// // Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Wind River Systems, Inc. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // #include "sm_node_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sm_limits.h" #include "sm_types.h" #include "sm_debug.h" #define SM_NODE_GO_ENABLE_FILE "/var/run/goenabled" #define SM_NODE_GO_ENABLE_FILE_SIMPLEX "/var/run/.goenabled" #define SM_NODE_UNHEALTHY_FILE "/var/run/.sm_node_unhealthy" #define SM_NODE_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE "/etc/platform/.initial_config_complete" #define SM_NODE_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FILE "/etc/platform/platform.conf" static bool _failover_disabled = false; static SmErrorT _sm_node_utils_get_system_mode_str( char system_mode[] ); static SmErrorT _sm_node_utils_get_system_type_str( char system_type[] ); typedef enum { IsUnknown, IsTrue, IsFalse }ThreeValuedT; static ThreeValuedT _is_aio = IsUnknown; static ThreeValuedT _is_aio_simplex = IsUnknown; static ThreeValuedT _is_aio_duplex = IsUnknown; // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Read Platform Config // ===================================== static SmErrorT sm_node_utils_read_platform_config( const char key[], char value[], int value_size ) { FILE* fp; char format[1024]; char line[1024]; char val[1024]; value[0] = '\0'; fp = fopen( SM_NODE_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FILE, "r" ); if( NULL == fp ) { DPRINTFE( "Failed to open file (%s).", SM_NODE_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FILE ); return( SM_FAILED ); } snprintf( format, sizeof(format), "%s=%%%ds", (char*) key, (int) sizeof(val)-1 ); while( NULL != fgets( line, sizeof(line), fp ) ) { if( 1 == sscanf( line, format, val ) ) { val[sizeof(val)-1] = '\0'; if( snprintf( value, value_size, "%s", val ) >= value_size ) { DPRINTFE("value is truncated."); } break; } } fclose( fp ); if( '\0' == value[0] ) { return( SM_NOT_FOUND ); } return( SM_OKAY ); } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Get Node Type // ============================== static SmErrorT sm_node_utils_get_node_type( char node_type[] ) { return( sm_node_utils_read_platform_config( "nodetype", node_type, SM_NODE_TYPE_MAX_CHAR ) ); } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Get Sub-Functions // ================================== static SmErrorT sm_node_utils_get_sub_functions( char sub_functions[] ) { return( sm_node_utils_read_platform_config( "subfunction", sub_functions, SM_NODE_SUB_FUNCTIONS_MAX_CHAR ) ); } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Node Type Is Controller // ======================================== SmErrorT sm_node_utils_node_type_is_controller( bool* is_controller ) { char node_type[SM_NODE_TYPE_MAX_CHAR+1] = ""; SmErrorT error; *is_controller = false; error = sm_node_utils_get_node_type( node_type ); if( SM_OKAY != error ) { DPRINTFE( "Failed to get node type, error=%s.", sm_error_str(error) ); return( error ); } if( 0 == strcmp( "controller", node_type ) ) { *is_controller = true; } return( SM_OKAY ); } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - system Is AIO // ======================================== SmErrorT sm_node_utils_is_aio( bool* is_aio ) { if( IsUnknown == _is_aio ) { char system_type[SM_SYSTEM_TYPE_MAX_CHAR]; SmErrorT error; error = _sm_node_utils_get_system_type_str(system_type); if( SM_OKAY != error) { return error; } if( strcmp("All-in-one", system_type) == 0 ) { _is_aio = IsTrue; }else { _is_aio = IsFalse; } *is_aio = ( IsTrue == _is_aio ); } else { *is_aio = ( IsTrue == _is_aio ); } return SM_OKAY; } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Sub-Functions Has Worker // ========================================== SmErrorT sm_node_utils_sub_function_has_worker( bool* has_worker ) { char sub_functions[SM_NODE_SUB_FUNCTIONS_MAX_CHAR+1] = ""; SmErrorT error; *has_worker = false; error = sm_node_utils_get_sub_functions( sub_functions ); if( SM_OKAY != error ) { DPRINTFE( "Failed to get sub-functions, error=%s.", sm_error_str(error) ); return( error ); } if( NULL != strstr( sub_functions, "worker" ) ) { *has_worker = true; } return( SM_OKAY ); } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Get Management Interface // ========================================= SmErrorT sm_node_utils_get_mgmt_interface( char interface_name[] ) { return( sm_node_utils_read_platform_config( "management_interface", interface_name, SM_INTERFACE_NAME_MAX_CHAR ) ); } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Get OAM Interface // ================================== SmErrorT sm_node_utils_get_oam_interface( char interface_name[] ) { return( sm_node_utils_read_platform_config( "oam_interface", interface_name, SM_INTERFACE_NAME_MAX_CHAR ) ); } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Get Cluster Host Interface // =========================================== SmErrorT sm_node_utils_get_cluster_host_interface( char interface_name[] ) { return( sm_node_utils_read_platform_config( "cluster_host_interface", interface_name, SM_INTERFACE_NAME_MAX_CHAR ) ); } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Get system mode string // ============================================= static SmErrorT _sm_node_utils_get_system_mode_str( char system_mode[] ) { SmErrorT error = sm_node_utils_read_platform_config( "system_mode", system_mode, SM_SYSTEM_MODE_MAX_CHAR); if( SM_NOT_FOUND == error ) { system_mode[0] = '\0'; error = SM_OKAY; } return error; } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Get system type string // ============================================= static SmErrorT _sm_node_utils_get_system_type_str( char system_type[] ) { SmErrorT error = sm_node_utils_read_platform_config( "system_type", system_type, SM_SYSTEM_TYPE_MAX_CHAR); if( SM_NOT_FOUND == error ) { system_type[0] = '\0'; error = SM_OKAY; } return error; } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Get system mode string // ============================================= SmSystemModeT sm_node_utils_get_system_mode() { char system_mode[SM_SYSTEM_MODE_MAX_CHAR]; char system_type[SM_SYSTEM_TYPE_MAX_CHAR]; if ( SM_OKAY == _sm_node_utils_get_system_type_str(system_type) && SM_OKAY == _sm_node_utils_get_system_mode_str(system_mode) ) { if ( 0 == strcmp("All-in-one", system_type) ) { if ( 0 == strcmp(SM_CPE_MODE_SIMPLEX, system_mode) ) { return SM_SYSTEM_MODE_CPE_SIMPLEX; } else if ( 0 == strcmp(SM_CPE_MODE_DUPLEX, system_mode) ) { return SM_SYSTEM_MODE_CPE_DUPLEX; } else if ( 0 == strcmp(SM_CPE_MODE_DUPLEX_DIRECT, system_mode) ) { return SM_SYSTEM_MODE_CPE_DUPLEX_DC; } } else if ( 0 == strcmp("Standard", system_type) ) { return SM_SYSTEM_MODE_STANDARD; } } return SM_SYSTEM_MODE_UNKNOWN; } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Get Uptime // =========================== SmErrorT sm_node_utils_get_uptime( long* uptime ) { struct sysinfo info; int result; result = sysinfo( &info ); if( 0 > result ) { DPRINTFE( "Failed to get system uptime, error=%s.", strerror( errno ) ); return( SM_FAILED ); } *uptime = info.uptime; return( SM_OKAY ); } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Get Host Name // ============================== SmErrorT sm_node_utils_get_hostname( char node_name[] ) { char hostname[SM_NODE_NAME_MAX_CHAR]; if( 0 > gethostname( hostname, sizeof(hostname) ) ) { DPRINTFE( "Failed to get node name, error=%s.", strerror( errno ) ); return( SM_FAILED ); } snprintf( node_name, SM_NODE_NAME_MAX_CHAR, "%s", hostname ); return( SM_OKAY ); } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Configuration Complete // ======================================= SmErrorT sm_node_utils_config_complete( bool* complete ) { *complete = false; if( 0 > access( SM_NODE_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE, F_OK ) ) { if( ENOENT == errno ) { DPRINTFD( "Config-Complete file (%s) not available, error=%s.", SM_NODE_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE, strerror( errno ) ); return( SM_OKAY ); } else { DPRINTFE( "Config-Complete file (%s) access failed, error=%s.", SM_NODE_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE, strerror( errno ) ); return( SM_FAILED ); } } *complete = true; return( SM_OKAY ); } // **************************************************************************** typedef enum { BLOCKING_STATE_INIT, WAIT_FOR_GOENABLED_FILE, WAIT_FOR_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE, NODE_UNHEALTHY_FILE_EXISTS, NODE_DISABLED_LICENSE_INVALID, NODE_DISABLED_FAILOVER, NODE_ENABLED }SmNodeEnabledBlockingStateT; static SmNodeEnabledBlockingStateT blocking_state = BLOCKING_STATE_INIT; // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Enabled // ======================== // **************************************************************************** SmErrorT sm_node_utils_enabled( bool* enabled, char reason_text[] ) { *enabled = false; reason_text[0] = '\0'; const char* goenabled_file = SM_NODE_GO_ENABLE_FILE; bool is_aio_simplex = false; SmErrorT error = sm_node_utils_is_aio_simplex(&is_aio_simplex); if(SM_OKAY != error) { DPRINTFE("Failed to get system mode, error %s", sm_error_str(error)); return error; } if(is_aio_simplex) { goenabled_file = SM_NODE_GO_ENABLE_FILE_SIMPLEX; } if(0 > access( goenabled_file, F_OK )) { if( ENOENT == errno ) { if(blocking_state != WAIT_FOR_GOENABLED_FILE) { blocking_state = WAIT_FOR_GOENABLED_FILE; DPRINTFI("Node enable: blocked. wait for goenabled file %s", goenabled_file); } snprintf( reason_text, SM_LOG_REASON_TEXT_MAX_CHAR, "node not ready, go-enable not set" ); return( SM_OKAY ); } else { DPRINTFE( "Go-Enable file (%s) access failed, error=%s.", SM_NODE_GO_ENABLE_FILE, strerror( errno ) ); return( SM_FAILED ); } } if( 0 > access( SM_NODE_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE, F_OK ) ) { if( ENOENT == errno ) { if(blocking_state != WAIT_FOR_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE) { blocking_state = WAIT_FOR_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE; DPRINTFI("Node enable: blocked. wait for config complete file %s", SM_NODE_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE); } snprintf( reason_text, SM_LOG_REASON_TEXT_MAX_CHAR, "node not ready, config-complete not set" ); return( SM_OKAY ); } else { DPRINTFE( "Config-Complete file (%s) access failed, error=%s.", SM_NODE_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE, strerror( errno ) ); return( SM_FAILED ); } } if( 0 == access( SM_NODE_UNHEALTHY_FILE, F_OK ) ) { if(blocking_state != NODE_UNHEALTHY_FILE_EXISTS) { blocking_state = NODE_UNHEALTHY_FILE_EXISTS; DPRINTFI("Node enable: blocked. node unhealthy file %s found", SM_NODE_UNHEALTHY_FILE); } snprintf( reason_text, SM_LOG_REASON_TEXT_MAX_CHAR, "node not ready, node unhealthy set" ); return( SM_OKAY ); } else { if( ENOENT != errno ) { DPRINTFE( "Node unhealthy file (%s) access failed, error=%s.", SM_NODE_UNHEALTHY_FILE, strerror( errno ) ); return( SM_FAILED ); } } if(_failover_disabled) { if(blocking_state != NODE_DISABLED_FAILOVER) { blocking_state = NODE_DISABLED_FAILOVER; DPRINTFI("Node enable: blocked. node has failed"); } snprintf( reason_text, SM_LOG_REASON_TEXT_MAX_CHAR, "Failover action to disable node" ); return( SM_OKAY ); } if(blocking_state != NODE_ENABLED) { blocking_state = NODE_ENABLED; DPRINTFI("Node enable: passed. node is enabled"); } *enabled = true; snprintf( reason_text, SM_LOG_REASON_TEXT_MAX_CHAR, "node ready" ); return( SM_OKAY ); } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Set Failover // ============================== bool sm_node_utils_set_failover( bool to_disable ) { bool old_value = _failover_disabled; if(to_disable) { DPRINTFI("disable system for failover"); } _failover_disabled = to_disable; return old_value; } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Set Unhealthy // ============================== SmErrorT sm_node_utils_set_unhealthy( void ) { int fd = open( SM_NODE_UNHEALTHY_FILE, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if( 0 > fd ) { DPRINTFE( "Failed to create file (%s), error=%s.", SM_NODE_UNHEALTHY_FILE, strerror(errno) ); return( SM_FAILED ); } close(fd); return( SM_OKAY ); } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - System Is AIO Simplex // ====================================== SmErrorT sm_node_utils_is_aio_simplex( bool* is_aio_simplex ) { if( IsUnknown == _is_aio_simplex ) { SmSystemModeT system_mode = sm_node_utils_get_system_mode(); if( SM_SYSTEM_MODE_CPE_SIMPLEX == system_mode ) { _is_aio_simplex = IsTrue; }else { _is_aio_simplex = IsFalse; } } *is_aio_simplex = ( IsTrue == _is_aio_simplex ); return SM_OKAY; } // **************************************************************************** // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - System is AIO Duplex // ===================================== SmErrorT sm_node_utils_is_aio_duplex( bool* is_aio_duplex ) { if( IsUnknown == _is_aio_duplex ) { SmErrorT error; bool is_aio = false; error = sm_node_utils_is_aio( &is_aio ); if( SM_OKAY != error) { return error; } if ( !is_aio ) { *is_aio_duplex = false; return SM_OKAY; }else { SmSystemModeT system_mode = sm_node_utils_get_system_mode(); if(( SM_SYSTEM_MODE_CPE_DUPLEX == system_mode ) || ( SM_SYSTEM_MODE_CPE_DUPLEX_DC == system_mode )) { _is_aio_duplex = IsTrue; }else { _is_aio_duplex = IsFalse; } } } *is_aio_duplex = ( IsTrue == _is_aio_duplex ); return SM_OKAY; } // **************************************************************************** // Node Utilities - Clear the unhealthy flag // ============================== extern void sm_node_utils_reset_unhealthy_flag( void ) { if( 0 == access( SM_NODE_UNHEALTHY_FILE, F_OK ) ) { unlink( SM_NODE_UNHEALTHY_FILE ); if( 0 == access( SM_NODE_UNHEALTHY_FILE, F_OK ) ) { DPRINTFE("file did not get removed ; %s", SM_NODE_UNHEALTHY_FILE); } } }