# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2012 SINA Corporation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # # @author: Zhongyue Luo, SINA Corporation. # """Extracts OpenStack config option info from module(s).""" import imp import os import re import socket import sys import textwrap import six from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils import importutils from sm_client.openstack.common import gettextutils gettextutils.install('python-sm_client') STROPT = "StrOpt" BOOLOPT = "BoolOpt" INTOPT = "IntOpt" FLOATOPT = "FloatOpt" LISTOPT = "ListOpt" MULTISTROPT = "MultiStrOpt" OPT_TYPES = { STROPT: 'string value', BOOLOPT: 'boolean value', INTOPT: 'integer value', FLOATOPT: 'floating point value', LISTOPT: 'list value', MULTISTROPT: 'multi valued', } OPTION_COUNT = 0 OPTION_REGEX = re.compile(r"(%s)" % "|".join([STROPT, BOOLOPT, INTOPT, FLOATOPT, LISTOPT, MULTISTROPT])) PY_EXT = ".py" BASEDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../../../")) WORDWRAP_WIDTH = 60 def generate(srcfiles): mods_by_pkg = dict() for filepath in srcfiles: pkg_name = filepath.split(os.sep)[1] mod_str = '.'.join(['.'.join(filepath.split(os.sep)[:-1]), os.path.basename(filepath).split('.')[0]]) mods_by_pkg.setdefault(pkg_name, list()).append(mod_str) # NOTE(lzyeval): place top level modules before packages pkg_names = [x for x in mods_by_pkg.keys() if x.endswith(PY_EXT)] pkg_names.sort() ext_names = [x for x in mods_by_pkg.keys() if x not in pkg_names] ext_names.sort() pkg_names.extend(ext_names) # opts_by_group is a mapping of group name to an options list # The options list is a list of (module, options) tuples opts_by_group = {'DEFAULT': []} for pkg_name in pkg_names: mods = mods_by_pkg.get(pkg_name) mods.sort() for mod_str in mods: if mod_str.endswith('.__init__'): mod_str = mod_str[:mod_str.rfind(".")] mod_obj = _import_module(mod_str) if not mod_obj: continue for group, opts in _list_opts(mod_obj): opts_by_group.setdefault(group, []).append((mod_str, opts)) print_group_opts('DEFAULT', opts_by_group.pop('DEFAULT', [])) for group, opts in opts_by_group.items(): print_group_opts(group, opts) print("# Total option count: %d" % OPTION_COUNT) def _import_module(mod_str): try: if mod_str.startswith('bin.'): imp.load_source(mod_str[4:], os.path.join('bin', mod_str[4:])) return sys.modules[mod_str[4:]] else: return importutils.import_module(mod_str) except ImportError as ie: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(ie)) return None except Exception: return None def _is_in_group(opt, group): "Check if opt is in group." for _key, value in group._opts.items(): if value['opt'] == opt: return True return False def _guess_groups(opt, mod_obj): # is it in the DEFAULT group? if _is_in_group(opt, cfg.CONF): return 'DEFAULT' # what other groups is it in? for _key, value in cfg.CONF.items(): if isinstance(value, cfg.CONF.GroupAttr): if _is_in_group(opt, value._group): return value._group.name raise RuntimeError( "Unable to find group for option %s, " "maybe it's defined twice in the same group?" % opt.name ) def _list_opts(obj): def is_opt(o): return (isinstance(o, cfg.Opt) and not isinstance(o, cfg.SubCommandOpt)) opts = list() for attr_str in dir(obj): attr_obj = getattr(obj, attr_str) if is_opt(attr_obj): opts.append(attr_obj) elif (isinstance(attr_obj, list) and all([is_opt(x) for x in attr_obj])): opts.extend(attr_obj) ret = {} for opt in opts: ret.setdefault(_guess_groups(opt, obj), []).append(opt) return list(ret.items()) def print_group_opts(group, opts_by_module): print("[%s]" % group) print("") global OPTION_COUNT for mod, opts in opts_by_module: OPTION_COUNT += len(opts) print('#') print('# Options defined in %s' % mod) print('#') print("") for opt in opts: _print_opt(opt) print("") def _get_my_ip(): try: csock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) csock.connect(('', 80)) (addr, port) = csock.getsockname() csock.close() return addr except socket.error: return None def _sanitize_default(s): """Set up a reasonably sensible default for pybasedir, my_ip and host.""" if s.startswith(BASEDIR): return s.replace(BASEDIR, '/usr/lib/python/site-packages') elif BASEDIR in s: return s.replace(BASEDIR, '') elif s == _get_my_ip(): return '' elif s == socket.gethostname(): return 'python-sm_client' elif s.strip() != s: return '"%s"' % s return s def _print_opt(opt): opt_name, opt_default, opt_help = opt.dest, opt.default, opt.help if not opt_help: sys.stderr.write('WARNING: "%s" is missing help string.\n' % opt_name) opt_type = None try: opt_type = OPTION_REGEX.search(str(type(opt))).group(0) except (ValueError, AttributeError) as err: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(err)) sys.exit(1) opt_help += ' (' + OPT_TYPES[opt_type] + ')' print('#', "\n# ".join(textwrap.wrap(opt_help, WORDWRAP_WIDTH))) try: if opt_default is None: print('#%s=' % opt_name) elif opt_type == STROPT: assert(isinstance(opt_default, six.string_types)) print('#%s=%s' % (opt_name, _sanitize_default(opt_default))) elif opt_type == BOOLOPT: assert(isinstance(opt_default, bool)) print('#%s=%s' % (opt_name, str(opt_default).lower())) elif opt_type == INTOPT: assert(isinstance(opt_default, int) and not isinstance(opt_default, bool)) print('#%s=%s' % (opt_name, opt_default)) elif opt_type == FLOATOPT: assert(isinstance(opt_default, float)) print('#%s=%s' % (opt_name, opt_default)) elif opt_type == LISTOPT: assert(isinstance(opt_default, list)) print('#%s=%s' % (opt_name, ','.join(opt_default))) elif opt_type == MULTISTROPT: assert(isinstance(opt_default, list)) if not opt_default: opt_default = [''] for default in opt_default: print('#%s=%s' % (opt_name, default)) print("") except Exception: sys.stderr.write('Error in option "%s"\n' % opt_name) sys.exit(1) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("usage: %s [srcfile]...\n" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(0) generate(sys.argv[1:]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()