Sun Austin da53f143ee Fix flake8 errors and disable ignore case
below issures are removed from ignore cases:
    E114 indentation is not a multiple of four (comment)
    E116 unexpected indentation (comment)
    E121 continuation line under-indented for hanging indent
    E122 continuation line missing indentation or outdented
    E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
    E124 closing bracket does not match visual indentation
    E125 continuation line with same indent as next logical line
    E126 continuation line over-indented for hanging indent
    E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent
    E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent
    E129 visually indented line with same indent as next logical line
    E131 continuation line unaligned for hanging indent
    E201 whitespace after '('
    E228 missing whitespace around modulo operator
    E231 missing whitespace after ','
    E241 multiple spaces after ':'
    E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
    E265 block comment should start with '#'
    E271 multiple spaces after keyword
    E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
    E303 too many blank lines
    E305 expected 2 blank lines after class or function definition, found 1
    E704 multiple statements on one line (def)
    E713 test for membership should be 'not in'
    E714 test for object identity should be 'is not'
    E722 do not use bare except'
    E731 do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
    E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax (this is likely python3)
    F401 <foo> imported but unused
    F841 local variable 'foo' is assigned to but never used
    H201: no 'except:'
    H233: Python 3.x incompatible use of print operator
    B001 Do not use bare `except:`
    B004 Using `hasattr(x, '__call__')` to test
         if `x` is callable is unreliable.
    B305 `.next()` is not a thing on Python 3. Use the `next()` builtin.
    B306 `BaseException.message` has been deprecated as of Python 2.6
          and is removed in Python 3.
    B007 Loop control variable 'key' not used within the loop body.
remain below issues in ignores:
    E402 module level import not at top of file

    Hxxx since which are related with document format

    F811 redefinition of unused '<foo>' from line <x>

    F821 undefined name 'e'

    B006 Do not use mutable data structures for argument defaults.

    B008 Do not perform calls in argument defaults.

Test have been done:Build,Deploy,some smc command,such as smc service-list,
smc service-show, sm-dump, etc

Story: 2003430
Task: 26524

Change-Id: I3e2a4a31f87e3ff66cfce86f54285e830ee1c3dc
Signed-off-by: Sun Austin <austin.sun@intel.com>
2018-11-07 08:12:37 +08:00

508 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
"""Sm common internal object model"""
import collections
import six
from sm_api.common import exception
from sm_api.objects import utils as obj_utils
from sm_api.openstack.common import context
from sm_api.openstack.common import log as logging
from sm_api.openstack.common.rpc import common as rpc_common
from sm_api.openstack.common.rpc import serializer as rpc_serializer
LOG = logging.getLogger('object')
def get_attrname(name):
"""Return the mangled name of the attribute's underlying storage."""
return '_%s' % name
def make_class_properties(cls):
# NOTE(danms): Inherit Sm_apiObject's base fields only
for name, typefn in cls.fields.items():
def getter(self, name=name):
attrname = get_attrname(name)
if not hasattr(self, attrname):
return getattr(self, attrname)
def setter(self, value, name=name, typefn=typefn):
return setattr(self, get_attrname(name), typefn(value))
except Exception:
attr = "%s.%s" % (self.obj_name(), name)
LOG.exception(_('Error setting %(attr)s') %
{'attr': attr})
setattr(cls, name, property(getter, setter))
class Sm_apiObjectMetaclass(type):
"""Metaclass that allows tracking of object classes."""
# NOTE(danms): This is what controls whether object operations are
# remoted. If this is not None, use it to remote things over RPC.
indirection_api = None
def __init__(cls, names, bases, dict_):
if not hasattr(cls, '_obj_classes'):
# This will be set in the 'Sm_apiObject' class.
cls._obj_classes = collections.defaultdict(list)
# Add the subclass to Sm_apiObject._obj_classes
# These are decorators that mark an object's method as remotable.
# If the metaclass is configured to forward object methods to an
# indirection service, these will result in making an RPC call
# instead of directly calling the implementation in the object. Instead,
# the object implementation on the remote end will perform the
# requested action and the result will be returned here.
def remotable_classmethod(fn):
"""Decorator for remotable classmethods."""
def wrapper(cls, context, *args, **kwargs):
if Sm_apiObject.indirection_api:
result = Sm_apiObject.indirection_api.object_class_action(
context, cls.obj_name(), fn.__name__, cls.version,
args, kwargs)
result = fn(cls, context, *args, **kwargs)
if isinstance(result, Sm_apiObject):
result._context = context
return result
return classmethod(wrapper)
# See comment above for remotable_classmethod()
# Note that this will use either the provided context, or the one
# stashed in the object. If neither are present, the object is
# "orphaned" and remotable methods cannot be called.
def remotable(fn):
"""Decorator for remotable object methods."""
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
ctxt = self._context
if isinstance(args[0], (context.RequestContext,
ctxt = args[0]
args = args[1:]
except IndexError:
if ctxt is None:
raise exception.OrphanedObjectError(method=fn.__name__,
if Sm_apiObject.indirection_api:
updates, result = Sm_apiObject.indirection_api.object_action(
ctxt, self, fn.__name__, args, kwargs)
for key, value in updates.items():
if key in self.fields:
self[key] = self._attr_from_primitive(key, value)
self._changed_fields = set(updates.get('obj_what_changed', []))
return result
return fn(self, ctxt, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
# Object versioning rules
# Each service has its set of objects, each with a version attached. When
# a client attempts to call an object method, the server checks to see if
# the version of that object matches (in a compatible way) its object
# implementation. If so, cool, and if not, fail.
def check_object_version(server, client):
client_major, _client_minor = client.split('.')
server_major, _server_minor = server.split('.')
client_minor = int(_client_minor)
server_minor = int(_server_minor)
except ValueError:
raise exception.IncompatibleObjectVersion(
_('Invalid version string'))
if client_major != server_major:
raise exception.IncompatibleObjectVersion(
dict(client=client_major, server=server_major))
if client_minor > server_minor:
raise exception.IncompatibleObjectVersion(
dict(client=client_minor, server=server_minor))
class Sm_apiObject(object):
"""Base class and object factory.
This forms the base of all objects that can be remoted or instantiated
via RPC. Simply defining a class that inherits from this base class
will make it remotely instantiatable. Objects should implement the
necessary "get" classmethod routines as well as "save" object methods
as appropriate.
# Version of this object (see rules above check_object_version())
version = '1.0'
