The events.yaml file contains every alarm and log used by platform and openstack. There is no way to know which one relates to one or the other. In order to know that, it is required an additional field as part of each record to differential between platform and openstack. Story: 2010143 Task: 46723 Test plan PASS: Build the fm-api and fm-doc packages. Install fm-api first and then fm-doc. No errors are found during build and installation process. Signed-off-by: Agustin Carranza <agustin.carranza@windriver.com> Change-Id: I8598afc77d27d107c4f9a108dd46b2ebc79b30a1
206 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable File
206 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable File
# Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Python3 compatibility
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import yaml
import constants
# Record Format (for full description see events.yaml)
# 100.001:
# Type: Alarm
# Description: "Degrade: <hostname> is experiencing an intermittent 'Management Network' communication failure."
# Entity_Instance_ID: host=<hostname>
# Severity: critical
# Proposed_Repair_Action: "Check Host's board management configuration and connectivity."
# Maintenance_Action: auto recover
# Inhibit_Alarms: True
# Alarm_Type: operational-violation
# Probable_Cause: timing-problem
# Service_Affecting: False
# Suppression: True
# Management_Affecting_Severity: warning
# Degrade_Affecting_Severity: none
# Context: starlingx
type_FieldName = 'Type'
type_FieldValue_Alarm = 'Alarm'
type_FieldValues = [type_FieldValue_Alarm, 'Log']
description_FieldName = 'Description'
description_FieldValues = [] # arbitrary string
entityInstanceId_FieldName = 'Entity_Instance_ID'
entityInstanceId_FieldValues = [] # arbitrary string
severity_FieldName = 'Severity'
severity_FieldValues = constants.ALARM_SEVERITY
proposedRepairAction_FieldName = 'Proposed_Repair_Action'
proposedRepairAction_FieldValues = [] # arbitrary string
maintenanceAction_FieldName = 'Maintenance_Action'
maintenanceAction_FieldValues = [] # arbitrary string
inhibitAlarms_FieldName = 'Inhibit_Alarms'
inhibitAlarms_FieldValues = [True, False]
alarmType_FieldName = 'Alarm_Type'
alarmType_FieldValues = constants.ALARM_TYPE
probableCause_FieldName = 'Probable_Cause'
probableCause_FieldValues = constants.ALARM_PROBABLE_CAUSE
serviceAffecting_FieldName = 'Service_Affecting'
serviceAffecting_FieldValues = [True, False]
suppression_FieldName = 'Suppression'
suppression_FieldValues = [True, False]
managementAffectingSeverity_FieldName = 'Management_Affecting_Severity'
managementAffectingSeverity_FieldValues = constants.ALARM_SEVERITY.append('none')
degradeAffecting_FieldName = 'Degrade_Affecting_Severity'
degradeAffecting_FieldValues = constants.ALARM_SEVERITY.append('none')
context_FieldName = 'Context'
context_FieldValues = constants.ALARM_CONTEXT
alarmFields = {
type_FieldName: type_FieldValues,
description_FieldName: description_FieldValues,
entityInstanceId_FieldName: entityInstanceId_FieldValues,
severity_FieldName: severity_FieldValues,
proposedRepairAction_FieldName: proposedRepairAction_FieldValues,
maintenanceAction_FieldName: maintenanceAction_FieldValues,
inhibitAlarms_FieldName: inhibitAlarms_FieldValues,
alarmType_FieldName: alarmType_FieldValues,
probableCause_FieldName: probableCause_FieldValues,
serviceAffecting_FieldName: serviceAffecting_FieldValues,
suppression_FieldName: suppression_FieldValues,
managementAffectingSeverity_FieldName: managementAffectingSeverity_FieldValues,
degradeAffecting_FieldName: degradeAffecting_FieldValues,
context_FieldName: context_FieldValues
logFields = {
type_FieldName: type_FieldValues,
description_FieldName: description_FieldValues,
entityInstanceId_FieldName: entityInstanceId_FieldValues,
severity_FieldName: severity_FieldValues,
alarmType_FieldName: alarmType_FieldValues,
probableCause_FieldName: probableCause_FieldValues,
serviceAffecting_FieldName: serviceAffecting_FieldValues,
context_FieldName: context_FieldValues
def checkField(fieldKey, fieldValues, key, event):
if fieldKey not in event:
print("\n ERROR: %s missing \'%s\' field." % (key, fieldKey))
return False
# print("START: %s :END" % event[fieldKey])
if type(event[fieldKey]) is str:
if not fieldValues:
return True
if event[fieldKey] in fieldValues:
return True
print("\n ERROR: \'%s\' is not a valid \'%s\' field value." % (event[fieldKey], fieldKey))
print(" Valid values are:", fieldValues)
return False
if type(event[fieldKey]) is list:
if not fieldValues:
return True
for listvalue in event[fieldKey]:
if listvalue not in fieldValues:
print("\n ERROR: \'%s\' is not a valid \'%s\' field value." % (listvalue, fieldKey))
print(" Valid values are:", fieldValues)
return False
if type(event[fieldKey]) is dict:
for dictKey, dictValue in event[fieldKey].items():
if dictKey not in severity_FieldValues:
print("\n ERROR: \'%s\' is not a valid \'%s\' index value." % (dictKey, fieldKey))
print(" Valid index values are:", severity_FieldValues)
return False
if fieldValues:
if dictValue not in fieldValues:
print("\n ERROR: \'%s\' is not a valid \'%s\' field value." % (dictValue, fieldKey))
print(" Valid values are:", fieldValues)
return False
return True
def checkTypeField(key, event):
if type_FieldName not in event:
print("\n ERROR: %s missing \'%s\' field." % (key, type_FieldName))
return False
if event[type_FieldName] in type_FieldValues:
return True
print("\n ERROR: \'%s\' is not a valid \'%s\' field value." % (event[type_FieldName], type_FieldName))
return False
def checkFields(key, event):
isOk = True
if not checkTypeField(key, event):
return False
isAlarm = (event[type_FieldName] == type_FieldValue_Alarm)
eventFields = alarmFields if isAlarm else logFields
for fieldKey, fieldValues in eventFields.items():
if not checkField(fieldKey, fieldValues, key, event):
isOk = False
for itemKey, itemValue in event.items():
if itemKey not in eventFields:
print("\n ERROR: \'%s\' is not a valid \'%s\' field." % (itemKey, ("Alarm" if isAlarm else "Log")))
isOk = False
return isOk
# Main
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print("Missing file argument.\n")
if not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]):
print("File \'%s\' does not exist.\n" % (sys.argv[1]))
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as stream:
events = yaml.load(stream)
exitValue = 0
for key in events:
print("%6.3f: checking ... " % key)
if not checkFields(key, events[key]):
exitValue = 1
except yaml.YAMLError as exc: