# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # Copyright 2011 Justin Santa Barbara # Copyright (c) 2012 NTT DOCOMO, INC. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc. # """Utilities and helper functions.""" import contextlib import errno import hashlib import json import os # import paramiko import random import re import shutil import signal import six import socket import tempfile import uuid from eventlet.green import subprocess from eventlet import greenthread import netaddr from oslo_config import cfg from sm_api.common import exception from sm_api.openstack.common import log as logging from six.moves import range utils_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('rootwrap_config', default="/etc/sm_api/rootwrap.conf", help='Path to the rootwrap configuration file to use for ' 'running commands as root'), cfg.StrOpt('tempdir', default=None, help='Explicitly specify the temporary working directory'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(utils_opts) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Used for looking up extensions of text # to their 'multiplied' byte amount BYTE_MULTIPLIERS = { '': 1, 't': 1024 ** 4, 'g': 1024 ** 3, 'm': 1024 ** 2, 'k': 1024, } def _subprocess_setup(): # Python installs a SIGPIPE handler by default. This is usually not what # non-Python subprocesses expect. signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) def execute(*cmd, **kwargs): """Helper method to execute command with optional retry. If you add a run_as_root=True command, don't forget to add the corresponding filter to etc/sm_api/rootwrap.d ! :param cmd: Passed to subprocess.Popen. :param process_input: Send to opened process. :param check_exit_code: Single bool, int, or list of allowed exit codes. Defaults to [0]. Raise exception.ProcessExecutionError unless program exits with one of these code. :param delay_on_retry: True | False. Defaults to True. If set to True, wait a short amount of time before retrying. :param attempts: How many times to retry cmd. :param run_as_root: True | False. Defaults to False. If set to True, the command is run with rootwrap. :raises exception.SmApiException: on receiving unknown arguments :raises exception.ProcessExecutionError: :returns: a tuple, (stdout, stderr) from the spawned process, or None if the command fails. """ process_input = kwargs.pop('process_input', None) check_exit_code = kwargs.pop('check_exit_code', [0]) ignore_exit_code = False if isinstance(check_exit_code, bool): ignore_exit_code = not check_exit_code check_exit_code = [0] elif isinstance(check_exit_code, int): check_exit_code = [check_exit_code] delay_on_retry = kwargs.pop('delay_on_retry', True) attempts = kwargs.pop('attempts', 1) run_as_root = kwargs.pop('run_as_root', False) shell = kwargs.pop('shell', False) if len(kwargs): raise exception.SmApiException(_('Got unknown keyword args ' 'to utils.execute: %r') % kwargs) if run_as_root and os.geteuid() != 0: cmd = ['sudo', 'sm_api-rootwrap', CONF.rootwrap_config] + list(cmd) cmd = [str(c) for c in cmd] while attempts > 0: attempts -= 1 try: LOG.debug(_('Running cmd (subprocess): %s'), ' '.join(cmd)) _PIPE = subprocess.PIPE # pylint: disable=E1101 if os.name == 'nt': preexec_fn = None close_fds = False else: preexec_fn = _subprocess_setup close_fds = True obj = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=_PIPE, stdout=_PIPE, stderr=_PIPE, close_fds=close_fds, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, shell=shell, universal_newlines=True) result = None if process_input is not None: result = obj.communicate(process_input) else: result = obj.communicate() obj.stdin.close() # pylint: disable=E1101 _returncode = obj.returncode # pylint: disable=E1101 LOG.debug(_('Result was %s') % _returncode) if not ignore_exit_code and _returncode not in check_exit_code: (stdout, stderr) = result raise exception.ProcessExecutionError( exit_code=_returncode, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cmd=' '.join(cmd)) return result except exception.ProcessExecutionError: if not attempts: raise else: LOG.debug(_('%r failed. Retrying.'), cmd) if delay_on_retry: greenthread.sleep(random.randint(20, 200) / 100.0) finally: # NOTE(termie): this appears to be necessary to let the subprocess # call clean something up in between calls, without # it two execute calls in a row hangs the second one greenthread.sleep(0) def trycmd(*args, **kwargs): """A wrapper around execute() to more easily handle warnings and errors. Returns an (out, err) tuple of strings containing the output of the command's stdout and stderr. If 'err' is not empty then the command can be considered to have failed. :discard_warnings True | False. Defaults to False. If set to True, then for succeeding commands, stderr is cleared """ discard_warnings = kwargs.pop('discard_warnings', False) try: out, err = execute(*args, **kwargs) failed = False except exception.ProcessExecutionError as exn: out, err = '', str(exn) failed = True if not failed and discard_warnings and err: # Handle commands that output to stderr but otherwise succeed err = '' return out, err # def ssh_connect(connection): # """Method to connect to a remote system using ssh protocol. # # :param connection: a dict of connection parameters. # :returns: paramiko.SSHClient -- an active ssh connection. # :raises: SSHConnectFailed # # """ # try: # ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() # ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # ssh.connect(connection.get('host'), # username=connection.get('username'), # password=connection.get('password', None), # port=connection.get('port', 