_id)) != FM_ERR_OK) { std::string errstr = fm_error_from_int(rc); error(errstr.c_str()); } ok(); } void delete_alarm(const char *f) { AlarmFilter af; EFmErrorT rc; memset(&af, 0, sizeof(af)); if (!fm_alarm_filter_from_string(f, &af)) { error("Invalid alarm filter"); } if ((rc = fm_clear_fault(&af)) != FM_ERR_OK) { std::string errstr = fm_error_from_int(rc); error(errstr.c_str()); } ok(); } void get_alarm(const char *f) { AlarmFilter af; EFmErrorT rc; memset(&af, 0, sizeof(af)); if (!fm_alarm_filter_from_string(f, &af)) { error("Invalid alarm filter"); } SFmAlarmDataT ad; memset(&ad, 0, sizeof(ad)); if ((rc = fm_get_fault(&af, &ad)) != FM_ERR_OK) { std::string errstr = fm_error_from_int(rc); error(errstr.c_str()); } std::string s; fm_alarm_to_string(&ad, s); ok(s.c_str()); } void get_alarms(const char *id) { fm_ent_inst_t inst_id; EFmErrorT rc; memset(inst_id, 0, sizeof(inst_id)); strncpy(inst_id, id, sizeof(inst_id) - 1); unsigned int max_alarms = 500; SFmAlarmDataT *p = (SFmAlarmDataT*) \ malloc(max_alarms * sizeof(SFmAlarmDataT)); if (p == NULL) error("Not enough memory..."); if ((rc = fm_get_faults(&inst_id, p, &max_alarms)) != FM_ERR_OK) { free(p); std::string errstr = fm_error_from_int(rc); error(errstr.c_str()); } printf("Ok\n"); size_t ix = 0; for ( ; ix < max_alarms; ++ix ) { std::string a; fm_alarm_to_string(p + ix, a); printf("%s\n", a.c_str()); } free(p); exit(0); } void get_alarms_by_id(const char *id) { fm_alarm_id alm_id; EFmErrorT rc; memset(alm_id, 0, sizeof(alm_id)); strncpy(alm_id, id, sizeof(alm_id) - 1); unsigned int max_alarms = 500; SFmAlarmDataT *p = (SFmAlarmDataT*)malloc(max_alarms*sizeof(SFmAlarmDataT)); if (p == NULL) error("Not enough memory..."); if ((rc = fm_get_faults_by_id(&alm_id, p, &max_alarms)) != FM_ERR_OK) { free(p); std::string errstr = fm_error_from_int(rc); error(errstr.c_str()); } printf("Ok\n"); size_t ix = 0; for ( ; ix < max_alarms; ++ix ) { std::string a; fm_alarm_to_string(p + ix, a); printf("%s\n", a.c_str()); } free(p); exit(0); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; if (argc < 3) { error("Wrong arguments"); } while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:d:D:g:G:A:"))) { switch (c) { case 'c': create_alarm(optarg); break; case 'd': delete_alarm(optarg); break; case 'D': delete_alarms(optarg); break; case 'g': get_alarm(optarg); break; case 'G': get_alarms(optarg); break; case 'A': get_alarms_by_id(optarg); break; default: error("Invalid option..."); break; } } return 0; }