# # Copyright (c) 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Python3 compatibility from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import yaml import constants # Record Format (for full description see events.yaml) # # 100.001: # Type: Alarm # Description: "Degrade: <hostname> is experiencing an intermittent 'Management Network' communication failure." # Entity_Instance_ID: host=<hostname> # Severity: critical # Proposed_Repair_Action: "Check Host's board management configuration and connectivity." # Maintenance_Action: auto recover # Inhibit_Alarms: True # Alarm_Type: operational-violation # Probable_Cause: timing-problem # Service_Affecting: False # Suppression: True # Management_Affecting_Severity: warning # Degrade_Affecting_Severity: none # type_FieldName = 'Type' type_FieldValue_Alarm = 'Alarm' type_FieldValues = [type_FieldValue_Alarm, 'Log'] description_FieldName = 'Description' description_FieldValues = [] # arbitrary string entityInstanceId_FieldName = 'Entity_Instance_ID' entityInstanceId_FieldValues = [] # arbitrary string severity_FieldName = 'Severity' severity_FieldValues = constants.ALARM_SEVERITY proposedRepairAction_FieldName = 'Proposed_Repair_Action' proposedRepairAction_FieldValues = [] # arbitrary string maintenanceAction_FieldName = 'Maintenance_Action' maintenanceAction_FieldValues = [] # arbitrary string inhibitAlarms_FieldName = 'Inhibit_Alarms' inhibitAlarms_FieldValues = [True, False] alarmType_FieldName = 'Alarm_Type' alarmType_FieldValues = constants.ALARM_TYPE probableCause_FieldName = 'Probable_Cause' probableCause_FieldValues = constants.ALARM_PROBABLE_CAUSE serviceAffecting_FieldName = 'Service_Affecting' serviceAffecting_FieldValues = [True, False] suppression_FieldName = 'Suppression' suppression_FieldValues = [True, False] managementAffectingSeverity_FieldName = 'Management_Affecting_Severity' managementAffectingSeverity_FieldValues = constants.ALARM_SEVERITY.append('none') degradeAffecting_FieldName = 'Degrade_Affecting_Severity' degradeAffecting_FieldValues = constants.ALARM_SEVERITY.append('none') alarmFields = { type_FieldName: type_FieldValues, description_FieldName: description_FieldValues, entityInstanceId_FieldName: entityInstanceId_FieldValues, severity_FieldName: severity_FieldValues, proposedRepairAction_FieldName: proposedRepairAction_FieldValues, maintenanceAction_FieldName: maintenanceAction_FieldValues, inhibitAlarms_FieldName: inhibitAlarms_FieldValues, alarmType_FieldName: alarmType_FieldValues, probableCause_FieldName: probableCause_FieldValues, serviceAffecting_FieldName: serviceAffecting_FieldValues, suppression_FieldName: suppression_FieldValues, managementAffectingSeverity_FieldName: managementAffectingSeverity_FieldValues, degradeAffecting_FieldName: degradeAffecting_FieldValues } logFields = { type_FieldName: type_FieldValues, description_FieldName: description_FieldValues, entityInstanceId_FieldName: entityInstanceId_FieldValues, severity_FieldName: severity_FieldValues, alarmType_FieldName: alarmType_FieldValues, probableCause_FieldName: probableCause_FieldValues, serviceAffecting_FieldName: serviceAffecting_FieldValues } def checkField(fieldKey, fieldValues, key, event): if fieldKey not in event: print("\n ERROR: %s missing \'%s\' field." % (key, fieldKey)) return False # print("START: %s :END" % event[fieldKey]) if type(event[fieldKey]) is str: if not fieldValues: return True if event[fieldKey] in fieldValues: return True else: print("\n ERROR: \'%s\' is not a valid \'%s\' field value." % (event[fieldKey], fieldKey)) print(" Valid values are:", fieldValues) return False if type(event[fieldKey]) is list: if not fieldValues: return True for listvalue in event[fieldKey]: if listvalue not in fieldValues: print("\n ERROR: \'%s\' is not a valid \'%s\' field value." % (listvalue, fieldKey)) print(" Valid values are:", fieldValues) return False if type(event[fieldKey]) is dict: for dictKey, dictValue in event[fieldKey].items(): if dictKey not in severity_FieldValues: print("\n ERROR: \'%s\' is not a valid \'%s\' index value." % (dictKey, fieldKey)) print(" Valid index values are:", severity_FieldValues) return False if fieldValues: if dictValue not in fieldValues: print("\n ERROR: \'%s\' is not a valid \'%s\' field value." % (dictValue, fieldKey)) print(" Valid values are:", fieldValues) return False return True def checkTypeField(key, event): if type_FieldName not in event: print("\n ERROR: %s missing \'%s\' field." % (key, type_FieldName)) return False if event[type_FieldName] in type_FieldValues: return True print("\n ERROR: \'%s\' is not a valid \'%s\' field value." % (event[type_FieldName], type_FieldName)) return False def checkFields(key, event): isOk = True if not checkTypeField(key, event): return False isAlarm = (event[type_FieldName] == type_FieldValue_Alarm) eventFields = alarmFields if isAlarm else logFields for fieldKey, fieldValues in eventFields.items(): if not checkField(fieldKey, fieldValues, key, event): isOk = False for itemKey, itemValue in event.items(): if itemKey not in eventFields: print("\n ERROR: \'%s\' is not a valid \'%s\' field." % (itemKey, ("Alarm" if isAlarm else "Log"))) isOk = False return isOk # # Main # if len(sys.argv) == 1: print("Missing file argument.\n") exit(1) if not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]): print("File \'%s\' does not exist.\n" % (sys.argv[1])) exit(1) with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as stream: try: events = yaml.load(stream) exitValue = 0 for key in events: print("%6.3f: checking ... " % key) if not checkFields(key, events[key]): print() exitValue = 1 else: print('OK.') print('Done.') except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) exit(exitValue)