22), # key_filename=connection.get('key_filename', None), # timeout=connection.get('timeout', 10)) # # # send TCP keepalive packets every 20 seconds # ssh.get_transport().set_keepalive(20) # except Exception: # raise exception.SSHConnectFailed(host=connection.get('host')) # # return ssh def generate_uid(topic, size=8): characters = '01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' choices = [random.choice(characters) for _x in range(size)] return '%s-%s' % (topic, ''.join(choices)) def random_alnum(size=32): characters = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' return ''.join(random.choice(characters) for _ in range(size)) class LazyPluggable(object): """A pluggable backend loaded lazily based on some value.""" def __init__(self, pivot, config_group=None, **backends): self.__backends = backends self.__pivot = pivot self.__backend = None self.__config_group = config_group def __get_backend(self): if not self.__backend: if self.__config_group is None: backend_name = CONF[self.__pivot] else: backend_name = CONF[self.__config_group][self.__pivot] if backend_name not in self.__backends: msg = _('Invalid backend: %s') % backend_name raise exception.SmApiException(msg) backend = self.__backends[backend_name] if isinstance(backend, tuple): name = backend[0] fromlist = backend[1] else: name = backend fromlist = backend self.__backend = __import__(name, None, None, fromlist) return self.__backend def __getattr__(self, key): backend = self.__get_backend() return getattr(backend, key) def delete_if_exists(pathname): """delete a file, but ignore file not found error.""" try: os.unlink(pathname) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return else: raise def is_int_like(val): """Check if a value looks like an int.""" try: return str(int(val)) == str(val) except Exception: return False def is_valid_boolstr(val): """Check if the provided string is a valid bool string or not.""" boolstrs = ('true', 'false', 'yes', 'no', 'y', 'n', '1', '0') return str(val).lower() in boolstrs def is_valid_mac(address): """Verify the format of a MAC addres.""" m = "[0-9a-f]{2}([-:])[0-9a-f]{2}(\\1[0-9a-f]{2}){4}$" if isinstance(address, six.string_types) and re.match(m, address.lower()): return True return False def validate_and_normalize_mac(address): """Validate a MAC address and return normalized form. Checks whether the supplied MAC address is formally correct and normalize it to all lower case. :param address: MAC address to be validated and normalized. :returns: Normalized and validated MAC address. :raises: InvalidMAC If the MAC address is not valid. """ if not is_valid_mac(address): raise exception.InvalidMAC(mac=address) return address.lower() def is_valid_ipv4(address): """Verify that address represents a valid IPv4 address.""" try: return netaddr.valid_ipv4(address) except Exception: return False def is_valid_ipv6(address): try: return netaddr.valid_ipv6(address) except Exception: return False def is_valid_ipv6_cidr(address): try: str(netaddr.IPNetwork(address, version=6).cidr) return True except Exception: return False def get_shortened_ipv6(address): addr = netaddr.IPAddress(address, version=6) return str(addr.ipv6()) def get_shortened_ipv6_cidr(address): net = netaddr.IPNetwork(address, version=6) return str(net.cidr) def is_valid_cidr(address): """Check if the provided ipv4 or ipv6 address is a valid CIDR address.""" try: # Validate the correct CIDR Address netaddr.IPNetwork(address) except netaddr.core.AddrFormatError: return False except UnboundLocalError: # NOTE(MotoKen): work around bug in netaddr 0.7.5 (see detail in # https://github.com/drkjam/netaddr/issues/2) return False # Prior validation partially verify /xx part # Verify it here ip_segment = address.split('/') if (len(ip_segment) <= 1 or ip_segment[1] == ''): return False return True def get_ip_version(network): """Returns the IP version of a network (IPv4 or IPv6). :raises: AddrFormatError if invalid network. """ if netaddr.IPNetwork(network).version == 6: return "IPv6" elif netaddr.IPNetwork(network).version == 4: return "IPv4" def convert_to_list_dict(lst, label): """Convert a value or list into a list of dicts.""" if not lst: return None if not isinstance(lst, list): lst = [lst] return [{label: x} for x in lst] def sanitize_hostname(hostname): """Return a hostname which conforms to RFC-952 and RFC-1123 specs.""" if isinstance(hostname, six.text_type): hostname = hostname.encode('latin-1', 'ignore') hostname = re.sub('[ _]', '-', hostname) hostname = re.sub('[^\w.-]+', '', hostname) hostname = hostname.lower() hostname = hostname.strip('.-') return hostname def read_cached_file(filename, cache_info, reload_func=None): """Read from a file if it has been modified. :param cache_info: dictionary to hold opaque cache. :param reload_func: optional function to be called with data when file is reloaded due to a modification. :returns: data from file """ mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename) if not cache_info or mtime != cache_info.get('mtime'): LOG.debug(_("Reloading cached file %s") % filename) with open(filename) as fap: cache_info['data'] = fap.read() cache_info['mtime'] = mtime if reload_func: reload_func(cache_info['data']) return cache_info['data'] def file_open(*args, **kwargs): """Open file see built-in file() documentation for more details Note: The reason this is kept in a separate module is to easily be able to provide a stub module that doesn't alter