doc index.rst:
1. Update intro sentence to read as a complete sentence
2. Remove unused toctree
3. Correct heading levels (impacting side nav and correct rendering
of content)
4. Remove "Indices and Tables" section: genindex page not used,
search searches only index (not useful here)
api-ref index.rst:
1. Update intro sentence to read as a complete sentence
2. Update text around search link for consistency (move
to follow intro)
3. Add heading before toctree for consistency with other pages
releasenotes index.rst:
1. Standardize page title reST markup
2. Remove search (make consistent with other openstack release note
Story: 2004737
Task: 28801
Change-Id: I83d023c57881e03639ff6bb85b256e53f4205817
Signed-off-by: Kristal Dale <>
* Add pointers in the main doc to api-ref and releasenotes pages
* Add publish-stx-api-ref and publish-stx-releasenotes jobs
* Add search at bottom of api-ref and relnotes pages to trigger the jobs
Change-Id: I0791ab622ed187d8bdf93e5b848fa70a0d3e6c2c
Signed-off-by: Abraham Arce <>
I added the api-ref-smapi-v1-ha.rst file, which is content for
the API reference manual to the api-ref/source dir. This
represents the converted old-style files to the newer
OpenStack supported RST files.
I updated the index.rst file to include the new .rst file so
that the api-ref document can build.
Provided info for API Details response.
Change-Id: Iae5b7297d27621b7862830e402109ecfa7faba09
Signed-off-by: Scott Rifenbark <>