# The fields present in this object as key:typefn pairs. For example:
# fields = { 'foo': int,
# 'bar': str,
# 'baz': lambda x: str(x).ljust(8),
# }
# NOTE(danms): The base Sm_apiObject class' fields will be inherited
# by subclasses, but that is a special case. Objects inheriting from
# other objects will not receive this merging of fields contents.
fields = {}
# JKUNG until avail 'created_at': obj_utils.datetime_or_str_or_none,
# 'updated_at': obj_utils.datetime_or_str_or_none,
# }
obj_extra_fields = []
def __init__(self):
self._changed_fields = set()
self._context = None
def obj_name(cls):
"""Return a canonical name for this object which will be used over
the wire for remote hydration.
return cls.__name__
def obj_class_from_name(cls, objname, objver):
"""Returns a class from the registry based on a name and version."""
if objname not in cls._obj_classes:
LOG.error(_('Unable to instantiate unregistered object type '
'%(objtype)s') % dict(objtype=objname))
raise exception.UnsupportedObjectError(objtype=objname)
compatible_match = None
for objclass in cls._obj_classes[objname]:
if objclass.version == objver:
return objclass
check_object_version(objclass.version, objver)
compatible_match = objclass
except exception.IncompatibleObjectVersion:
if compatible_match:
return compatible_match
raise exception.IncompatibleObjectVersion(objname=objname,
_attr_created_at_from_primitive = obj_utils.dt_deserializer
_attr_updated_at_from_primitive = obj_utils.dt_deserializer
def _attr_from_primitive(self, attribute, value):
"""Attribute deserialization dispatcher.
This calls self._attr_foo_from_primitive(value) for an attribute
foo with value, if it exists, otherwise it assumes the value
is suitable for the attribute's setter method.
handler = '_attr_%s_from_primitive' % attribute
if hasattr(self, handler):
return getattr(self, handler)(value)
return value
def obj_from_primitive(cls, primitive, context=None):
"""Simple base-case hydration.
This calls self._attr_from_primitive() for each item in fields.
if primitive['sm_api_object.namespace'] != 'sm_api':
# NOTE(danms): We don't do anything with this now, but it's
# there for "the future"
raise exception.UnsupportedObjectError(
objtype='%s.%s' % (primitive['sm_api_object.namespace'],
objname = primitive['sm_api_object.name']
objver = primitive['sm_api_object.version']
objdata = primitive['sm_api_object.data']
objclass = cls.obj_class_from_name(objname, objver)
self = objclass()
self._context = context
for name in self.fields:
if name in objdata:
setattr(self, name,
self._attr_from_primitive(name, objdata[name]))
changes = primitive.get('sm_api_object.changes', [])
self._changed_fields = set([x for x in changes if x in self.fields])
return self
_attr_created_at_to_primitive = obj_utils.dt_serializer('created_at')
_attr_updated_at_to_primitive = obj_utils.dt_serializer('updated_at')
def _attr_to_primitive(self, attribute):
"""Attribute serialization dispatcher.
This calls self._attr_foo_to_primitive() for an attribute foo,
if it exists, otherwise it assumes the attribute itself is
primitive-enough to be sent over the RPC wire.
handler = '_attr_%s_to_primitive' % attribute
if hasattr(self, handler):
return getattr(self, handler)()
return getattr(self, attribute)
def obj_to_primitive(self):
"""Simple base-case dehydration.
This calls self._attr_to_primitive() for each item in fields.
primitive = dict()
for name in self.fields:
if hasattr(self, get_attrname(name)):
primitive[name] = self._attr_to_primitive(name)
obj = {'sm_api_object.name': self.obj_name(),
'sm_api_object.namespace': 'sm_api',
'sm_api_object.version': self.version,
'sm_api_object.data': primitive}
if self.obj_what_changed():
obj['sm_api_object.changes'] = list(self.obj_what_changed())
return obj
def obj_load_attr(self, attrname):
"""Load an additional attribute from the real object.
This should use self._conductor, and cache any data that might
be useful for future load operations.
raise NotImplementedError(
_("Cannot load '%(attrname)s' in the base class") %
{'attrname': attrname})
def save(self, context):
"""Save the changed fields back to the store.
This is optional for subclasses, but is presented here in the base
class for consistency among those that do.
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot save anything in the base class')
def obj_what_changed(self):
"""Returns a set of fields that have been modified."""
return self._changed_fields
def obj_reset_changes(self, fields=None):
"""Reset the list of fields that have been changed.
Note that this is NOT "revert to previous values"
if fields:
self._changed_fields -= set(fields)
# dictish syntactic sugar
def iteritems(self):
"""For backwards-compatibility with dict-based objects.
NOTE(danms): May be removed in the future.
for name in self.fields.keys() + self.obj_extra_fields:
if (hasattr(self, get_attrname(name)) or
name in self.obj_extra_fields):
yield name, getattr(self, name)
def items(self):
return list(self.items())
def __getitem__(self, name):
"""For backwards-compatibility with dict-based objects.
NOTE(danms): May be removed in the future.
return getattr(self, name)
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
"""For backwards-compatibility with dict-based objects.
NOTE(danms): May be removed in the future.
setattr(self, name, value)
def __contains__(self, name):
"""For backwards-compatibility with dict-based objects.
NOTE(danms): May be removed in the future.
return hasattr(self, get_attrname(name))
def get(self, key, value=None):
"""For backwards-compatibility with dict-based objects.
NOTE(danms): May be removed in the future.
return self[key]
def update(self, updates):
"""For backwards-compatibility with dict-base objects.
NOTE(danms): May be removed in the future.
for key, value in updates.items():
self[key] = value
def as_dict(self):
return dict((k, getattr(self, k))
for k in self.fields
if hasattr(self, k))
def get_defaults(cls):
"""Return a dict of its fields with their default value."""
return dict((k, v(None))
for k, v in cls.fields.items()
if k != "id" and callable(v))
class ObjectListBase(object):
"""Mixin class for lists of objects.
This mixin class can be added as a base class for an object that
is implementing a list of objects. It adds a single field of 'objects',
which is the list store, and behaves like a list itself. It supports
serialization of the list of objects automatically.
fields = {
'objects': list,
def __iter__(self):
"""List iterator interface."""
return iter(self.objects)
def __len__(self):
"""List length."""
return len(self.objects)
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""List index access."""
if isinstance(index, slice):
new_obj = self.__class__()
new_obj.objects = self.objects[index]
# NOTE(danms): We must be mixed in with an Sm_apiObject!
new_obj._context = self._context
return new_obj
return self.objects[index]
def __contains__(self, value):
"""List membership test."""
return value in self.objects
def count(self, value):
"""List count of value occurrences."""
return self.objects.count(value)
def index(self, value):
"""List index of value."""
return self.objects.index(value)
def _attr_objects_to_primitive(self):
"""Serialization of object list."""
return [x.obj_to_primitive() for x in self.objects]
def _attr_objects_from_primitive(self, value):
"""Deserialization of object list."""
objects = []
for entity in value:
obj = Sm_apiObject.obj_from_primitive(entity,
return objects
class Sm_apiObjectSerializer(rpc_serializer.Serializer):
"""A Sm_apiObject-aware Serializer.
This implements the Oslo Serializer interface and provides the
ability to serialize and deserialize Sm_apiObject entities. Any service
that needs to accept or return Sm_apiObjects as arguments or result values
should pass this to its RpcProxy and RpcDispatcher objects.
def _process_iterable(self, context, action_fn, values):
"""Process an iterable, taking an action on each value.
:param:context: Request context
:param:action_fn: Action to take on each item in values
:param:values: Iterable container of things to take action on
:returns: A new container of the same type (except set) with
items from values having had action applied.
iterable = values.__class__
if iterable == set:
# NOTE(danms): A set can't have an unhashable value inside, such as
# a dict. Convert sets to tuples, which is fine, since we can't
# send them over RPC anyway.
iterable = tuple
return iterable([action_fn(context, value) for value in values])
def serialize_entity(self, context, entity):
if isinstance(entity, (tuple, list, set)):
entity = self._process_iterable(context, self.serialize_entity,
elif (hasattr(entity, 'obj_to_primitive') and
entity = entity.obj_to_primitive()
return entity
def deserialize_entity(self, context, entity):
if isinstance(entity, dict) and 'sm_api_object.name' in entity:
entity = Sm_apiObject.obj_from_primitive(entity, context=context)
elif isinstance(entity, (tuple, list, set)):
entity = self._process_iterable(context, self.deserialize_entity,
return entity
def obj_to_primitive(obj):
"""Recursively turn an object into a python primitive.
An Sm_apiObject becomes a dict, and anything that implements ObjectListBase
becomes a list.
if isinstance(obj, ObjectListBase):
return [obj_to_primitive(x) for x in obj]
elif isinstance(obj, Sm_apiObject):
result = {}
for key, value in obj.items():
result[key] = obj_to_primitive(value)
return result
return obj