system state at all (for unit tests) """ return open(*args, **kwargs) def hash_file(file_like_object): """Generate a hash for the contents of a file.""" checksum = hashlib.sha1() for chunk in iter(lambda: file_like_object.read(32768), b''): checksum.update(chunk) return checksum.hexdigest() @contextlib.contextmanager def temporary_mutation(obj, **kwargs): """Temporarily set the attr on a particular object to a given value then revert when finished. One use of this is to temporarily set the read_deleted flag on a context object: with temporary_mutation(context, read_deleted="yes"): do_something_that_needed_deleted_objects() """ def is_dict_like(thing): return hasattr(thing, 'has_key') def get(thing, attr, default): if is_dict_like(thing): return thing.get(attr, default) else: return getattr(thing, attr, default) def set_value(thing, attr, val): if is_dict_like(thing): thing[attr] = val else: setattr(thing, attr, val) def delete(thing, attr): if is_dict_like(thing): del thing[attr] else: delattr(thing, attr) NOT_PRESENT = object() old_values = {} for attr, new_value in kwargs.items(): old_values[attr] = get(obj, attr, NOT_PRESENT) set_value(obj, attr, new_value) try: yield finally: for attr, old_value in old_values.items(): if old_value is NOT_PRESENT: delete(obj, attr) else: set_value(obj, attr, old_value) @contextlib.contextmanager def tempdir(**kwargs): tempfile.tempdir = CONF.tempdir tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(**kwargs) try: yield tmpdir finally: try: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) except OSError as e: LOG.error(_('Could not remove tmpdir: %s'), str(e)) def mkfs(fs, path, label=None): """Format a file or block device :param fs: Filesystem type (examples include 'swap', 'ext3', 'ext4' 'btrfs', etc.) :param path: Path to file or block device to format :param label: Volume label to use """ if fs == 'swap': args = ['mkswap'] else: args = ['mkfs', '-t', fs] # add -F to force no interactive execute on non-block device. if fs in ('ext3', 'ext4'): args.extend(['-F']) if label: if fs in ('msdos', 'vfat'): label_opt = '-n' else: label_opt = '-L' args.extend([label_opt, label]) args.append(path) execute(*args) # TODO(deva): Make these work in SmApi. # Either copy nova/virt/utils (bad), # or reimplement as a common lib, # or make a driver that doesn't need to do this. # # def cache_image(context, target, image_id, user_id, project_id): # if not os.path.exists(target): # libvirt_utils.fetch_image(context, target, image_id, # user_id, project_id) # # # def inject_into_image(image, key, net, metadata, admin_password, # files, partition, use_cow=False): # try: # disk_api.inject_data(image, key, net, metadata, admin_password, # files, partition, use_cow) # except Exception as e: # LOG.warn(_("Failed to inject data into image %(image)s. " # "Error: %(e)s") % locals()) def unlink_without_raise(path): try: os.unlink(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return else: LOG.warn(_("Failed to unlink %(path)s, error: %(e)s") % {'path': path, 'e': e}) def rmtree_without_raise(path): try: if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) except OSError as e: LOG.warn(_("Failed to remove dir %(path)s, error: %(e)s") % {'path': path, 'e': e}) def write_to_file(path, contents): with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(contents) def create_link_without_raise(source, link): try: os.symlink(source, link) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: return else: LOG.warn(_("Failed to create symlink from %(source)s to %(link)s" ", error: %(e)s") % {'source': source, 'link': link, 'e': e}) def safe_rstrip(value, chars=None): """Removes trailing characters from a string if that does not make it empty :param value: A string value that will be stripped. :param chars: Characters to remove. :return: Stripped value. """ if not isinstance(value, six.string_types): LOG.warn(_("Failed to remove trailing character. Returning original " "object. Supplied object is not a string: %s,") % value) return value return value.rstrip(chars) or value def generate_uuid(): return str(uuid.uuid4()) def is_uuid_like(val): """Returns validation of a value as a UUID. For our purposes, a UUID is a canonical form string: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa """ try: return str(uuid.UUID(val)) == val except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError): return False def removekey(d, key): r = dict(d) del r[key] return r def notify_mtc_and_recv(mtc_address, mtc_port, idict): mtc_response_dict = {} mtc_response_dict['status'] = None serialized_idict = json.dumps(idict) # notify mtc this ihost has been added s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.setblocking(1) # blocking, timeout must be specified s.settimeout(6) # give mtc a few secs to respond s.connect((mtc_address, mtc_port)) LOG.warning("Mtc Command : %s" % serialized_idict) s.sendall(serialized_idict) mtc_response = s.recv(1024) # check if mtc allows try: mtc_response_dict = json.loads(mtc_response) LOG.warning("Mtc Response: %s" % mtc_response_dict) except Exception as e: LOG.exception("Mtc Response Error: %s" % mtc_response) pass except socket.error as e: LOG.exception(_("Socket Error: %s on %s:%s for %s") % (e, mtc_address, mtc_port, serialized_idict)) # if e not in [errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EINTR]: # raise exception.CommunicationError(_( # "Socket error: address=%s port=%s error=%s ") % ( # self._mtc_address, self._mtc_port, e)) pass finally: s.close() return mtc_response_dict