// // Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fmLog.h" #include "fmAPI.h" #include "fmTime.h" #include "fmAlarmUtils.h" #include "fmDbUtils.h" #include "fmDb.h" #include "fmConstants.h" #include "fmThread.h" CFmDBSession::CFmDBSession() { m_conn.uri = NULL; m_conn.pgconn = NULL; m_conn.status = DB_DISCONNECTED; } CFmDBSession::~CFmDBSession() { if (m_conn.pgconn != NULL){ PQfinish(m_conn.pgconn); } } bool CFmDBSession::connect(const char *uri){ const char *val = NULL; PGconn *pgconn = NULL; size_t retries = 30, count = 0, my_sleep = 2; //2 seconds while (count < retries){ /* Make a connection to the database */ pgconn = PQconnectdb(uri); /* Check to see that the backend connection was successfully made */ if ((pgconn == NULL) || (PQstatus(pgconn) != CONNECTION_OK)){ FM_INFO_LOG("failed to connected to DB: (%s), retry (%d of %d) ", uri, count+1, retries); if (pgconn != NULL) { FM_INFO_LOG("Postgress error message: (%s).", PQerrorMessage(pgconn)); PQfinish(pgconn); } sleep(my_sleep); count++; }else { break; } } if (count == retries) return false; m_conn.status = DB_CONNECTED; m_conn.pgconn = pgconn; m_conn.uri = uri; val = get_parameter_status("standard_conforming_strings"); m_conn.equote = (val && (0 == strcmp("off", val))); m_conn.server_version = PQserverVersion(m_conn.pgconn); m_conn.protocol = PQprotocolVersion(m_conn.pgconn); m_conn.encoding = get_parameter_status("client_encoding"); return true; } bool CFmDBSession::check_conn(){ if (PQstatus(m_conn.pgconn) != CONNECTION_OK) { FM_ERROR_LOG("DB connection NOT OK\n"); disconnect(); return connect(m_conn.uri); } return true; } void CFmDBSession::disconnect(){ if (m_conn.pgconn != NULL){ PQfinish(m_conn.pgconn); } if (m_conn.status == DB_CONNECTED){ m_conn.status = DB_DISCONNECTED; } } const char * CFmDBSession::get_parameter_status(const char *param){ return PQparameterStatus(m_conn.pgconn, param); } bool CFmDBSession::query(const char *db_cmd,fm_db_result_t & result) { PGresult *res; int nfields, ntuples, i, j; if (check_conn() == false){ FM_ERROR_LOG("Failed to reconnect: %s", PQerrorMessage(m_conn.pgconn)); return false; } res = PQexec(m_conn.pgconn, db_cmd); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK){ FM_ERROR_LOG("Status:(%s)\n", PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(res))); FM_ERROR_LOG("Failed to execute (%s) (%s)", db_cmd, PQresultErrorMessage(res)); PQclear(res); return false; } nfields = PQnfields(res); ntuples = PQntuples(res); FM_DEBUG_LOG("Execute cmd:(%s) OK, entries found: (%u)\n", db_cmd, ntuples); for (i = 0; i < ntuples; ++i){ fm_db_single_result_t single_result; for (j =0; j < nfields; ++j){ char * key = PQfname(res, j); char * value = PQgetvalue(res, i, j); single_result[key] = value; } result.push_back(single_result); } PQclear(res); return true; } // return value: -1: if there is PQ operation failure // 0: if cmd success and check_row == false // row: row number if cmd success and check_row == true int CFmDBSession::cmd(const char *db_cmd, bool check_row){ PGresult *res; int rc = -1; if (check_conn() == false){ FM_ERROR_LOG("Failed to reconnect: %s", PQerrorMessage(m_conn.pgconn)); return rc; } res = PQexec(m_conn.pgconn, db_cmd); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { FM_ERROR_LOG("Status:(%s)\n", PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(res))); FM_ERROR_LOG("Failed to execute (%s) (%s)", db_cmd, PQresultErrorMessage(res)); } else if (check_row){ rc = atoi(PQcmdTuples(res)); FM_DEBUG_LOG("SQL command returned successful: %d rows affected.\n", rc); } else { rc = 0; } PQclear(res); return rc; } bool CFmDBSession::params_cmd(fm_db_util_sql_params & sql_params){ PGresult *res, *last_res; bool rc = true; if (check_conn() == false){ FM_ERROR_LOG("Failed to reconnect: %s", PQerrorMessage(m_conn.pgconn)); return false; } res = PQexecParams(m_conn.pgconn, sql_params.db_cmd.c_str(), sql_params.n_params, NULL,(const char* const*)&(sql_params.param_values[0]), (const int*)&(sql_params.param_lengths[0]), (const int*)&(sql_params.param_format[0]), 1); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { FM_ERROR_LOG("Status:(%s)\n", PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(res))); FM_ERROR_LOG("Failed to execute (%s) (%s)", sql_params.db_cmd.c_str(), PQresultErrorMessage(res)); rc = false; } if (rc){ while ((last_res=PQgetResult(m_conn.pgconn)) != NULL){ if (PQstatus(m_conn.pgconn) == CONNECTION_BAD){ FM_INFO_LOG("POSTGRES DB connection is bad."); PQclear(last_res); break; } FM_INFO_LOG("Waiting for POSTGRES command to finish: (%d)", PQresultStatus(last_res)); PQclear(last_res); fmThreadSleep(10); } int row = atoi(PQcmdTuples(res)); FM_DEBUG_LOG("SQL command returned successful: %d rows affected.", row); if (row < 1) { rc = false; FM_ERROR_LOG("SQL command returned successful, but no row affected."); } } PQclear(res); return rc; }